
Chapter 15 Thor Part 2

Korr finished his godly duties early. In the past year, things had been quiet both on Earth and in his domains, with no significant incidents threatening the peace of the galaxy, Earth, or his own peace, which was the most important.

In this past year, things on Earth were proceeding as planned, with humans subtly being prepared to take charge of galaxy administration and the disaster that would arise after the fall of the goa'uld empire in most of the galaxy.

Korr didn't plan to give up his territory, but he didn't intend to continue acting as a god. From the beginning, he had prepared his Jaffas, freeing them and creating a servant contract instead of slavery. He had also repeatedly told them that he was their emperor, not their god, so they couldn't argue he was a false god in case of a Jaffa rebellion – something Korr needed to happen to strip the remaining goa'uld of their armies and prevent them from arming rebellions or harboring ideas of future conquests.

Korr transported himself and arrived at his computer room because today he would release his enhanced Shaiya game to the market.

The game was four months late because hardware companies hadn't released the new computer models, despite being provided with all the information, detailed plans, and necessary resources two years prior. However, a year and a half later, they announced it was too difficult, and their costs had tripled.

Korr knew costs had been reduced to less than ten percent, as he had guided them through the process without the need for research or functionality tests. This angered him because it meant his games would also be delayed.

The capitalist market was a disappointment; they had trampled on his childhood dreams for more profits. Worse, it had worked, and desperate people didn't wait a day to offer up to twenty times the cost of a computer to secure one from the limited production that major companies announced.

Korr didn't say a word, despite having an agreement with the leaders of the two companies responsible for this greed disaster. He called 04 and told him that in four months, he wanted the African industry to launch computers with specifications twenty percent more powerful than those released by U.S. companies.

Korr didn't care if he had to provide all the resources or use bio-spheres to build factories and companies for parts production. Those companies, out of pure greed, had dealt him the hardest blow since he arrived in this world, and they would pay dearly for it.

When 04 used his lobotomized slaves to announce the new technologies of the African Empire, Korr's creation to protect himself from any misuse by the U.S. government of the technology he put in their hands, U.S. hardware companies allied for maximum profits faced a strong and vigorous social rebuke.

The companies tried to excuse themselves and accused the African Empire of lying, but 04's slaves displayed a prototype of the new computer that was already functional and had the specifications mentioned in the initial statement. Moreover, they claimed they could increase the specifications by an additional five percent, and the market price would be the same as initially declared by U.S. companies for their budget-friendly equipment.

The outcome of the exhibition and the new promises was swift. U.S. hardware companies gave in, and a day later, the government announced it would assist them in meeting the quota and facilitate resource procedures for the new computers to hit the market in no more than a month, with sufficient production to meet demand at the agreed-upon price. Of course, the companies had to pay a high price to the government for politicians to decide it was worthwhile to save face.

Korr wanted to make them pay a higher price for their low blow, but there were millions of people working for these companies, either directly or indirectly, from resource extraction to sales and distribution. He didn't want to disrupt their lives, only to make the plan of extracting extra profits fail and force them to pay billions for the government to intervene and help salvage their reputation.

Korr assumed that the representatives of these companies and their associates would have stomachs as churned as his and nerves on edge, but that didn't satisfy him, as his game continued to be delayed, and four months had passed in anticipation.

Korr had focused on Earth matters, where SG1 continued to live adventures and promote the Tau'ri throughout the galaxy.

Korr had no issues in any of these cases because 00 and 03 took care of everything.

Korr's only problem on Earth was his confrontation with U.S. hardware production companies, which led him to spend several days cursing them for delaying the release date of his game.

For the rest of the year, he spent complicating the lives of these companies, denying them updates, and forcing them to deal with his government, which showed them all its teeth before granting access to the advanced technology they had salvaged through the Stargate from the planet Svori. Needless to say, the U.S. government charged a high price for all this technology.

Now Korr was in his computer room, awaiting the premiere of his game while reading the SGC reports for this month…

An alarm sounded in his head, announcing that Asgard ships were heading straight for Earth.

