
Clean Slate

Gu Xingyun frowned. "Yong, are you saying you have all six spirit bones?"

Ming Yong nodded. "That's right."

"B- but how? I don't remember you getting the sixth? What is it?"

Softly, the young man with light brown hair replied, "A century millennium White Wolf Emperor left leg bone."

The blonde haired young man's eyes widened. "A century millennium spirit bone? How did you manage to acquire that?"

Ru Shenqi's heart tugged with pain. But she knew this outcome was for the best.

Ming Yong simply shook his head, refusing to answer. He sighed sadly, knowing the price their youngest had had to pay.

Gu Xingyun's eyebrows furrowed. "What's going on? You all are acting really weirdly today."

None of the other Tyrants wanted to run the risk of jotting his memory by accident, even though Tang San had assured them the Five Flavors Soup of Oblivion left no chance of that. They all wrung their hands nervously. Finally, Bai Shanxin stepped forward.

"We're just tired after searching the Continent for Yong's spirit rings. But he's now onto the Seventh Trial. He needs to find the Gilded Strings."

"What are those?"

"Magical wisps that fell from the Douluo Divine Realm. They're supposedly somewhere on Douluo Continent. The sooner we can find them, the sooner Yong can move on to the next Trial."

Gu Xingyun nodded. "Alright. Do we have any idea where they are?"

While six of the Tyrants were making plans, Ru Shenqi used her second spirit skill to disguise herself and slip away. Xingyun, this is one of the last things I can do for you. I'll give you this opportunity and what happens afterwards all depends on you.

She left the joint camp completely and made for the fortress on the hill. A statue of a six-winged angel rose from the top of the building. She swallowed hard and snuck inside. Making her way over to the main hall, she also took mental notes of the soldiers and any supplies she came across. When she was just outside of the double doors, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Raising her fist, she knocked three times.

"Who is it?" a domineering feminine voice rang out.

"Xiao Nuhuang."

Inside, Hu Liena's eyes narrowed. What does Tang San have planned this time? "Come in."

Ru Shenqi entered and walked towards the throne on the dais. She stopped just at the base but didn't bow or salute. Her gaze lifted to see the woman in gold and white sitting on the throne. The memory of her graduation from Vast Sea City Primary Academy flashed through her mind.

"What do you want? You're lucky I haven't killed you yet."

"If I can kill the Platinum Generation and Head Flamen Qian Renxue, then surely it can't be that hard to exterminate the Golden Generation."


Tilting her head, her lilting voice resonated, "Surely you know by now that my name is not Xiao Nuhuang? But that I'm the daughter of Ru Zuanshi, Ru Shenqi."

The Supreme Pontiff scowled. "Yes. I am aware. What does Tang San have up his sleeve that he sent you here?"

"I came here of my own accord. The Shrek Seven Tyrants..." Ru Shenqi sighed sadly. "Are seven no more. To save someone, I cannot be around. If you let me stay here, unharmed, then I- I'll help you launch an attack on the Star Lou and Heaven Dou armies."

Disbelief and doubt flashed across Hu Liena's face. "How can I be sure you won't sabotage anything?"

"No matter what, I got my third spirit ring and the Death God Domain thanks to you. I still see you as a mentor. If you cannot believe me after this, then... if you want me to prove my sincerity, I- I'll join Spirit Empire."

Ru Shenqi kept her gaze level, despite wanting to rip it far away. The gears turned in the fox's head. After some moments of silence, Hu Liena made her choice.

"You can stay, but only if you pledge yourself to Spirit Empire and become my disciple. You must renounce your past allegiances and accept the position of Holy Maiden."

The young woman nearly shook. She took a deep breath and bowed her head, falling to her knees. As she kowtowed three times, a single tear slid down her cheek, and she acknowledged, "Laoshi."


Back in the joint camp, Tang San and Xiao Wu approached the Shrek Six Tyrants.

