
Chapter 6: Drama Unfolds


Once the door of the chambers closed, I let out the breath that I was holding. 

“F*ck,” I grunted, running a hand down my face.

Prince Ulysses was unexpectedly ethereal. When my eyes landed on him, my whole body froze, and I felt my c*ck harden. He was the kind of man I would f*ck the whole night without stopping. Sexy and gorgeous. I would sin without caring about the consequences to f*ck him over and over. 

My Lycan beast had stirred, and I could sense Prince Ulysses Lycan was powerful, but it was no match for mine. He was truly magnificent, and I could feel his weakening resolve as I held his body close to mine. 

I approached the high windows and threw them open needing a breath of fresh air. I stood at the same spot for over ten minutes as I opened my senses and took a deep breath to familiarise myself with the feel of the East Kingdom. I could sense the mountains and vast trees, unlike the West. 

A sudden knock on my door alerted me and when I turned around Uncle Marrok walked in. He looked annoyed by the way his nose flared up and his steps were filled with anger.

“What is it, my dear uncle?” I drawled sarcastically. 

He moved to the spot where I stood by the window but remained mute. He was struggling to deliver the news of his discovery from the way his hands were bunched into fists on his sides and his knuckles cracked.

“Just spit it out,” I snapped at him after he remained mute, procrastinating.

“King Astaroth is marrying off his brother Ulysses as a way of getting rid of him. It is said that his brother and the Queen are having an affair.”

My ears burned with fury. “What the f*ck did you say?” I could feel my beast rising to the surface.

Uncle Marrok placed an arm on my shoulder. “Nephew, it is just a rumor. We need to find out if it is true.” The frustration in his voice was clear.

“Then why the f*ck are you angry?” I retorted. 

“Do you know that the first marriage offer was to Princess Rae Ze’ev? They played us and pushed Prince Ulysses as your contract husband,” Uncle Marrok seethed. 

“What else?” I demanded. 

“The King's plan is that Prince Ulysses never sets foot in the East kingdom ever again. They proposed that we get rid of him once we arrive home.”

“They want me to murder my husband?” My eyes widened, and I felt laughter bubbling in my chest. There was this other feeling that rose to my heart when I heard the plan. My beast roared in anger, and I could feel it becoming possessive. 

“I should have torn the edict to pieces,” I seethed as I turned to look out the window.

“I am partly to blame for allowing my brother to agree to this.” He nodded. 

“What is done is done. We need to move forward,” I stated as I felt my beast calming, receding. 

“The wedding starts tomorrow at ten in the morning,” Uncle Marrok said but the displeasure in his voice was evident. 

“What about the other plans?” I turned around with a smirk. 

“We need you to distract Prince Ulysses tomorrow night. Our source here has everything prepared,” he said with a sharp nod.

“Distract?” I asked, raising a brow at him.

“Yes, my prince,” he responded. 

I nodded and walked deep into the chambers. The dressing closet was neat, and I undressed and walked into the shower. I stood under the shower head as the cold water splashed on my back and calmed the anger that had been bubbling inside. 

I changed into my clothes and walked back to the living room of the chambers. Food had already been prepared and I knew Uncle Marrok had our guards taste all the food before letting me eat. 

He sat on the opposite side of the set table and was gobbling down the fruits. 

“You seem to be hungry.” 

“The fruits are delicious,” he said around a mouth full of fruit.

Randale and Vuk joined, and we had a quiet dinner. It was close to midnight when they all retired to bed. I stood by the window and four hours later that damn b*stard Ulysses never came back to the room. 

I was annoyed. Was he meeting up with his lover Queen Marama? I walked to bed and vowed to make him pay as long as we were married. I would make him regret accepting the marriage edict. 


Randale and Vuk hovered over me as I took my sweet time to dress.

“You are doing this on purpose,” Randale pointed out, biting back a smirk. 

“I will not be in a hurry to attend my wedding. Let them f*cking wait.” I sipped whisky from the glass in my hand. 

“You will be drunk at this rate,” Vuk said.

“Is that the idea?” Uncle Marrok asked from the entrance to the chamber.

“Not really. I just want to get married at my own pace,” I stated with a shrug.

