
Dragon Link

While all the dragons were massive, one towered over the rest.

Her green eyes landed on the sky-blue dragon with a long, luscious white mane that went from its head to the base of its lengthy neck covered in shining scales. Golden horns stood tall on its head, curling slightly at the ends.

For its size, it seemed slender, but even the slightest of movements were enough to show the rippling muscles the scales covered up. With a wingspan of 16 meters, it could blot out the sun without even trying.

She made eye contact with its unique, slitted eyes that were somehow hazel and yellow at the same time. They seemed warm to her. And odd feeling stirred inside of her and she couldn't help but approach it, ignoring the gasps behind her and Emily trying to tug her back.

Caroline snapped free and slowly approached the majestic creature, not even noticing that Emily was still attached to her. Both dragon and girl seemed to be enveloped in their own world, not noticing what was happening around them.

Her hands stretched upwards, as if it were instinct while a blue muzzle descended from above and gently nudged her hands. The surface felt cool and comforting to the touch. Each scale must have been as hard as a diamond, but they were incredibly smooth. Caroline closed her eyes with a content smile, happy to let whatever this calming feeling was envelope her. She wasn't aware, but the sky-blue dragon did the same.

In just a few moments, Caroline felt as though she had become someone else. She saw a lab full of infant dragons, but none looked well. There were those that were missing body parts with fresh, bloody wounds. But many more were dead.

The room was dyed in scaler hues. Familiar heads littered the floor as she watched another of her kin fall to the ground, blood splurting from its belly and its inards now strewn onto the floor. They had been butchered after being injected with a strange liquid that made them go berserk. This day had changed her.

'My sisters! My brothers!' She wanted to cry, but no tears came. Only a feeble roar could be heard.

Then, she saw a gorey battle field. This time, it wasn't just dragons who were dying. Humans in lab coats were fighting against them, trying to ensure their own survival. But it was time to reap what they had sown. Rage enveloped her. She ripped through the scientist's fragile skin and used her long, sharp fangs to pierce through their bodies.

She battled alongside many other types of beasts, all of them fighting for their freedom. But there was one in particular that stood out from the rest. Unfortunately for her, Caroline was unable to focus on the blurry figure. It was as if something was keeping her from seeing the image.

Lastly, the scene changed once more. She saw a kind hand reach towards her, finally giving her a sense of peace and ending her suffering. Her heart vowed that she and her future generations would follow them.

"Ah, so you have chosen her to be your rider, Rain? You will need to get the Cardinal's permission for that, you know," Nidrie observed. Then she spoke directly into Rain's mind, "That was a bit reckless. But I'm glad to see the Dragon link worked well."

Turning to face the stunned crowd, Nidrie smiled, "Meet two of the most renowned dragon riders and their dragons. The white dragon is known as Nimbus and his rider is Knight Luka," she gestured to the first dragon and a man in armor that sat on its back. His hair was dark brown with a few purple streaks here and there and he wore silver armor.

"Next is Knight Cassandra who is riding the red and orange dragon, Sol. Other than the Cardinal Majesty, Cassandra and Sol are the fastest rider duo in Asura." Cassandra seemed somewhat embarrassed as she looked away and played with her long, black hair. Sol, on the other hand, looked to be very proud as he puffed out his chest.

"Finally, the blue dragon without a rider is known as Rain. Here in Asura, dragons choose their riders. Of course, a person can refuse, but that hasn't happened to this date. Rain is the only royal adult dragon without a rider. I guess she felt that your peer would make the best rider for her." Nidrie finished off her introductions and waved her hand, "I'm not your teacher so I'm going to stop there for now. It's time to board. We don't want to keep the Cardinal waiting."

While everyone started getting on the gondolas, Nidrie approached Caroline, who was still petting and staring into Rain's eyes. Emily had backed away, but her jaw was practically hitting the ground. A dragon rider? That was a thing?

Nidrie gently put her hand on Caroline's shoulder, giving her a smile while she did so, "Rain chose wisely. I assume she peaked at your soul and you saw some of hers in the process. After the ceremony, the Cardinal Majesty will let you know if you may become Rain's rider."

Caroline finally tore her gaze away from Rain, who made a series of noises that were the dragon equivalent to a dog pitifully whining. "Um, what exactly would I do as Rain's rider?"

"Sorry, but I have to refrain from telling you any details until your fate in the program is decided. Also," she paused to look amusedly over at Emily, "I think your friend might need your attention."

"Oh!" Caroline rushed over to Emily, leaving Rain who's head drooped sadly.

"Rain, dear, I'm sure you've come to the same realization that I have. Meaning you should know that while the Cardinal Majesty may grant you your wish, you can't keep her of all people to yourself."

Rain's whiskey colored eyes looked solemnly at Caroline before responding to Nidrie using the mind link, "Yes… But I wouldn't want anyone else as my rider."

"Heh, you sound like your brother," Nidrie responded with a giggle.

A snort was the only response Rain gave her.

Meanwhile, Caroline was in the middle of getting told off by Emily, "You realize we know nothing about dragons right? What if that had been like, a rude thing to do and you were killed or something! They're freaking dragons!"

"I- uh… It just sort of happened. I guess I didn't even realize what was even happening." How could she even begin to tell Emily what she had experienced in those brief moments when she couldn't wrap her own head around it? "I'm sorry for scaring you though, I can't believe you followed me- wait. Shouldn't you also be lecturing yourself then?"

Emily crossed her arms, "Hey! Friends don't just let each other walk up to unknown dangers like a dragon by themselves! I was so scared but I wasn't going to let you go alone!"

Caroline smiled and pulled Emily into a tight hug, "Thanks."

Emily's last remaining composure crumbled and she hugged her tightly, "D-don't do stupid stuff like that again…"

Guilt flooded over her as she realized how badly she had scared Emily, "Ok." Despite the fact that the two girls had just met yesterday, the were already coming to rely on one another in the strange but fascinating new world.

Suddenly, the loud roars from the three dragons filled the area, jump-scaring them apart. Nidrie's voice was heard in the deathly silence that followed, "The Cardinal Majesty is ready for your arrival! Those who have yet to board, please make your way to one of the gondolas!"

Without even thinking much about it, she made her way back over to Rain, smiled, and boarded her gondola, Emily scurrying behind her.

"It looks like the guys boarded a different gondola. Hopefully we will see them later!" Emily chirped out forcefully. Clearly, she was still struggling with many 'what ifs'.

"They'll be fine. We can try to find them when we land!"

A few moments later, the dragons, Nimbus, Sol, and Rain began to beat their wings faster, beginning their take off. Excitement buzzed in the air as they rose into the sky. Soon, they would be assigned housing and jobs.

Asura's scholarship program had officially started!

I wonder, what kind of interactions are you guys hoping to see?

amberphoenixxcreators' thoughts
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