"Xingyun, how are you feeling? You were unconscious for a while."

"Much better."

Xiao Wu looked around for her disciple. Not seeing the Little God, worry flashed in her eyes. Ge.


Where's Xiao Shen?

He looked around and didn't see her either. "Shanxin, where did your other friend go?"

Bai Shanxin, Shu Jiaxiang, Liao Suyin, Fang Youyou, and Ming Yong frowned and turned. But they didn't catch a glimpse of her.

"Who are you looking for?" Gu Xingyun wondered.

Ming Yong quickly explained, "After you fell unconscious in Heaven Dou City, a young friend came to help us. Her name is Ru Shenqi, and she's an Ocean spirit master. But she seems to have disappeared now."

"Oh. Do you want help finding her?"

Just then, Flender came running over, greatly panicked, with Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong right behind. "XIAO SAN!"

Tang San whirled. "Dean, what is it?"

"Look at Liuying Fortress!"

The Shrek Six Tyrants and the two Gods turned. They saw two figures standing on a balcony, jutting out from high up the fortress. They were none other than Hu Liena and Yan. Knowing something was wrong upon seeing the familiar, nine-tipped, purple-gold, Supreme Pontiff Crown on her head and the more than two meter long Supreme Pontiff Staff bejeweled with precious stones in her hand, Tang San dashed forward. The others followed on his heels. When they got closer to be able to see better, the other Devils joined them. Oscar handed out his Swift Flight Mushroom Sausage, and the ones who couldn't fly on their own lifted into the air with the rest.

Hu Liena looked out over her troops and beyond to the joint camp. Her voice echoed far and loud, "Everyone! Today is a joyous occasion. Today we welcome an estranged family member back. Today, the child of one of our Elders has returned to her roots and her home!"

She and Yan parted ways, and a third figure stepped forward. Raising her head, the young woman's deep blue eyes fell on those from Shrek. Her silver-highlighted sea foam white hair blew gently in the breeze. The gold leaf earcuff that Hu Liena usually wore now stuck out from the right side of her head. She was dressed in a exquisite red, gold-gilt lined, floor-length dress with three-quarter sleeves. In her hand was the Golden Scepter of Haishen Island.

Other Elders and disciples of Spirit Empire gasped in shock. The Golden Iron Triangle, Shrek Seven Devils, Fang Youyou, Shu Jiaxiang, Liao Suyin, Ming Yong, and Bai Shanxin couldn't believe what they were seeing. Gu Xingyun frowned in confusion.

Yan turned towards the young woman and bowed before announcing, "Welcome home, Holy Maiden Ru Shenqi!"

Holy Maiden Ru Shenqi.

These words echoed in the ears of everyone from the Star Luo and Heaven Dou armies. Huo Wu screeched "TRAITOR!" as Feng Xiaotian held her back.

Ming Yong shook his head. "I don't believe it. Xiao Shen would never... her grievances with Spirit Empire are too much. Hu Liena must've forced her to do this."

"Holy Maiden," Shu Jiaxiang breathed. "What is Hu Liena up to?"

"Who does Spirit Empire think they are to kidnap Xiao Shen and force her to side with them?" Fang Youyou seethed.

"Ge, what's going on?"

Tang San shook his head. "I don't know. There's no way anyone from Spirit Empire could've stolen Xiao Shen away without any of us noticing."

Lu Erlong gasped. "Xiao San, you're not saying..."

"Xiao Shen must've gone to Hu Liena on her own decision."

Looking out over everyone, Ru Shenqi raised her chin pridefully and proclaimed, "Wuhun Diguo... bisheng.Spirit Empire will win.

Upon hearing her words, the members of Spirit Empire cheered and repeated her chant.

Despair struck in the hearts of five Tyrants. Tang San hung his head and sighed once more. Xiao Wu choked back a sob. The Golden Iron Triangle and other Shrek Devils looked between one another.

