
The Anarchist

"There isn't anything remarkable about the Eleventh seat, he is one of the few council members who isn't subtle in his actions. He is a man who wishes to do one thing, shatter the very rule of law that governs this world completely, ironic since he is a member of one of the most authoritarian organizations in the world." 

"He mainly operates in Washington DC, sowing chaos and destruction across all fifty states, he is also the founder of Delta Command's infamous kill squad Édra Dímion, the Anarchist is a very dangerous individual that will not hesitate to do anything to survive."

"One thing to mention, there have been rumblings of a new rebel group in the United States, they called themselves "The New Sons of Liberty."

"A group created by the remnants of the US government and escaped survivors of the "Pit", I hope they prove helpful in your mission." The last watcher faithful to his duty, -J

(Isaiel pov)

After escaping the hospital ambush, we got Raphael's call to meet him in a bar to talk about the mission.

The team and I stealthy passed buildings and open streets, it looked like how they showed the purge, everyone in the city wanted to kill anything that moved.

We were only a block away from the bar when we heard some voices arguing, two groups of teenage boys armed with assault rifles were trying to force a woman to join them.

"Come on doll, these streets are too dangerous for such a pretty lady like yourself to walk alone in, why don't you follow us back to our camp? We can make you very comfortable." One of the teenagers, who was the leader of the group grabbed the woman's arm and tried to drag her away.

"Let her go, you know that she doesn't want to come with you, what you do to those women in your camp is disgusting and inhumane." The leader of the other group ordered before many of his members aimed their guns at the other group. 

"If those two groups shoot, that lady will be in the crossfire." Mackenzie grabbed her gun but stopped when I grabbed her shoulder. "If you shoot, you will draw the attention of all the people in this city, meaning we lose our chance to surprise him. Instead, we draw both of them away from this area." I handed MacKenzie and Vincent a flare, instructing them to light it up and make some noise when they were far away.

A minute later, two signal flares lit up the sky in different directions, gunfire could be heard as the rest of us snuck into the bar where we found Raphael. He looked nervous, but still flashed us a smile when he saw us enter. 

"There they are, you guys have done the impossible in the last couple of weeks, we have managed to push back against The Insurgency thanks to the work you have done out there." Raphael shook our hands, and then his expression became more serious. 

"But everything is much harder now, The Anarchist has been waiting for your arrival and is pulling out all the stops to kill you. The streets are filled with gangs, they are his eyes and ears for anything going on in Washington." Raphael gestured to a video where a gang shot up an entire house filled with refugees, killing everyone without a sense of hesitation even some of their members. 

"Luckily, we managed to set up a meeting with the leader of the New Sons of Liberty, with this collaboration we stand an even better chance against the Anarchist and the countless gangs in the city." Three knocks were heard from the door as Trevor slowly opened the door with his pistol raised.

It was the woman we saved from earlier, she carried herself with a confident demeanor as she walked past everyone until she stood in front of Raphael.

"Welcome Alexandria, we have been expecting you." Raphael shook her hand and gestured to all of us.

"Everyone! This is Alexandria, she is the leader of the Sons of Liberty and the one who will help us get rid of the filth that corrupts this country." Alexandria sized up everyone in the room and locked eyes with me.

"You are the leader of this group, correct? Let's go somewhere more private since the information I will tell you is classified." I looked at Raphael who nodded, and followed Alexandria to the staff room. 

"Let's skip the pleasantries, the US Government is planning to reclaim the power we lost when the Anarchists took over, we have a plan to deal with the gangs and the people trapped in the pit, all we need from your team is to kill the Anarchist before he burns this city to the ground." Alexandria took out a map from her jacket and placed it on the table. 

"We managed to acquire an old map of the city's underground, this map will lead you directly underneath the White House, where you should be able to catch him by surprise and swiftly kill him." Alexandria's expression turned grim as looked up from the map.

"But, we heard rumors that the Anarchist had been collecting chemicals to make some kind of deadly nerve Agent, we cannot allow that gas to be released especially by a madman." We began to speak more about the plan when we heard a truck slamming into the bar.

I rushed out to see what was happening outside, the doors of the truck opened and a barrage of smoke grenades rolled on the floor.