Korr checked, and his satellite system showed an Asgard ship infected with replicators. Korr shrugged, assuming that Thor had suffered the same fate as in the original story, and his ship had been infected with replicators. Korr would leave this in the hands of SG1 to learn about replicators.

Korr nodded in satisfaction as his propaganda distribution group became famous…

"Damn," thought Korr, interrupting his thoughts. If SG1 destroyed Thor's ship, they would need to escape using the Stargate as in the original story, and it would fall into Russian hands, meaning more work for him. And it was unpaid work because these Russians were just a nuisance to him; he didn't need them for anything.

Korr had already entrusted everything to the United States, and if they became complacent, he had a backup plan that included the entire African continent. He didn't need the Russians, Chinese, French, or English meddling and giving him more work. These guys were like a second NID, hindering the work of others. If he allowed the Russians to get the portal, the others would come crawling like flies.

Korr sent an urgent message to 00 to intervene in this situation and ensure that humans demonstrated their bravery and provided an alternative escape route. This could also serve to reveal the nature of his creations.

Daniel was fleeing from his wife, taking refuge in his work, cursing Jack in his mind. Somehow, Share had managed to extract information from him about the few women Daniel had encountered in his work with the Stargate, motivated by an inappropriate comment Daniel made that revealed a woman had kissed him.

Since that day, his life had been tough, and Share seemed to have become the NID, constantly hounding him about his whereabouts. Jack made things worse by telling her that he had other admirers in his adventures. Since then, Share demanded to know their names and locations, so Daniel kept running away…

Base alarms sounded, and Daniel, more grateful than annoyed, hurried to General Hammond's office when he called his team to the conference room.

Daniel didn't hear them calling security for the Stargate, so he assumed the emergency wasn't related to that.

As he walked quickly to the meeting room, Daniel worried. It was possible that Maybourne and the NID continued their thefts from the goa'uld, and another fleet was sent against them. Maybourne had three Ha'tak at his disposal, each with its own portals, and an assault force that already exceeded five thousand men, as the goa'uld had shown that Earth attacks could be very effective against them, lacking artillery to cover their jaffas in battle.

Daniel clenched his teeth, fearing the worst when he entered, and the first thing he saw was Maybourne sitting in front of Jack, on the left side of General Hammond, who chaired the table. Then he saw 00, who was farther back, and breathed a sigh of relief; if the goa'uld invaded, they would call the asgard, and 00 being there meant this matter had nothing to do with the goa'uld.

"Yes, I'm also surprised that Maybourne isn't involved in this invasion," Jack said with a smile.

"I remind you that you caused the first invasion by bringing Apophis's servant with you. I only participated in solving the problem, resulting in us now having two more ships in our arsenal. Also, the third ship is thanks to me," accused Maybourne.

"Well, no one is counting," said Jack, and as he prepared to deliver a sharp retort, General Hammond intervened.

"SG1, Colonel Maybourne, I've called you because the situation is urgent, so let's pay attention to the information our allies have for us," said General Hammond, looking at 00, who seemed indifferent, in her own world until General Hammond mentioned her.

Jack and Maybourne regained seriousness upon hearing the words "urgent situation." Sam and Teal'c, who were entertained by the discussion, also paid attention. 00, seeing that the meeting was starting, nodded.

"Greetings," she said emotionlessly. "Our network of satellites distributed throughout the galaxy has picked up the signal of an Asgard ship heading towards Earth. If everything continues as it has been, it will be here in no more than an hour," explained 00.

"Satellite network?" Maybourne asked with interest.

"The Asgard are our allies; there's no problem with them coming to visit us," Jack said, relieved, but 00 shook her head.

"What is approaching is an Asgard ship, but it is not under the command of the Asgard. It transmits a signal similar to ours, so we assume this is a problem you must deal with, or their civilization will be wiped from the face of this planet," 00 warned, alarming everyone.

"Who can capture an Asgard ship?" Daniel asked.