Gu Xingyun turned to look at Ming Yong. "Didn't you say a companion named Ru Shenqi helped us out? Is she the same one as the person standing up there?"

His friend nodded slowly. "Yes."

"She must've used us then. Waited for the right time to reunite with those from Spirit Empire," Gu Xingyun growled. "Despicable."

Liao Suyin couldn't help but defend her. "You don't know her! Maybe, maybe Ru Shenqi isn't as bad as she seems."

"Suyin, are you blind? Look! She's become Spirit Empire's Holy Maiden!"

Not able to bear hearing anything more, Ru Shenqi turned and headed back inside the fortress. Hu Liena and Yan followed her. The soldiers of Spirit Empire went back to their training, and the new Flamens and remaining Elders were summoned to the main hall. Tang San and the others returned to camp to come up with a counter battle plan.

Inside the main hall of Liuying Fortress' main hall, Hu Liena sat on the throne. Yan stood off to her right side while Ru Shenqi flanked her left. All the Flamens and Elders bowed respectfully.

"Your Majesty."

"The Holy Maiden has agreed to help strategize an attack on those from the two Empires. Having been with them for a long time now, she knows their skills and habits well. We'll take her lead on this one," Hu Liena said.

"Hasn't she been with Tang Sect and is an alumni of Shrek Academy? How can we trust her? Your Majesty, please don't be fooled!" the new Fourth Flamen, Arcana Douluo, cried.

The Supreme Pontiff's eyes narrowed. "Xiang Yuezu(1), I once mentored Ru Shenqi myself. She is a Death God because of me. If you don't trust my disciple, then that means you don't trust my judgement."

Xiang Yuezu dropped to her knees. "Your Majesty, I wouldn't dare!"

"Then do you have any other concerns?"

"I don't."

"Anyone else?"

None of the other Flamens or Elders spoke up. Satisfied, Hu Liena turned her head towards Ru Shenqi. "Let's begin."

"Yes, Laoshi."

Knowing she had to tread this line very carefully, Ru Shenqi revealed what she could and what wasn't crucial knowledge. As such, a plan began to formulate. Halfway through, she suggested, "Let's show them the power of a Titled Douluo level Charm Genie."

"Xie Yue is back in Spirit City under house arrest for his failure."

"Laoshi, I'm back now. Please, since you decided to forgive me, why don't you spare your brother? He is your only blood family left after all. Plus, we need him to complete this plan."

Hu Liena sighed. "Very well. Yan, send a summons."

"Yes, Nana."

He quickly left the main hall. After he had left, the finishing touches were put to the plan. Finally, Hu Liena dismissed the Flamens and Elders.

"Ru Shenqi."

"Yes, Laoshi."

"Why didn't you bring up your God powers?"

"A while ago, something happened. I risked my life to save someone. As such, I lost the ability to use my God powers or Divine God Rings for a month. I still have two weeks left, so unless we wait two weeks for my powers to return, I won't be able to use them in battle just yet."

"What happened?"

Ru Shenqi hung her head. "The other Tyrants and I were in Icebound Forest. One of us seven was killed. I forced the acquisition of a third Divine God Ring, hoping for a miracle. The consequence of my third divine skill is that I cannot use my divine powers for a month."

"You have three Divine God Rings?!"

With a nod, she summoned her spirit. Eight red rings descended and three greyed out ones followed. "At just twenty-one years old, I am a one hundred and sixth ranked Third Class God."

"You are just as strong as Tang San was back then when we fought at Jialing Pass. Why did you really come to me then?"

Pain and sadness flickered in the young woman's eyes. "Because I cannot be with the one I like."

Hu Liena immediately thought of Tang San/Tang Yin. She clamped her eyes shut for a moment and took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. When she opened her eyes, she spoke coolly.


And so, Ru Shenqi did. When she finished, Hu Liena frowned.

"The Rakshasa God wishes to return?"

