
Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Hiccup Pov:

It is our first day at sea and Snoutlout is already seasick. Since I didn't give a full rundown of the ship I will. On the top near the back we have the captain quarters, Mine and Astrid's.

Above that we have the wheel and the back of the ship, along with some supplies. The front of the ship has a canvas that can be draped over the top for parties with tables and chairs below. Going down below using the stairs beneath the stairs we have the lower deck.

At the back we have storage and at the front there is a kitchen and food storage for the parties above. Going back, we have a bunch of bedrooms and guestrooms. And finally at the back three storage rooms including the back. By the kitchen is also the anchor room.

It takes us a couple of days to get back to berk. When we are within sight we look and see that it has been taken over. That is not good at all and we cannot get near without being attacked because they are Romans.

We decide to take it around to the hidden beach where Thorfinn lived. When we get around, I see that no one is there thankfully. We go in and Dock the boat tying it off.

As everyone else watches the ship and Ruff watches Zephyr, me and Astrid go down the tunnel to the cove to get closer to the village. When we get through we make sure the hideout is not found and go through the emergency exit. We left Zephyr with Ruff.

Random Roman Soldier:

I was patrolling the woods when I heard voices nearby. I walk towards them and find a little cove; I look around and see 2 Vikings talking. "What are we going to do, the village is overrun with romans. How are we going to get it!" "Well we could always do that but I do not want them to know we are here so we could go in at night." they say.

"Or I could bring you in now." I say as I draw my bow pointing it at them. My comrade goes down and cuffs them and then we go to the village but not before the man lets out a Bloodcurdling Roar.

Hiccup Pov:

Since we were caught I needed to let the others know so I let out my biggest ROAR I could. It scared the soldiers but they still took us back. When we got back we were thrown in our own cells with 4 people standing guard.

Since we can't talk without them hear I say in Dragonese to Astrid. "I could pick the lock when they are not looking or break it. Then again, we could just break the back wall." "Yeah, but when would we do that, and I guess we would just fly away when we got out Right." Astrid Responds.

"No we would go and grab the supplies and then leave." I say. "What are you two doing?" A new man who walked in said. "Talking, do you have a Problem?" Astrid says.

The new man who seems to be the commander says. "No that is impossible because that sounded like dragons. Now tell me what happened here and where are our prizes of dragons?" From that they were wanting to kill dragons for their resources and military power.

"Should I break out and threaten them after I answer?" I as Astrid who responds saying. "Yeah." "We left because we had no choice due to powers from the east after a friend of ours. As for where the dragons are they are where they should be, Hidden." I say as the man gets angry.

I take this chance to get up and walk to the cell door as the man backs up. I bust the door off the hinges and grab the man and threaten him with my knife earning surprised gasps and angered faces from the men.

"Let us get what we came for and we will leave, or he gets it!" I say when another comes in through the door saying. "I don't care he is only a soldier." Taking this I knock the man out and I am forced back into the cell.

"You are a mystery, Who are you?" he asks and I say. "Plan B ok." "Got it." Astrid responds and goes and busts down the back wall in a single hit earning gasps from the men. We run to the great hall knocking out everyone in our way and grab the shields of the previous leaders we forgot.

After we grab them, we see that we are surrounded when our reinforcements arrive. They start knocking people out and we start shooting plasma blasts keeping the shields safe. When we did that it sure got the men angry, mad, and Surprised.

We manage to get out of the village and to the cove while the army is following us. Astrid ran ahead and opened the bunker. She threw in the shields and closed it while everyone got in as I was keeping the army at bay.

They close the bunker and run off. I meet up with Astrid while we are surrounded when the man in charge says. "You have nowhere to go, SURRENDER NOW and I may let you live."

Now I am angry, so I say. "I am the chief of this tribe, and a Chief protects his own." This earns surprised gasps and me and Astrid turn into dragons making the men angry for not noticing. We fly off and kill the leader with a plasma blast before they can take us down.

We head back to the boat and leave immediately. I am glad that we didn't get killed by them.

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