"The Asgard already warned us that they were fighting against an enemy superior to the goa'uld," Sam added. "What I don't understand is what she means by a signal similar to theirs," she added.

"Miss 00, could you please give us your complete report?" requested Maybourne with a defeated sigh.

Daniel had also noticed in his few encounters with his allies that this girl liked to torture people, answering questions without providing all the information, causing despair among her interlocutors. 00 nodded with indifference.

"As you know, I am not human but created. However, I have not been created from scratch; my creator took a pre-existing model and improved it to create me.

"That origin is known as a replicator, a kind of advanced computer and hardware system that, while not intelligent due to its programming, and its data-handling capability, adaptability to any computer system, ability to multiply rapidly, resistance to advanced weapons, and ability to copy technologies of the species whose technologies and resources they consume, have spread to several galaxies, consuming their resources and technologies, with the ultimate goal of multiplying.

"My particular origin and replicator variant are from the Pegasus galaxy, where there was an advanced variant of these replicators, which had a human form and a simulation of intelligence that made them capable of altering their programming, creating a city that my creator invaded and used its technology for my creation, giving me an advanced brain capable not only of simulating intelligence but also far surpassing any known intelligent species in storing and processing data.

"As for the replicator variant your Asgard allies are facing, it is the smallest of all, its basic form. It has no kind of intelligence. However, this is what makes it the most dangerous and deadly variant because you cannot reason with them or intimidate them. They do not obey orders, and nothing is valuable to them except technology and resources to multiply…

"Wait, please," requested Maybourne, while everyone looked stunned and frightened.

"What are you?" Jack asked in alarm. General Hammond cleared his throat.

"Colonel O'Neill, remain calm," said General Hammond. "00, we appreciate this information; we just need a few seconds to digest it," he added. 00 nodded with indifference.

"I remind you that time is ticking, and the Asgard ship will arrive in fifty-five minutes," said 00. "It's a fact, she enjoys torturing people," thought Daniel, feeling a chill down his spine.

"Sir, I don't think we have time for details," said Sam, looking at Jack, who nodded gravely. "00, can you give us any tactical information that might be effective against these replicators?" Sam asked.

"Any powerful space cannon that can vaporize that ship?" Jack urgently inquired.

"Asgard technology surpasses the upgrades we've made to their Ha'tak. Under normal conditions, if they faced their three Ha'tak against one of their ships, it would win with minor damage. However, replicators tend to use their own bodies to enhance or power the ship's systems, increasing its firepower, shields, and maneuverability.

"They also tend to devour the hull and replace it with replicating blocks that can absorb attacks that penetrate the shield or launch themselves at other attacking ships to impact them and then consume their resources.

"Regarding their close combat abilities, the bodies of most units do not exceed twenty centimeters in height by thirty in length and have an insect-like shape.

"They are not helpless creatures. They are immune to most energy weapons, as they can alter their configuration to generate shields, hide their presence, enhance other technologies, among other things. It would require significant power to destroy them with plasma or ray weapons like zat guns.

"However, because they have adapted to energy weapons, they are vulnerable to impact weapons, such as Earth weapons that use projectiles.

"For this reason, if you manage to board the ship, it will be easy to destroy them as long as you have sufficient ammunition and no fewer than three thousand men to eliminate them in a short period, denying them the opportunity to replicate or use the ship against you, such as devouring a wall and sending their troops into space. To assist you, we can lend you a tracker that can locate them, so you can be sure that no replicator will escape destruction," explained 00.

"How will we board their ship?" asked Maybourne.

"How is it possible for these replicators to take the form of parts of the ship and change their configuration to adapt to any system? Wouldn't that be impossible? Due to their size, I don't think they have an internal mechanism to modify their structure," Sam asked. She and Maybourne spoke at the same time.

"Carter, we don't have time for scientific questions; it's time to prepare for boarding…

"Replicators are actually a set of small nanoscopic units capable of linking together, so they can take any configuration they want, although they usually group into blocks a few centimeters long. This also allows them to form immense blocks to travel through space without the need for ships," explained 00.

