
Snol Wanted Revenge

Col and Xax passed me, attacking the holy knight from both sides, while Vivia charged from the front.

Tia was the team healer while Ars, the archer. He took shots and fired at the knights.

Meanwhile- "Darken!" I cast the spell again, this time, fully knocking out the rest of the knights. I hadn't killed them, yet.

Before this whole fight I had a proper talk with the team. I told them specific things about my magic and what to do when I use it. Basically, I just told them to stay put for about half a minute and then I'd undo the magic anyway.

"Lighten!" But the holy knight was doing my job for me. "You'll pay for that!"

He he.

I tried to trace his soul but… Too strong.

He was still a little out of my abilities. But the normal knights weren't.

Vivia and the rest had Thurbolg pretty much pinned with their attacks, so I had all the free time in the world.

"Farewell, Sir Thurbolg, and my brethren!" Apparently one of the paralyzed knights had understood my drift.

So, I slowly slit one of the knight's throat and watched him die. My neck tightened a little. And I got a hiss in response. Yup, this was the right knight.

"No, no!" some of them squirmed. The holy knight was desperately trying to break free from the three adventurers.

They were trying to kill us, so nothing stopped me from killing them. I wasn't sure if it was because of this body, or because I'd just fallen low but… at this point I didn't really care. Even if the thing dying in my hands wasn't a monster, even if it was human… I didn't care.

Survival of the fittest. And if they wanted to kill me, they were definitely prepared to die themselves, so yeah, I felt jack shit.

I watched him die, waited for his soul to slowly leak and then- "Necromancy!" I used my skill to pull away his flesh, force the soul back into place and… yeah- now had a skeleton knight!


A warm soothing feeling washed over me. Yeah, both my skill and I just leveled up. Perfect timing.

"ARGHH!!!" The holy knight screamed flowing fiercely blue. He spread his arm in an arch like he was superman or something and everyone went flying.

Well, that's not good.

He slouched, took off like a rocket, straight at me!

I braced myself with the shield and waited, waited for him to run into me.

Wham! And he slammed, forcing his sword into my head, or rather through the armor, into my skull.

The sword glowed bluer and started draining my life. However- "Argh-" He groaned, falling to the ground. Yeah, I'd electrified him from point blank range. His body jerked and sizzled a little. How cute.

"You seriously think I'd come here to my death, without actually making sure I wouldn't die from you?" I chuckled, my feet planted on his chest. Oh yeah, I'd done my research. Any old undead would have perished from that. Their rotten meat would have evaporated from the holy light of the sword and… well, I didn't have flesh to begin with. Heh!

He spat at me, bloody spit. "My master would come. She'll avenge me," he panted with every breath. I could feel his lifeforce dwindling.

I could feel his… powers dying.

"And you'll fight her till she draws her last breath," I laughed. "And then she'll join us."

Eyes narrowing. "No… NO!"


"Necromancy!" I sliced the head off clean. Dullahans were better off without the head anyway; blood splattered and flesh rotted away. "Kill the horse too," I said.

All the other horses had run away the moment their knights were defeated but… but the white knight's one hadn't. Loyal little thing. "Necromancy."

Speaking of the white knight, his armor was still pretty white. His blade, still the same. He, however, was an undead now.

A pretty strong one at that too.

His HP was double mine, and I was pretty loaded right now, to be fair. His MP was somewhere around my level but a little lower.

His strength and stamina were also similar to mine just a tad lower. However, his mastery with the sword was exceptional, and his abilities and knowledge were pretty much what I needed. What's more, he took his skeleton head, held it in one hand and mounted his skeleton horse.

The perfect Dullahan!

No wait, Dullahans were dark knights, right? "We might need to paint that armor."

"Heartless," Col said, passing us by.

Ars and Tia were shivering in their boots while Vivia and Xax just stayed quiet. Not a word.

Meanwhile, the knights were silently crying, waiting for their fate, I suppose.

I shrugged. "One knight and One Dullahan's all I need. You can take the rest as prisoners," I spoke to Xax.


Meanwhile, Thunborlg, the Dullahan had his head lowered, almost as though he wanted to say something.

Too bad, they couldn't talk, heh!

But yeah, I could still speak to them.



It said nothing. Yet… those eyes. I could feel it was loyal to me. But at the same time, it loathed me.

I snorted and made my way back.

"I saw him attack you, are you okay?" Vivia asked.

"I'm fine. I knew he was going to go for the head."

"You could have at least not killed the horse," Vivia said.

"Little kitty snake wanted revenge," I said.

Vivia stared, almost dumbfounded for a second. "Just for the cat?" Technically it was a snake.

"I just wanted a Dullahan, I was fine without an extra knight or horse," I shrugged.

But no, Snol wanted revenge, so yeah. 

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