
the flood and change in order

I immediately covered both me and Enoch's eyes, and bow at the feet of the Father.

"Take off your sandals Enoch, you are standing on sacred grounds and at the presence of the almighty." I told him never looking at my Father.

"Do not be afraid, Enoch, as you are a righteous man and are to be the scribe of God: approach me and hear my voice." Said God.

"As I will explain to you why i took such actions against the Gigori for their treachery and sin."

For they were once holy, spiritual beings and had uphold my will to intercede for men." However they left heaven, and slept with women,and have taken wives like the children of men." God said in a low angry voice.

"Therefore I have given them wives so that they might impregnate them, and have children with them, and so that they can want nothing on the Earth."

"But the Gigori were formerly holy, living eternal life, and were immortal for all the generations of humans. Therefore I did not give wives for you: for the angels in heaven, in heaven do they dwell."

And for, the Nephilim, who are born from the union of angel and human, shall be called evil spirits on the Earth, due to the anglic grace inside them."

And Earth, will be there dwelling as they were offspring of man on the Earth, and they will be called evil spirits." Said God with animosity in his voice.

"And for the Grigori that have sent you too intercede for them, say to them: you have been to heaven, but the secrets have not all be revealed to you, all you knew were worthless ones, and in your arrogance you shared those secrets with men."

"Those secrets that you shared will cause massive evil and bloodshed on the Earth. It will mean nothing in the plan I have for humanity, because only I will know the great plan ahead."

My Father then made me leave the Throne room and I went to the prison, and went straight to Uriel's cell.

Uriel had chain's and shackles on his wrists and when he looked at me, he said nothing by now he knew that he was going to be punished for his betrayal.

Raguel appeared right next to me and was holding the key to his cell, "What do you want to do with him lord?

I thought about what to do with you for a long time and I have decided to give you a punishment that you deserve.

So as my decree for your betrayal, you shall be demoted to a regular angel, and be transferred to Anna's garrison as a soldier.

Before Uriel could say anything I made Raguel open the cell doors, and then I touched uriel's head and erased any memories of being a seraph. As well as erase his position from the minds if every angel expect the archangels.

I also lessen his power and smite making him much weaker than his previous self. Raguel removed the shackles, and I brought him in front of anna and told her that this was a new recruit.

I then went to Earth and I saw the construction of the ark, and it was done just the animals were needed to be stored in it.

So I decided to relinquish possession of Shem because I knew his bloodline was greatly important for the grand scheme of things.

sorry for the short chapter longer one tomorrow

Nonstop_Hamilton85creators' thoughts
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