"Well, we're already scared. Now, how do we board to kick their bug butts?" asked Jack, looking at Sam accusingly for asking questions that caused nightmares.

"That's fascinating," said Sam, completely ignoring him; her eyes gleamed with excitement. Jack sighed.

"I'm afraid we can't help you with that. Asgard ships have a defensive system, and any attempt to board will end with the replicators infecting any ship that approaches them. I suggest two strategies.

"First, wait for the ship to exit hyperspace and attack with the maximum firepower of the Ha'tak, taking advantage of the fact that the Asgard ship needs to deactivate its shields when traveling through hyperspace.

"This option is the most effective, but as I told you before, that ship belongs to the Asgard, and there is a chance it may be crewed. If you attack, you will also be killing any Asgard on board.

"The second option is that there are living Asgard on board the ship. Replicators are indifferent to any form of life that cannot provide them with resources to replicate, so they usually ignore organic forms unless they attack them and interfere with their main order to replicate.

"For this reason, it is likely that the Asgard on board remain alive and communicate with you when the ship is in position. The problem with this plan is that we cannot be sure there is any survivor, and if there is, we cannot be sure they have the means to communicate with you or bring you to the ship," explained 00.

"Maybourne, I remind you that the security of our planet depends on the goodwill of the Asgard," reprimanded Colonel O'Neill before Maybourne suggested not taking risks and destroying the ship upon exiting hyperspace.

Maybourne choked on his words, confirming to everyone that, indeed, he was preparing to shoot first and ask questions later.

"The Asgard have been fighting the replicators for years; they understand the danger an army of them poses to their planet. So, if you destroy the ship and its potential occupants, they won't blame you for it," said 00, and this time Daniel would swear he saw an almost imperceptible smile on her lips. Daniel shuddered.

"This girl is evil to the core," thought Daniel. "If she even has bones," he added. The others looked at 00 but dared not accuse her of anything.

"We won't destroy that ship no matter what," Jack declared, gritting his teeth.

"Well, since you're determined, my flagship, Amaterasu, is in the vicinity. In case there's no communication, I can disable their shields and create an opening for you to board and rescue any survivors," said 00 with indifference.

"Yes, she's evil," thought Daniel as everyone stared at 00 again.

"Didn't she say earlier that she couldn't help us board because her ships would be in danger of being boarded?" asked Teal'c, who preferred to remain silent unless asked something, but even he was shocked by the antics of this wicked creature.

"Ah, did I? I must have been mistaken. My ship is a bioship; replicators don't have the necessary information to infect its systems, and they can't devour the metals in it because it's made of organic matter, and the metallic components are accessories that can be moved around, so they would spend days chasing any resource and be destroyed long before that," explained 00.

"A bioship?" asked Sam with excitement.

"Carter!" reprimanded Jack. "Maybourne, we only have about forty-five minutes left. We don't have time to prepare people. We must use your assault battalions," said Jack urgently. Maybourne nodded.

"I'll contact the president, the ha'tak ships, and the lunar base to get everything ready," said Maybourne, rushing out.

"A bioship is the most advanced technology we possess. It involves creating a zygote, where a growing bioship is implanted, allowing it to adapt to its biological systems and develop. Depending on the amount of resources provided, its growth will accelerate or decelerate.

"Bioships have great strategic superiority over rigid metal constructions because they don't need repairs; as long as they have resources, they will regenerate any damage to any system themselves.

"The regeneration speed depends on the damage caused, available resources, and external elements. Currently, my creator has developed an independent regeneration system called bionanites, which, unlike common nanites, function as miniature cells but with the same basic function as common nanites, that is, improving or enhancing common systems.

"These common systems are, of course, biological, like bioships, which can increase their performance…

"Carter, it's not the time for scientific lectures, no matter how extraordinary and nightmarish they may be; we need to prepare for an invasion that will happen in just a few minutes," said Jack, while Daniel helped push Sam out of the briefing room.