"We have been found, you guys need to leave now! I'll buy you guys as much time as I can, you need to deal with the Anarchist before it's too late." Raphael's eyes glowed with blue electricity as he smashed his arm on the ground.

I grabbed Vincent, Mackenzie, and Trevor off the floor and flew out of the bar and into the skies.

I was dodging oncoming rockets and looking for an underground escape when I heard an announcement on the speakers.

"Hello my fellow Anarchists, it seems that a couple of rats have entered our wonderful sanctuary, the first person to capture one and bring it to me will receive a special title and work with me on a little project that I'm working on." TV screens posted our faces as the sounds of alarms blaring in the distance.

We entered the underground passage and started to follow the map, we could hear the footsteps of people above and the sound of lightning striking the earth. I wondered if Benedict and the others managed to escape the bar safely.

(Benedict's pov)

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt my body being paralyzed all over, the last thing that I remembered was the smell of Ozone and everything exploded as I blacked out from the blast.

I had a bag over my head but I could feel myself being dragged by two strong men, I prepared myself for any torture that was coming but was surprised when the bag over my head was pulled to see a large hole behind me.

"This is the "pit"...in here, you fight to win back your life and freedom." One of my captors roughly grabbed me before throwing me into the large hole, I tried to grab anything but to no avail as my body hit the hard stone floor. 

"Uggh!" I screamed as intense pain erupted from my broken ribs, I managed to sit up from the floor with great difficulty as I scanned the darkness around me. 

I could tell that I was being watched from the darkness, I couldn't hear or see anything to tell me if anyone was nearby but they were there. Waiting, watching, for any signs of weakness to easily exploit in this dark pit. 

My body ached as I struggled to keep my eyes awake, I knew that falling asleep here was nothing but a death sentence.

But, the pain was far too unbearable even with my body's endorphins working overtime. 

When I woke up again, the pain in my ribs was non-existent, and the sounds of an alarm blaring made me alert.

A walkway of light blue light on the floor guided my way out of my cell, at the end of the walkway was a platform where a skinny boy stood shaking in fear. The guard didn't say anything but handed me a pistol, I knew what to do immediately as the boy pleaded for his life. 

I aimed the pistol at the boy, the boy continued to beg as my finger laid on the trigger, just as it looked like I was going to execute the poor boy, I pointed the pistol at the guard and fired at his head. 

I grabbed the dead guard's weapon, keycard, and night vision goggles. I planned on making my escape by creating an old-fashioned prison riot, I opened every single cell that I could find before searching from an exit.

(Isaiel pov)

We traversed through the underground passage, almost reaching our destination as we were below the Anarchist's headquarters.

"Alright team, prepare to go fight our way to the Anarchist, he'll most likely be prepared after the death of two council members." I placed the palm of my hand on the door leading inside, heating it with holy fire.

The metal melted as I ripped off the door, we entered to find an empty hallway with no personnel in sight.

"I don't sense anyone nearby, this whole place is empty except for the top floor which is most likely where the Anarchist is waiting." Vincent started to run down the hallway as we followed him to the elevator.

"We need to be prepared before we go in, that bastard is cunning and ruthless when cornered, he would blow this entire city to bits before getting killed." Vincent spoke with rage and spite as we called the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor. 

When the elevator doors opened, what greeted us were two wooden doors at the end of a hallway, I knew that the Anarchist was behind that door and knew he wouldn't die without a fight.

We breached the door and saw the Anarchist sitting at his desk, welcoming us with a wide grin as next to him lay the broken, bloodied body of Alexandra. The room seemed clear of any traps, but with how calmly the Anarchist was acting, it started to become unnatural. 

"So..you came to kill the devil is that it? You are not as impressive as I thought you would be, yet somehow you lot were able to kill Thirteen and Twelve, well..go on, pull that trigger and add one more council member to the list." Eleven stood up and gave us a proactive gesture. 

Vincent aimed his gun at Eleven, but I put his arms down as I figured out why Eleven was so calm. "You can't kill him, the moment his heart stops, the detonator will activate and the nerve agent will be released." Eleven gave us a sinister smile as he laughed. 