Believing that the Rakshasa God had been the main cause leading up to her teacher's demise, Hu Liena had old grievances against that First Class God. Even she didn't wish to see that freaky necromantic power return to the Continent. The dead was gone and should not be resurrected.

Ru Shenqi nodded. "Yes. As such, Sect- er, Tang San decided the best outcome would be to erase Xingyun's memories. Because I'm the one he loved, if I'm around too much, he might remember. Then, his jealousy will return... bringing the Rakshasa God with it."

"So you chose to pledge allegiance to Spirit Empire to prevent the resurrection of the Rakshasa God?"

"Not only that but to also give Xingyun a clean slate."


Back at the camp, the Shrek Five Tyrants met while Tang San spoke with Gu Xingyun. Bai Shanxin bit her lip. Shu Jiaxiang hung her head. Liao Suyin wrung her hands. Fang Youyou swallowed hard. Ming Yong rubbed his temples.

"Why did Xiao Shen go to Hu Liena?" Liao Suyin murmured. "She didn't even meet Xingyun."

"I don't think she wanted to," Ming Yong replied.

Bai Shanxin asked, "What do you mean?"

Fang Youyou caught on. "Think about it. What would have happened if they had met? And if they're in close proximity, what will blossom?"

"Love," Shu Jiaxiang breathed. "She left so Xingyun won't fall in love with her again."

Ming Yong nodded. "That's right. She left so Xingyun will focus on the war."

"But wait..." Liao Suyin began. "Why Spirit Empire? Why not just return to Haishen Island?"

Bai Shanxin replied, "Because she is still a major player in this war. If she returns to Haishen Island, she's running away. And we'll lose a God. Yet, even I can't figure out why she chose Spirit Empire for her destination."

"Because... to ensure Xingyun doesn't fall in love with her again, Xiao Shen needs to make him hate her or want to kill her," Xiao Wu explained as she entered the tent suddenly. "And the best chance for that possibility to play out is her becoming the Holy Maiden of Spirit Empire, someone hated by all from both Empires."

"Senior Xiao Wu, would Xiao Shen actually fight us?" Fang Youyou wondered. He looked between his friends and added, "None of us want to fight Xiao Shen. Not just because she's a Third Class God who we can't even touch, but also because she's still our friend and our Captain. How could we bear to hurt her?"

Bai Shanxin tagged on, "Especially since we all saw her risk her life to bring Yong back from the dead. We know she's willing to do anything for us. We can't bear to hurt her or see Xingyun hurt her."

"If Xiao Shen is smart enough, she'll manipulate those from Spirit Empire into a fight without getting into it herself. That's the only way she can keep herself safe and prevent you from fighting each other."

Determination set in Ming Yong's eyes. "Senior Xiao Wu, what if we left?"

"What do you mean?"

"I still have my Seventh Trial: Retrieve the Gilded Strings to complete. If we leave the camp, even if Xiao Shen fights, we won't be pitting Tyrant against Tyrant. Plus, Xiao Shen still can't use her God powers or divine skills. Which means, you Seniors can restrict her without truly hurting her."

Xiao Wu thought it over and nodded slowly. "I think this is a good idea. I'll go speak with Ge about it."

She left the tent. An uneasiness fell over the five inside.

"I remember when Dean Flender, Vice-Dean Zhao, Yong, Youyou, and I first met Xiao Shen. She was in the middle of absorbing her fourth decade millennium year spirit ring. None of us thought she would survive. And yet, Xiao Shen did the impossible. She has always done the impossible. But can she get herself out of this situation alive? She's in the den of her greatest enemies, the ones responsible for her parents' deaths. Wh- what if they kill her?" Liao Suyin broke down sobbing.

Ming Yong rested a hand on her shoulder. "We have to hope that she has calculated her moves this time. It's quite possible that the result of this war will depend solely on Xiao Shen."


1. 向月珇 - given name meaning "Moon Carving on Jade"

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