Daniel gave one last look at 00, who seemed indifferent, as she continued her speech.

"Colonel O'Neill, I suspect our ally finds some kind of unholy amusement in bothering us," Teal'c said diplomatically.

"If that means she enjoys trolling us, you're correct," said Jack, blocking Sam's path and raising his finger to make her step back.

"Sir, she…"

"I know, Carter. She's probably saying profound things for science, but our priority now is to survive. We can't leave that job to listen to profound scientific theories. Besides, there's a recorder there; I'm sure you can review her words later," added Jack when Sam didn't seem willing to yield for something as trivial as the survival of humanity. With this last statement, Sam nodded with a sigh of regret.

Half an hour later, they were checking weapons and inspecting ammunition, along with five other SG teams, in an armory, supervised by General Hammond, who had already obtained permission from the president for this mission when Jack disappeared in a familiar flash of light.

Since 00 wouldn't transport them in such a situation…

"It seems that the Asgard on the ship have managed to survive and can allow us to board the ship," said Teal'c. Daniel nodded.

"Everyone, get ready; we should be transported soon," said Daniel.

"Maybourne, Colonel O'Neill has been transported by Asgard technology; the operation has begun. Prepare your men. Such a large armed force will not be ignored. Once we get there, we'll be seen as a threat," Sam told Maybourne, using a Goa'uld sub-space communication sphere to communicate because Maybourne was directing his forces from the Moon.

"Everything's ready; we have five hundred crates of ammunition and four thousand men. We won't give those bugs any time to do anything," Maybourne replied.

Daniel appreciated that; he didn't think it would be pleasant for the replicators to sabotage the ship and send them into space.

"General Hammond, Carter, Daniel, Teal'c, can you hear me?" Jack's voice asked over the base's speakers.

"We can, sir," Sam replied.

"General Hammond, there's an infestation here, and the Asgard on board is Thor. He's badly injured and has sabotaged the transport systems so the bugs can't leave the ship without landing, which means we can't leave the ship once we're here.

"He says we have some time for the replicators to finish eating the ship and decide to migrate to Earth, and he asks me to destroy the ship. I've explained our plan, but he's become stubborn and says there's no way to deal with the replicators, so I put him to sleep.

"Colonel O'Neill, the president has given a green light for this mission. The priority is to get the Asgard out of there alive. We have to take that ship, so start transporting people," General Hammond ordered.

"Yes, sir. Don't forget your bug-sensing systems," Jack said.

Daniel saw a flash of light and appeared in a huge corridor, with gray, somewhat reddish floors and walls. Alongside him, the other SG teams arrived, and, to his surprise, 00, who disappeared in a flash, making him wonder if he had imagined things, but he had no time to think about it because the sound of countless mechanical legs approaching them was audible.

"Take positions, fire on visual contact. Advance while pressing with suppressive fire. We need to clear the area for more people to arrive," Sam ordered.

Jack appeared running from a corridor.

"She said she would take care of transporting the rest. Anyway, I had no idea how to transport anyone outside the SGC," Jack said, joining the battle just as a wave of metallic insects appeared down the hallway about fifty meters away from them.

"I think for these bugs, it will be more efficient to adopt Jaffa tactics and form lines," said Jack, starting to fire his P90-R and signaling to form lines and advance.

The P90-R was a creation of the scientists on the Home Base Planet and was an electromagnetic weapon that did not use gunpowder. Its magazines carried up to two thousand projectiles. It also had an added stunning system based on zat guns.

Daniel wasn't a soldier, but he had experience with the P90-R, and he joined the battle after adjusting his earplugs.

As 00 had said, the replicators were torn apart by the projectiles, although a few of them reformed when the blocks that made them up were very close. With more and more soldiers arriving from all sides, the battle became almost unilateral, and the replicators began to dwindle, just minutes after they started firing.

Daniel heard more shots in the distance.

"00, what's happening?" Jack shouted.

"I've dispersed their forces into battalions of five hundred men. This will prevent the replicators from cornering you in a specific area of the ship," explained 00, who somehow heard Jack.

