
Chapter 12: Confrontation

"P'Dunk!" Nina, a junior in Dunk's faculty, called out to him as soon as he entered the hallways of his building after finishing up his morning classes.

Nina was a freshman, who everyone knew had a huge crush on Dunk. So Dunk usually avoided her to abstain from giving her false hope.

It's not that he didn't like her…but he didn't like her in any romantic kinda way. She was his Nong and he sometimes hung out with her and her group to help them out with their studies.

Now, he walked towards her with a smile on his face, waving back to let her know that he saw her.

"What's up, Nong Nina?" He asked her, coming to a stand in front of her. "How did your summer vacation go?"

"It was fun, P'Dunk…but not as fun if you would've joined us at the beach." Nina gave him a wink…which he subtly ignored. 

"Karthot na, Nong. Maybe next time?" He checked his watch as if he was in a hurry. "Ah…why did you call me over? Did you have something important to discuss?"

"Not really," she held out a cup of coffee for him. "I got this for you during lunch hours. It's from your favorite store down the street."

"Ah…" he took the cup gratefully. "Thank you. I had a morning class today, I was about to fall asleep."

Just then, before he could make an excuse and get out of there…he saw a familiar face down the hallway, walking in a hurried manner towards them…and suddenly his interest in Nong Nina was back in full force.

"Umm…which café did you say it was from again?" He turned around so that the person he saw coming in a few moments earlier wouldn't be able to notice him…if he hadn't already. And then he prayed to all gods known and unknown, so that the person would just move past him without bothering him for the day.

"Oh…it from the Little White Café." Nong Nina was telling him, but he hardly heard anything she said, his focus on trying to avoid a certain someone with all his being. "I saw you go there often recently…"

But looks like the gods in heaven were upset at him for some reason and they had somehow banded together to punish him for sins he did not knew he had committed.

"Karthot khab, Nong." Joong said from right behind him. "I'll need to borrow your Phi for a moment."

Before Dunk could protest, he was already being dragged across the hallway with a vice-grip on his arm before they reached a scheduled spot right behind the locker room which seemed empty…completely devoid of all creatures that would've been able to help Dunk.

"Ai Joong!" Dunk finally ripped his hands off of the beast's claws. "What do you think you're doing, ai Hia!"

"We need to talk." Said Joong, his face dead serious as he placed his hands on his waist. 

"Talk about what?" Dunk made a face at him. "There's nothing for us to talk about!"

"Really? How about this Monday?" Joong reminded Dunk of everything that he wanted to forget. "Still doesn't ring a bell?"

"W-wh-what Monday? There was nothing…" Dunk swallowed nervously, taking a sip of his ice cold coffee too help him swallow his own nervousness. "Nothing happened on Monday."

"Ai sat!" Joong was in front of his face in a matter of seconds. "Are you playing dumb on purpose, or do you want me to refresh your memories that badly?"

"Ai Hia!" Dunk pushed Joong away with a hand on his chest before jumping back and out of his way. "What the fuck are you playing at? When I said I don't remember it means I don't fucking want to remember! Why is that so fucking hard for you to understand!"

"Because I'm not done talking about it!" Joong stated stubbornly. "You better not tell anyone about that night, you fucker! I don't want this incident to ruin my reputation!"

"Y-your reputation?" Dunk scoffed, astounded by the audacity of this prick. "You think I want to ruin mine that badly? And what fucking reputation? Everyone in campus knows you're a good for nothing player! And remember what, ai sat? Your poor performance was hardly anything I could remember you for! You animal!"

Joong looked at Dunk utterly flabbergasted. "P-poor performance?" Did the asshole seriously tell him that! The audacity!

The next thing Dunk knows, he's being pushed up against one of the lockers, his back hitting the metal with a loud sound that shocked him more than it hurt.

"Say that again?" Joong's hands were on either side of Dunk's head as he caged him in, leaving no room for him to escape. "Come on! Say that again motherfucker! Tell me to my face how poor my performance was and I'll give you another show right here!"

