
Moonlight Crane Torso Bone

When the Shrek Seven Tyrants and those from Clear Sky Clan arrived at the Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, Ru Shenqi stopped. The others frowned in confusion.

"Xiao Shen, what is it?" Bai Shanxin asked. "Is there someone here?"

"Not from what I can tell. I just don't want to take any chances. Who knows who or what may be lying in wait."

They nodded in agreement. Following her slowly, the group made its way towards the Imperial Archive. Upon their arrival, a line of over twenty Heaven Dou Imperial Soldiers ran up and blocked their way. The Shrek Seven Tyrants scoffed. Ru Shenqi stepped forward and held out the Heaven Dou Imperial Command Token. Their eyes widened in shock.

"His Majesty has allowed us to take the late Emperor's torso spirit bone. Please, let us in."

With the command token in her hand as proof, the soldiers couldn't argue at all. They parted, and she turned around.

"Sect Leader Tang, please help us keep guard out here. Us Shrek Seven Tyrants can retrieve the spirit bone. We'll come out once Yong finishes absorbing it."

"Very well," Tang Xiao said as he clasped his hands behind his back. "The Clear Sky Clan won't let anything happen."

With his promise, the seven friends entered the Imperial Archive. They immediately split up and wandered the rows of relics. Connected by Gu Xingyun's skull bone, they conversed with each other.

"Not here."

"It's not in this row either."

"I haven't found it."

"Me either."

"These three rows are just full of books!"

"It must be here. His Majesty said to go to the Imperial Archive."

"But where is it? This place is massive!"

No matter where they looked, none of them could find the torso bone. They met back up at the entrance after six long hours, shaking their heads and shrugging. Ru Shenqi frowned.

Is there really a spirit bone here?

"Xiao Shen," Fang Youyou began. "We've scoured the entire archive but still haven't found any spirit bone."

"It must be here. His Majesty wouldn't lie."

"Then, where is it?" Shu Jiaxiang doubted.

"What if... it's hidden away somewhere out of immediate sight? Remember, this is a spirit bone we're talking about. The most prized treasure for a spirit master that others will kill for," Ming Yong said. "It probably won't be taken away so easily."

The others had to agree that he was right. They looked around for anything that seemed out of place. After searching for another hour, Gu Xingyun finally noticed something amiss. Using his skull bone, he called out to the Tyrants.

"Hey, guys! Over this way!"

Ru Shenqi teleported to his side, and Fang Youyou, Bai Shanxin, Liao Suyin, Ming Yong, and Shu Jiaxiang ran over. They joined him at staring at a barren wall. Liao Suyin raised an eyebrow.

"What are we supposed to be seeing?"

"This wall doesn't have any decorations on it. It's completely bare. Isn't that suspicious when this is the Imperial Archive?"

"You're right," Ru Shenqi breathed. "It is odd."

Her Clear Crystal Eyes flashed, and she noticed something. "Xingyun, that stone there. See how it's not uniform with the ones around it? It's set a little further back."

He saw it took and stepped forward. Reaching out, he pressed his hand against that stone. It suddenly lit up like the crystal that assessed one's spirit power. Shortly after, a voice boomed in the Imperial Archive.

"Why does a Titled Douluo seek the Diamond Room?"

Gu Xingyun was about to respond when his beloved grabbed his arm. Turning his head, he watched her shake her head and press a finger to her lips. He nodded and remained quiet.

Ru Shenqi replied, "We seek a treasured item. I wonder of Elder could be of any assistance?"

"What is the item that you seek?"

"The torso spirit bone of the late Emperor, Xue Ye."

All of a sudden, the lights in the archive flashed from a bright white to a malicious red. The voice growled, "You dare? You dare to steal an Imperial treasure? Then, this place will become your grave!"

Ru Shenqi was at a loss. She had no spirit power and couldn't stop the doors from locking. The whole archive entered into a lockdown mode. Within a few seconds, she realized that the air in the room was seeping out, thinning. She and her friends clutched at their heads.

She gasped out, "His Majesty, Emperor Xue Beng, has given us permission to take it. I have his Imperial Command Token!"

She held it up, and it began to glow. But, there seemed to be no response. Until suddenly, the lights switched back. The doors unlocked, and air rushed back into the room.

"Since you have the Emperor's Command Token, you may enter the Diamond Room. But... only the person who holds the token may enter."

Ru Shenqi turned towards Ming Yong. "Here. You're the one who needs the spirit bone. Just, be careful."

He took it from her and nodded. "Don't worry. I'll surely succeed."

Ming Yong faced the bare wall. A portion of the wall caved in and moved, revealing the Diamond Room. He took a deep breath and walked inside. The door closed after him, and panic suddenly gripped the youngest of the Shrek Seven Tyrants.

Did I just send Yong to his death? There's no way. Surely, the God of Music would save him? The Sea God and Asura God both saved Sect Leader at times. If something happens, will the God of Music step up?

After four hours of pacing back and forth, the doors to the Diamond Room finally opened. Ming Yong emerged and nodded to his friends.