"Sir, that gives us an advantage. We can prevent them from concentrating their forces while applying pressure in strategic locations," said Sam.

"I suggest you advance down the left corridor. A hundred meters ahead, there's a warehouse, and it's a nest of replicators," advised 00.

Daniel glanced at the sensor device 00 had given them, a small screen on a device resembling a cell phone that displayed red dots approaching them from all sides, although it covered no more than thirty meters. Still, that wasn't a problem because they had enough personnel to track the entire ship in minutes.

"Grenades," Jack ordered after destroying a small group of replicators blocking the entrance to the warehouse. Two soldiers advanced and threw four grenades into the warehouse.

When their group entered, half of the replicators had turned into metal blocks that were reassembling. As they formed a line to empty a magazine and switched to the next row while reloading, Daniel observed what was supposed to be a warehouse, although it looked more like a small room filled with consoles that had been destroyed and corroded. It didn't look like a warehouse.

The mass of replicators stopped moving for several seconds, and Jack ordered to throw another two grenades before moving on to the next room.

Ten minutes later, they were shooting through holes made in a wall.

"Your turn," the soldier said to Daniel, hurrying to pull his arm, holding his empty weapon, out of the hole.

Daniel gritted his teeth and hurried to stick his arm with his pistol because the P90-R wouldn't fit through that hole, and he started firing at once, listening to the replicators trying to advance.

Daniel shot as fast as possible, clenching his teeth as much as he could. About five minutes ago, after finishing sweeping his area and meeting other groups, they realized that there were still replicators, and they were inside the walls. Using the sensor, they threw grenades into the holes.

The grenades had run out, and the replicators were still alive. Jack ordered them to put their hands in and shoot when 00 told them not to worry about their limbs; she would cover the medical expenses and make them new arms.

Daniel had flatly refused, but Jack had been the first to grit his teeth and stick his arm through the replicators' holes to eliminate them and prevent them from continuing to eat the ship.

Just a minute ago, a replicator had managed to get ahead and had thrown some kind of acid on a soldier's arm. He pulled a melted limb out of the hole, it was an acid that seemed to come from an alien movie.

The soldier had to be put to sleep, but his terrible screams still echoed in Daniel's mind.

"Signal out, it's dead now," Sam reported, touching his shoulder to make him stop shooting. Daniel fired one more time just to be sure before pulling his hand out and breathing heavily.

"Colonel O'Neill, my people can't find bugs anywhere, and we have what seems to be the engine room and maybe a large storage room or what was the bridge. Those bugs have eaten everything," Maybourne reported over the radio.

"Here, O'Neill, our guest's vital area is also safe. Let's see how he's doing right now," Jack said, indicating to the SG teams, whose mission was to protect Thor, to advance to the location.

Upon reaching the storage room where Thor had taken refuge, Daniel didn't see much. It seemed that the Asgard ships were almost all empty, or the replicators had already eaten everything. The only thing there was Thor's capsule, guarded by SG-10, and 00 on what Daniel supposed was some kind of control panel that used stones to activate.

"The replicators have been destroyed, so the ship's systems are free again. While you were destroying them, I managed to repair some systems, such as the transport system from the ship to the surface, and the navigation and life support systems.

"I think I can activate the medical system to repair your body," 00 said indifferently, looking at Thor's capsule.

"Go ahead," said Jack, approaching Thor's capsule.

00 moved one of the rocks, and Thor's capsule lit up for a few seconds. Then it opened, and Thor looked at those present as he blinked. He then stood up, and the capsule disappeared in a beam of light.

"I have control over the ship's systems again," said Thor, looking somewhat dazed. "There are at least five thousand humans on the ship," he added in a confused state.

"Well, we were told we would face some nightmare bugs, so we wanted to be sure," said Jack, patting Thor on the shoulder, who looked at him and blinked.

