
Chapter 181

Hermes left just as quietly and unnoticeably as he arrived.

He was given a full explanation of everything he could do with his powers that night before he left. It was pretty simple, but also very powerful.

It didn't seem very dangerous at first. However, Hermes explained that this power could affect zombies, ghosts, possessed spirits, and other dark entities that had made a soul sacrifice.

In other words, Dio gained an unfair advantage over such beings.

He needed some practice to master it just like the ectoplasm manipulation, but he hadn't worked on it as much as he should have.

Therefore, Dio thought the time had finally come for him to dedicate himself. He took advantage of the different times here compared to Earth.

He stopped his adventures in this place until he was absolutely sure he could handle the challenges Persephone would throw at him.

This seems to be the best alternative to his problem because Persephone literally made him fight a Cyclops.

Dio was nowhere near the castle in the center of this place.

So, the best thing he can do to get better is stop his adventure and use this place to improve his power.

In addition, Dio was in the middle of a vacation through Earth, which he was focusing on a lot, and his time here was just a short break from those vacations.

Two days later

Dio was running at his maximum speed when he found several interesting things along the way. These included the city of people who had their memories erased, some strange animals, and various vegetation types.

Finally, Dio left the fields where he was and arrived at a new place between the fields and another zone of the Underworld.

A calm place with almost nothing except for a pair of small hills here and there, no forest, no life, and empty.

A suitable place to train and set up a base, he chose a spot right on top of a hill where a small cave was large enough to accommodate him.

"It seems like I've finally become a main character in a Chinese cultivation story while isolating myself from the world to achieve enlightenment and defeat the young masters."

Dio chuckled at his situation while looking at his new place.

It was a joke.

He knew very well that this wouldn't give him much time for training while enjoying himself as much as he was on vacation.

"Anyway, let's get started."


Four Months Later in the Underworld

The taste of canned food is terrible for his super senses.

However, it was the only thing he could bring to the Underworld without carrying a ridiculous amount of stuff through the portal.

After the small amount of food he brought ran out, the only thing left to do was use canned food.

Of course, Dio could hop over to the city he was in now on Earth and buy something, but all that coming and going was exhausting, so he tried canned food today.

In the end, he threw the remaining contents of the can into the fire in front of him and watched it all burn.

It's been quite a while, and it didn't take long for him to start enjoying the complete silence of this place.

"They're coming."

"In a few days, maybe."

Dui was sitting in front of the cave with the fire lit, and there was a vegetation-less plain far away under the natural light of this realm.

A cloud of dust moves slowly with the steps of the small army of


Dio had noticed them for days, and none of them were really in a hurry to get here.

He didn't know if he was their target or if he was just in their way, but he wouldn't retreat either way.

It wouldn't help to run away if this were another plan the Queen of the Underworld would use to deal with him.

They'll keep moving at their own pace until they eventually reach him.

Dio would fight, and he was pretty excited to try to use what he had learned in his training.

It's been two months in Earth's time, but almost four in the Underworld.

Dio spent most of the time on his vacation, but every two weeks or so, he spent one or two days here working to make up for it.

He hadn't left the cave where he was. He spent all this time studying and creating new spells.

Dio used the drops from the rivers he collected on his journey here to try to create and strengthen the spells he already had.

He also started improving his flight spells.

After he learned to let the souls go, Dio felt it was fair to expose them to the lives he had taken by looking at their memories.

Dio didn't do this before confirming with Black Canary because the idea could have made his psychological state a thousand times worse.

But she made it very clear that he should do it slowly, and she could monitor me better with her help that way.

Seeing the memories, Dio realized what a treasure they were, as there was a ridiculous amount of knowledge in each soul.

It had never been easier to learn so quickly, and he was making terrifying progress in everything he was doing.

The first practical thing he would do with this new knowledge was create a trap for the small army that would attack him in a few days.

There was a part of him that really wanted to charge into them with only my sword, shield, and magic, but he didn't know how strong the skeletons were, and there were too many of them.

A magician had to use their magic intelligently, which is why he set up the trap that was completed days ago.

Then Dio entered the cave again, the place unlit and a bit too damp for any human's liking.

That didn't matter much since he could see better in the dark than in daylight, and it took more than a little chill to make him uncomfortable.

There was a pile of notebooks spread across the other side of the cave, all filled with scribbles and discarded ideas for creating his spells.

Then he made a small bed for himself on the floor.

The place was empty, except for the small pile of jewels and precious metals near a hole on the north side of the cave.

These jewels are his source of income for his vacation because traveling the world is expensive.

Dio laid down on his hard bed and used telekinesis to pull a notebook from the other side of the cave towards him.

He continued his studies while waiting for the day of battle.


"They are certainly slow."

Dio sighed while watching the army approach.

It took almost a week for them to finally get close to the trap set up more than two kilometers away from the mound of earth where the cave was.

After a few minutes, they'll be passing through the trap.

An army of a thousand skeletons marched in a rectangular formation.

That didn't seem like a threat compared to the Cyclops, so he really didn't understand how an army walking so slowly could be an assassination attempt.

"Just a few more meters."

It's been two days, and finally, the skeletons have reached where they should be.

Dio was standing on the hard, dry ground beneath his feet with his sword stuck in the ground and his two hands on its hilt while wearing his almost complete armor without his helmet.

Then, there was an army of white bones armed with swords and spears of good quality in front of him.

The skeletons did not hurry and continued walking at the same pace, even with his presence in front of them, while advancing into the trap.

There is a sign carved into the dry ground right where his sword is stuck.

There were many others like it scattered in a circle that was almost two kilometers across.

It's into this circle that they are slowly entering now.

Luckily, their formation was quite tight, and all one thousand skeletons would be inside the circle when those at the front got a few meters closer to him.

"Just a few more minutes."

Dio muttered to himself and looked at the glowing red eyes of the skeletons.

Finally, they arrived.

The first row of skeletons finally moved.

The front line was armed only with short spears while holding them straight and aiming at his body.

Their pace didn't change, but he was seconds away from being hit by the spears if he didn't trigger the trap.

Then, Dio used his sword to channel his power to the first symbol on the ground, which glows in gray and black.

The symbol glowed more intensely, and a line of the same color was infused with his energy and lit up while reaching the next two symbols.

This continued until all of them were glowing and formed a complete circle around the army.

It worked.

An invisible pulse of energy emanated throughout the circle like a wave of power that could distort the air while covering its entire length.

The skeletons stopped with the tips of their spears inches from his belly.

They're all frozen and motionless.

In fact, they were destroyed because the red in their eyes completely disappeared.

The trap is nothing more than a disperser and intensifier of energy.

The trap itself isn't a big deal.

It simply received his mana and dispersed it while slightly increasing its power throughout the inside of the circle to contain and concentrate it.

Dio had never tested this before but was glad it worked.

It seemed that he could disperse some of the souls that skeletons possess, and that would be a powerful weapon in the future.

"It worked, but it seems I still don't have the power to finish them all at once."

There were skeletons killed by his power, but there were also those who managed to escape his trap and were ready to fight.



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