

(Omni Pov):

"Nue" with turning his hands into the shape of a bird 2 two bird with weird masks appeared.

"C'mon megumi I thought you would have improved by now how come you're still only able to summon 2 of the same shikigami " simple disappointed Ash conjured 2 bird shaped fire ball and threw it at the Nue.

The two Nue charged their wings with electricity before letting it flow to their both mouth they started to concentrate the pure electricity into the shape of a ball as they finished charging it they released a beam of pure electricity into fire birds creating a miniature explosions.


As they finished off the birds the beam was still ongoing and they change the direction of the beam towards Ash. Seeing this Ash simple seemed unbothered let curse energy gather around his hands.

As the beams approached him he simple smacked them into opposite direction.

*smack* *Boom*

*smack* *Boom*

Seeing that it was not working they changed their approach instead of using the electricity as beams they started using it as a machine gun.



As the bullet like electricity started appearing Ash just looked at it with a small smile before summoning bird like wings on his back with that he started releasing feather like projectiles from the inside of his wings.

And like a conductor he was directing the feathers to met with the bullets, as the feathers and bullet met in the middle small explosion started appearing creating a perfect smoke screen.

Just like Megumi wanted.

Megumi crouch down and but his hands inside his shadows before putting another Nue symbol inside it and connecting it with Ash's shadow.

While Ash was conducting his symphony he sensed something in his shadow. "Oh so you did great stronger " Ash started talking with megumi "But did you think that would be enough to even hurt me". Ash started kicking the Nue in his shadow in the mask pushing him back in.

Megumi with his hands still in his shadow then did the hands sign for the Great Serpent.

In Ash's shadow another beast appear a giant white snake with black accents and a yellow under belly. The snake then started to coil its long tail around Ash trying to stop him from moving.

Megumi knowing he didn't have much time left started summoning Divine Dogs but this time its different instead of 1 each he summons 5 Black divine dogs and 5 white divine dogs or as Megumi calls them "The Divine Pack" and started running towards Ash with curse energy surging through his body to give himself a physical boost

Ash only just laugh seeing all this. 'Its like an older brother seeing his younger brother grow'."HAHAHAHA you sure have gotten stronger but now its time to put you in your place".

"Since we're summoning things it's only right I summon something as well" What Ash was not simply summoning after all these years one of the main things Ash trained the hardest was his Fire manipulation. Now what happens when conjured beings made of flames appear with a thats able to spilt his consciousness into multiple parts.

You get a total monster.

Ash still laughing clearly excited he yells "HAHAHAHA FLAME AVATAR".

And with that a being made out pure purple fire appears behind him with a super buff body and the head of bird and it's arms crossed looking around looking to be alive but unfortunately it's not its just Ash's parallel conscious making it working making it look as life like as possible with its action and expression.

With quick action the Avatar grabs the snake just below its head and yanks its head right off. The snake the turns into a muddle of black goo and turns back into a shadow dissipating into nothingness.

"Tsk fucking bastard do you have any idea how hard it was tame that thing, NUE" with that Megumi summons two more Nue who grab him by the shoulder 'to the sky quickly' Megumi orders through the mental link they share through the connection of his shadow.

Getting close to the roof of the warehouse Megumi uses the hand sign of an elephant and yells "Max Elephant!!!!". 'Spree it with water quickly before he can react'.

"Tooooooootttt" *splooshhhhhhhh*. The elephant then tries to spray the Avatar with water.

Ash while seeing this just give Megumi a small "Heh" The Avatar then puts his two hands into fist and puts it at the side of his torso before pretending to take a deep breath by puffing out its muscular chest and opening his beak spewing out a stream of purple and black fire.

*Sizzle* *sizzle* *swoooosshhhhhh*

White steam soon appeared on the scene due the evaporate water.

While Megumi was fighting with the Avatar Ash kept Megumi's other shikigami at bay with his feathers trying not to kill them and leaving Megumi defenseless.

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