"O'Neill, the replicators usually hide when their numbers are outnumbered. Now that I have regained control of the ship, I must destroy it…"

"Calm down. We've tracked down every last one of them. I understand you no longer want this ship; they just told me those bugs ate everything in the bridge. But if you're going to destroy it, you might as well give it to us because we're short on heavy artillery on this side of the galaxy," said Jack, looking around evaluatively.

"Commander Thor, the replicators have been destroyed," said Sam, looking at 00. "She is 00, one of our allies. With the help of her technology, we have located all the replicators," explained Sam. Thor looked at 00, and he even seemed incredulous.

"The sensors that deal with replicators have been destroyed. How did you manage to replicate them? Has your species encountered replicators before?" Thor asked.

00 showed a slight smile, and Daniel and his entire group understood that she was about to say something that would scare them to the bone.

"Actually, I didn't use any sensor; the replicators themselves indicated their location to me because I am an enhanced replicator, and they identify me as part of their hive," explained 00.

"She is a replicator created by a species with advanced technology and has nothing to do with the variant that attacks you," Sam hurried to explain. "She was also the one who warned us that your ship had been invaded by replicators and was approaching Earth," she added.

"That is unexpected," said Thor, while 00 pouted almost imperceptibly.

"I have not been created by an advanced species; I have been created by the Creator as part of his mind. I am an extension for his body, although I have my own personality because my creator wanted it that way," explained 00.

"You seem to know Asgard technology," Thor said suspiciously.

"We have been in your galaxy for a couple of years and have communicated with the replicators there. We wanted to help, but your replicator variant cannot be reprogrammed. Once we revealed that we did not follow their main order, they only see us as tasty food. Still, my creator is working on a weapon to help you in your fight," explained 00, confessing that they had communicated with the replicators in the Asgard galaxy and obtained their technology. Thor looked at her with more suspicion.

"Who is your Creator?" Thor asked.

"A very busy person," 00 replied.

"Can I meet him?" Thor insisted.

"Only if you insist vehemently," 00 said with a faint smile.

"Then I insist on…"

"No!" exclaimed Jack.

"No!" said Daniel, and even Teal'c seemed ready to say it was a bad idea.

Thor immediately understood that the woman in front of him was not trustworthy and was preparing to play some tasteless prank.

"I would like to speak with him as soon as possible," said Thor. "This ship won't be able to move for a few hours; I'll be waiting," he added, approaching the console where 00 was.

"Whenever you want," said Jack.

"In reality, the Asgard face this problem almost every day. If you're willing to help, a few thousand of you would be an invaluable extra security for the Asgard," 00 added kindly.

"One can't speak lightly in front of her," Daniel thought.

All SG teams tensed up, not daring to tell Thor that Jack's words were just a courtesy, but unwilling to get involved in a war against these bugs that could kill them in ways they couldn't even imagine.

"O'Neill, thank you. We will establish defenses for our ships using a combination of our technology and your… tactics," said Thor, ignoring 00's words, as he began transporting the battalions that were on his ship. 00 was the first to be transported. Daniel sighed.

"O'Neill, it seems that your allies take their lives lightly," Thor complained.

"Hey, we can't be picky about selecting allies, besides, 00 is something special; you should meet 03, I'm sure they would get along," Jack replied as Thor worked.

"Commander Thor, 00 and her people are something special, but they have proven to be reliable. I think if everything goes well in your conversation with their Creator, you can gain a powerful ally in your fight against the replicators. 00 mentioned that their technology is different from yours and is based on biotechnology, making their ships immune to replicator attacks.

If you manage to get them to help you in your war, you can gain a significant advantage. Besides, they are replicators themselves; I believe they will have a deeper knowledge of them," advised Sam. She shared Daniel's concern about the Asgard and didn't want them to reject a potential ally who was at their same technological level and could be helpful in their current war.

Thor nodded to indicate that he understood, and after a flash of light, they were back in the SGC.

Author's note: With this chapter, we reach the end of the third season. In the next chapter, we will have an encounter between Korr and Thor, there will be no deception this time. If possible, we will also have another perspective from the Unknown.

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