"Motherfucker! Get away from me!" Dunk snapped back at him, just as furious as he tried to avoid his nemesis. "Get the fuck away, you bitch!"

"I'm not going anywhere until you apologize for what you said!" Joong's face was inches away from Dunk's, both of their expression filled with hatred as they stared the other down, neither of them ready to back away.

  "Apologize? To you?" Dunk scoffed, standing his ground as he looked into Joong's deep brown eyes. "Over my dead body!"

But instead of getting even more furious…suddenly, a smirk appeared on Joong's face that made Dunk stop and stare at him suspiciously. No…it wasn't the kind of reaction he had expected, especially in the middle of a fight. Something wasn't right here…

"Over your dead body, huh?" His smirk grew bigger as he spoke. "Then I'll just have to kiss you until you drop."

Just as Dunk realized his fatal mistake, his eyes widening in shock…Joong's lips crashed onto his, soft and supple and more than a little rough.

Dunk stood still in shock for a few seconds, his body unable to move as Joong's lips moved on top of his, urging him to do the same…

And then his body moved on his own.

He kissed him back with just as much fervor, his hand going to Joong's nape to curl into his hair as Joong's hands came to rest on his cheek. He cupped his face in his hands, deepening the kiss, so drawn to the temptation of Dunk's lips that he forgot what the real purpose of the kiss even was about.

This wasn't the confrontation he had hoped for, but somehow…he couldn't let go. Dunk's lips were so soft and addicting and he found himself losing the internal battle that he had been fighting for so many days.

His hand curled around Dunk's nape, tugging at the strands of hair not-so-gently so he could tug his head back. A surprised gasp left Dunk's lips as he tilted back his head and Joong took the opportunity to kiss down to his neck, to the exposed part of his collarbone where the buttons were undone…and then sucked on the side of his neck…hard enough to leave a mark.

Dunk gasped in surprise at the hurt…at the sensation travelling down his spine, his entire body.

It wasn't a reaction he had expected…and it was enough to bring him back to his senses.

"Ai Hia!" He shouted, pushing Joong away from him as hard as he could. 

But the push only resulted in him forgetting about the coffee cup in his hands…which crumbled under the pressure and slipped onto the floor, but not before spilling the ice-cold coffee all over Joong's shirt.

"Fuck!" Joong looked down at his stained shirt in shock, the ice cold liquid drenching his clothes, making goosebumps appear on his hands.

"Serves you right, fucker!" Dunk snapped at Joong, trying his best to compose himself after what just happened, but no matter how hard he tried, he could still feel his heart hammering inside his chest.

"Same goes for you," Joong smirked once again, after looking at Dunk from head to toe. "At least the stain on my shirt can be cleaned off. But you? You'll be remembering me for a good few days to come."

With that, Joong turned and left the room, leaving Dunk feeling suddenly exhausted as he leaned his entire body weight onto the locker.

"Fuck…" he placed a hand over his racing heart. "That was close…but what on earth was he talking about?"

As soon as he was able to walk once again, without his legs trembling…he made his way towards the men's room and splashed cold water onto his face, rubbing his lips with the back of his hands until they were all red.

No he didn't care that he was kissing a guy. Dunk had always thought that love shouldn't be bound by gender. Also, he had two dads for fuck's sake!

It was the fact that he had just kissed Joong…the guy he couldn't stand in the entire University, was what had him so hot and bothered.

After splashing some more water onto his face, he finally looked up at his reflection in the mirror. The first thing he noticed was just how red his lips were…as if he was wearing some bright red lip product.

But then…suddenly, something else caught his eye.

Right at the corner of his neck…exactly at the spot where Joong had bit/sucked on his skin…was a red patch…that seemed to be getting darker with every second that passed.

"You fucking bastard!"

It was a hicky…

Somewhere that everyone could notice easily.

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