"That's right, a dead man's switch! Do you think you can come here to kill me and live happily ever after? I fought long and hard to let my dreams slip past my fingertips, if you want my city then you can have it once it's nothing but a wasteland and craters." Eleven smiled as if he had this all figured out, but he didn't seem to understand that I was an angel, Conventional thinking wouldn't work on me. 

"Vincent, when I give you the signal, I want you to shoot the Anarchist in the heart. Please don't ask me unnecessary questions, do as you're told." Vincent gave me a puzzled look before aiming his gun at the Anarchist, who looked skeptical at what was happening. 

"Look, do you honestly think that you can simply kill me and be done with it? This moment has already been prophesied in my favor, you make this confident act like you going to shoot me, and then you are going to surrender to me and watch as I kill your friends one by one." I didn't even bother to address the Anarchist before giving Vincent the signal. 

"Do it." Vincent fired immediately, as I slowed down the perception of time of every living thing in this universe, I opened my wings and quickly flew out of the building, tracking down every single canister of nerve toxin hidden in all fifty states, it only took a few minutes to get all the canisters since I had to extract the canister from the insides of a couple of humans. 

When I got back to everyone, the bullet was still slowly heading toward the Anarchist, who had an uneasy smile on his face. I did what I had to do, and allowed time to flow back to its original flow.

The bullet hit its mark as the Anarchist looked down at the blood spilling out of the wound, he had a confident smile on his face as he looked back at us before his smile wavered, as fear took control. 

"How? This wasn't supposed to happen, this is different from what Oracle told me. He said that I would win, he was supposed to be here to ensure everything went smoothly...Unless it can't be! Fuck! Those fuckers lied to me, meaning that the has been set up! I need to report this to the council, I can't die without the others knowing about this." The Anarchist started to run, I slowly started to follow him, knowing he was going to die before making it out of the city.

The Anarchist ran as fast as he could, letting his blood spill to the ground as his face became pale, he found it difficult to breathe as he hobbled towards the door. Looking back, he saw the angel whom he had challenged walking toward him as if he were taking a stroll, the unamused expression on the angel's face reminded the Anarchist of the one person he feared.

The Anarchist pushed open the doors, revealing an armed mob waiting for him, the once beaten men and woman whom he threw into the pit for his sick amusement as they fought to the death where rising against him, weapons raised at him as he tried to beg for mercy, but the words couldn't come out of his mouth, his body movements was sluggish as the angry mob emptied their bullets into his body. 

"So this is how it all ends." Flashes of his life ran across the Anarchist's mind, how he felt when he first met the council, his life living in the slums of America as his life was ruined by those bureaucratic pigs, and now, the last thing that his eyes focused on before death was the black-hooded figure retreating away from the crowd.

I congratulated Benedict on a job well done as the team watched the once-angry mob try to manage themselves, a black limousine and several armed tanks drove towards us. 

The passenger door opened as a man stepped out, he was wearing a three-piece navy-blue suit, and the crowd parted like a sea as he slowly approached us. He smiled at us before offering his hand out for a handshake, to which I responded in kind. 

"So these are the men and women who help liberate us from the uncivilized rule of that tyrant. I apologize for any trouble that my nephew caused you and your team, I had long thought that he was good and dead, only for him to strike us during the Apocalypse when our guard was down." The man looked somber for a moment before addressing the crowd as the Leader of the new Sons of Liberty and the U.S. president. 

I was getting ready to depart and find the next council member when I noticed a yellow butterfly floating in the air, there was a shift in the air as time slowed down to a halt. 

I followed the yellow butterfly to a fountain, where a cloaked figure stood waiting for me. "It's been many years since I've felt the winds of Prophecy shift so abruptly, your involvement in their fates makes you a risk, or perhaps you are the savior that will free us from the shackles that bind us to this cruel fate? the cloaked figure seemed to muse over his thoughts before concluding.

 "You must wonder who I am, I've been called many titles by many creatures from all walks of life. Chronos, the regressor, the one that time itself cursed, but you are probably more familiar with my more reclusive titles, I am one of the people who share the tenth seat on the council, the Oracle."