

Brightness flooded the open eyes of the whale, bringing with it the characteristic blurry vision of the unbelievable displacement between universes. In that instant, Alm and Bruno took a deep breath, and a second later, they found themselves back in the main hall of the castle, located in the desert city.

Immediately, the first sensation they experienced was an unusual exhaustion. The consequences of the desperate fight and the use of the new technique were still present. It wasn't a common fatigue; it was something that emanated directly from their souls. The souls of both were on the verge of serious injury. Using that again seemed like a foolish daydream for them.

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Their looks seemed to search for something around them, even if their thoughts weren't entirely clear. When the green screen appeared, the two didn't hesitate to respond affirmatively.

[Extra Reward 01: 40 Upgrade Points Acquired.]

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