"I got it. I've absorbed the ninety thousand year Moonlight Crane Torso Bone."

Ru Shenqi and the others gave sighs of relief. "That's good."

"What does it do?" Fang Youyou wondered.

"Moonlight Crane torso bone skill, Moonlight Blinding Gaze!"

A ray of white light shot from his chest. Fang Youyou yelped and ducked to avoid the strike. The others gaped in shock. Ming Yong chuckled. Ru Shenqi nodded in satisfaction.

"Good, that's a good skill."

"Now what, Xiao Shen?"

"You just need a left leg bone now. And Senior Ning Rongrong has given us money. The Heaven Dou Auction is out best hope for a spirit bone now."

"Heaven Dou Auction?!" the others cried.

She nodded. "Come on, we don't have time to spare."

The seven left the Imperial Archive and met back up with Tang Xiao and the seven Elders of the Clear Sky Clan. He bowed respectfully.

"Have you youngsters got what you came for?"

They beamed. Ru Shenqi requested politely, "Sect Leader Tang, we need to go to the Heaven Dou Auction House. Are you willing to help us?"

"Of course. Come, we'll show you there."

The group walked away from Heaven Dou Imperial Palace and off to the west side of the capital city. Soon, a tall and rotund building loomed up towards the sky. This was none other than the Heaven Dou Auction House. After seeing it for the first time, the youths breathed in amazement.

"Xiao Shen, do you really think there'll be a suitable spirit bone here for me?" Ming Yong asked.

"Senior Ning Rongrong's skull bone was stolen from here by a bad man. Sect Leader killed him and obtained the Fantasy Wisdom skull bone, later gifting it to Senior Ning Rongrong after winning their Advanced Spirit Master Grand Competition," she explained.


"So yes, I hope there is a chance."

Otherwise, I will remove my White Wolf Emperor left leg bone. Since it provides a speed bonus, it's also suitable for Yong.

The seven turned towards Tang Xiao and the seven Elders, bowing in thanks. "Elders, we'll go from here. Thank you for the escort."

Tang Xiao nodded. "When you exit, be careful on your way out of Heaven Dou City. We'll keep an eye on you all, but you must be alert also."

"Many thanks to Sect Leader Tang and the Clear Sky Clan Elders."

Then, they turned, and Ru Shenqi led them into the auction house. An attendant quickly appeared and smiled.

"Welcome to the Heaven Dou City Auction House. Are you looking to sell or buy?"


"Of course. Follow me this way please."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants were all well dressed, and so the attendant assumed they had money. She led them over to the balcony of the main auction stage. With an open spot found, she directed them to it.

"Thank you for attending today's auction. Please enjoy."

She disappeared just as quickly as she had come. Ru Shenqi approached the balcony railing. The other six came up beside her.

"Xiao Shen, do you have money?" Bai Shanxin whispered doubtfully.

"Why would I come here if I didn't?"

"Ehh?" the others cried. "Who gave you money?!"

"Senior Ning Rongrong. I said that before, remember?"

Her friends sighed. "Hell's Little Empress, indeed."

She chuckled and glanced at the stage. Soon, the auctioneer emerged on the stage and quieted the audience.

"Everyone! Today is a very special day! Let's begin!"

Two hours passed, but no spirit bone was auctioned. Finally, the auctioneer said, "The last item for today is very, very rare. Bring him out!"

Soon, a large contraption was wheeled out onto the stage. A blanket covered it, so no one could tell what it was. But, Ru Shenqi activated her Clear Crystal Eyes. After a second, she gasped in shock.

"Xiao Shen, what is it?" Fang Youyou wondered.

She swallowed hard and said, "It's a spirit beast in human form."

"What?! A century millennium spirit beast?!" Gu Xingyun, Ming Yong, Liao Suyin, Bai Shanxin, Shu Jiaxiang, and Fang Youyou gasped quietly.

Ru Shenqi nodded slowly. "It should be a Blood Eyed Golden Leopard spirit beast."

Inside the cage, the spirit beast heard everything. How can that spirit master tell who I am?

The auctioneer waved his hand and finally revealed the young man in the cage. Gasps went up throughout the crowd. Seven heads lowered in pity.

"Xiao Shen," Shu Jiaxiang murmured. "This is too cruel."

"Everyone in Tang Sect knows that Senior Xiao Wu is a century millennium spirit beast. Same with Senior Tang San's mother. Then, there's also Haishen Island's guardian, Xiao Bai. And Xiao Shen, you're descended from a century millennium spirit beast." Bai Shanxin sighed, "If it was any one of them in that cage..."

The Shrek Seven Tyrants all had the same thought. And so, Ru Shenqi's decision was made.

"Everyone, look closely! This is a century millennium Blood Eyed Golden Leopard in human form! Since his spirit ring is of top rank, the bidding will start at one hundred thousand gold spirit coins."

Hesitance wavered in the crowd. Finally, someone called out, "One hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Two hundred thousand!"

