

The whale observed with strangeness that figure... they could clearly feel the behemoth bloodline flowing in him. That appearance, that infinite hunger... it was too painful for them to see, especially knowing they were quite similar. 

The elder noticed the awkward silence and exchanged glances between the newcomer and the young leader of the forge institute, and spoke softly.

"The young master is named Thalor Obsidian. He is a simple person who enjoys eating, but when in battle, he is a hero of humanity. His clan has ties to all races, and he belongs to the largest clan in the sect and on the continent."

Everyone's hearts stopped... meanwhile, Thalor continued to chew and bite the meat, seemingly not caring to say anything, not even looking at Alm and Bruno, so immersed in the food. Soon, the elder sighed and turned to the others.

"This young dark elf is part of the second-largest clan, he is named Xylos Noctryn."

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