I stood and walked to the closet. I took my time dressing. Mother had prepared a blue royal coat and white pants that hugged my legs. By the time I was done, I looked at the clock and it was already midday. I laughed at how comical it would be when I walked into the hall where the ceremony was being held. 

“Randale, get someone to braid my hair,” I called out. One more hour would not hurt, right?

It was close to one o'clock when I walked out of the closet ready to attend the wedding ceremony. Uncle Marrok was already looking pissed while Randale’s majestic pose told me he was the least bothered and would support whatever I did.

Vuk paced up and down when he spotted me and gasped, “Wow.” 

“I am ready,” I announced. 

Randale and Uncle Marrok stood with large smiles on their faces. I could tell they appreciated the look as the braids fell on my shoulders. 

“You look like a King,” Uncle Marrok boasted. 

“Take that back. That is one desire I have never had,” I retorted.

Randale laughed as he walked over and whispered, “Kloud, you will have everyone swooning and lusting over you.”

“So will you,” I replied. They were all dressed in red, as it was the color of the East Kingdom.

“Let go,” I commanded, and we marched into the wedding ceremony. 

Once we got to the hall, I walked right in without waiting for the messenger to announce my presence. This evoked all the reactions in the room—gasps, scorns, sneers, and wows—all at once. The room had red carpets, and silver pillars, and the King and Queens chair were made of gold. The centre of the room below the little dais that the King and Queen sat on were two high silver chairs, with red cushions placed for the wedding ceremony.

Ignoring them, I walked toward Prince Ulysses who was seated calmly in one of the silver chairs set for the wedding. He turned around when he had the gasp and stood up once he spotted me. The gasp that escaped his mouth did not go unnoticed. My feet faltered as I watched him adjust the red and golden royal coat and brown pants that he wore for the ceremony. As usual, his hair was neatly placed behind his ear and his shocked features made me grin like a fool. Behind him stood his friends Armand and Lowe, dressed in the same colors.

“Greetings, Your Majesty.” I bowed at the King and ignored the Queen on purpose. He waved his hand in greetings and sat up straight. 

“Prince Kloud, you are late?” Faolan spoke up to prevent the Queen from speaking. 

“I am right on time.” I raised my voice a notch higher so that everyone in the room could hear. The plan was to cause a stir and leave them cursing. I walked over to stand next to Prince Ulysses as I shamelessly admired him. He looked stunned as I towered over him and smiled. 

“Just say it.” I grinned.

“Say what?” he whispered, looking over at me.

“That I took your breath away,” I smirked. Armand and Lowe's snickers were loud from behind me. Prince Ulysses' eyes widened.

“You look stunning, Prince Kloud.” He was lying. The words were meant to stop me from scolding his friends. 

“So do I,” a female voice rose from the door.  Everyone turned, and Oclan and Felicia Relic walked into the royal hall. 

Randale winked at me while Vuk closed his eyes in frustration. Uncle Marrok looked like he wanted to murder them while I remained emotionless waiting for the drama. 

Faolan stepped down from the King's side and walked over to receive them. “Welcome to the East kingdom, Oclan.”

“Thank you, Faolan. I hope we are not too late,” Oclan responded. 

“You are right on time.” Faolan smiled warmly at him.

Uncle Marrok raised his eyebrows while Randale snickered. I turned to look at my little prince and noted the way he took everything in calmly. Was he made of wood? Or had he been practicing for years?

“Your majesty, this is Royal Advisory of the West, Oclan Relic, and his daughter, Felicia.” 

“Greetings, Your Majesty.” Oclan and Felicia bowed. 

“Welcome to the East Kingdom,” King Astaroth responded with a nod.

The whole room was silent as they watched everything that was unfolding. 

“Greetings, my prince.” Oclan and Felicia turned to bow to me. 

“I was not aware that you were coming,” I said sharply.

“We are here to surprise you.” Oclan eyes blazed. The meaning behind his words made my skin crawl.

“Great. May I have the honor of introducing Prince Ulysses Ze’ev?” Faolan interjected.

They bowed at him and remained mute. Ulysses was kind enough to say, “Welcome to the East Kingdom. I appreciate you coming all this way to attend the marriage ceremony.” 

Felicia’s eyes blazed as she took a step forward. “How could I miss witnessing the wedding of my intended mate as to whom you snatched from me?” 

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