"Two hundred fifty thousand!"

"Four hundred thousand!"

Ru Shenqi and the other Shrek Tyrants' heads whipped to see the Platinum Bishop of Heaven Dou City's Saint Spirit Hall smirking. Salas. Fury blazed in all of their eyes.

Suddenly, Ming Yong asked, "Xiao Shen, how much money did Senior Ning Rongrong give you?"

"I have the card of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Clan. I can pay any amount, but I also don't wish to bankrupt the clan."

"Then, let's wait and see how high Salas raises the bid," Gu Xingyun suggested. "We can bid at the very end."

The others nodded in agreement. After watching a few brave souls try to outbid Salas, finally the Platinum Bishop had raised it to eight hundred thousand gold spirit coins. Ru Shenqi's hands clenched into fists.

"Eight hundred thousand, going once! Going twice! Sol-"

"One million, five hundred thousand gold spirit coins!" Ru Shenqi called out.

People gasped and turned to look at her. Salas growled.

"Two million gold spirit coins!"

Taking a deep breath, she silently apologized to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Clan. "FIVE MILLION GOLD SPIRIT COINS!!!"

Cries of alarm rose up from the crowd. Her friends gaped at her with hanging jaws. Salas' face turned ugly, but then he waved his surrender.

"This is unbelievable!" the auctioneer proclaimed. "Five million gold spirit coins going once! Going twice! SOLD! Young lady in the red and silver, please come to the side room to claim your item!"

Without a word, Ru Shenqi turned and began to walk away. The other six followed after her. The spirit beast was wheeled off stage, and the auctioneer began to close down the auction for the day. An attendant led them over to the designated room, and they waited inside.

A few minutes later, the spirit beast was wheeled in, still in his cage. The auctioneer smiled. "Young lady, thank you for supporting our auction."

She pointed to Shu Jiaxiang and blatantly lied, "My friend here is at the ninetieth rank. This leopard will suit her. Please, leave us."

"O- of course, of course."

Once the auctioneer and the attendant were gone, Ru Shenqi walked over and locked the door. The Golden Scepter appeared in her hand, and she activated the Power of Haishen Hall to create a protective shield around the room. She turned to look at the Blood Eyed Golden Leopard.

"Xingyun, I need your shield."

"Sixth spirit skill, Heavenly Lion Pride!"

He shielded everyone in the room, including the spirit beast. Ru Shenqi simply pointed her Scepter at the cage, and it exploded. Under Gu Xingyun's protection, no one was hurt. The spirit beast stared at them in shock.

"T- Titled Douluos?"

She kept a calm expression and asked, "You seem to be twenty-three in human years. Have you cultivated like a human?"

He nodded slowly.

"What rank are you at then?"

"Why should I tell you?" he snapped.

She held out her hand and sensed it for herself. "You're a seventy sixth ranked Spirit Saint. That's not too bad for your own effort."

His eyes narrowed. She could tell that his resentment was growing. A black spirit ring lit up around him.

"Fourth spirit skill, Blood Eyed Craze!"

But against her top-notch Eyes spirit, his rage attack didn't work at all. She tilted her head and smiled. "I have the Clear Crystal Eyes body spirit. Your spirit skills won't affect me at all."

Shock splashed across his face. At that moment, he seemed to realize he wasn't trapped anymore. So, he lunged at her. Her friends cried out in alarm, but she held up a hand to stop them.

Although I can't use my God powers, it doesn't mean my divinity is gone.

She released her Divine Aura which prevented the Blood Eyed Golden Leopard from landing his attack and said, "You must have a name, either one from when you were a spirit beast or one you chose when you transformed into human form."

"You don't deserve to know it."

Sighing, she finally revealed, "We're not here to kill you. We bought you your freedom. Surely you know better than us that once a spirit beast passes level sixty, they become fully human. So your capture may have been accidental. But if you leave Heaven Dou City and blend in in a different city, then you might not be hunted anymore."

"How do you know all of this?"

"Our Senior is a century millennium Soft Boned Rabbit who's managed to live amongst humans after suffering at the hands of Spirit Empire," Bai Shanxin said. "The other man who wanted you is the Platinum Bishop of the Saint Spirit Hall here in Heaven Dou City. So obviously, we won't let him have you."

Ru Shenqi waved the Golden Scepter away. "Truth be told, my friend here isn't at the ninetieth rank yet. None of us are in need of a spirit ring at the moment."

"I don't believe you're just going to throw away five million gold spirit coins in order to give me my freedom."

"Why not? We have the support of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda Clan. We're not lacking for money."

The spirit beast bit his lip, debating whether to trust these seven youths or not. He glanced up at Ru Shenqi.

"What do you really want from me?"

Good, he's not dumb.

"The only thing beneficial to us right now would be your spirit bone as long as it's a left leg bone."

His eyes narrowed. "So you do want to kill me."

She shook her head. "Not at all. But if you're willing to give up your spirit bone... then, we can make a deal."

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