


"So I guess it a date". enjoying teasing her daughter for the third time,

"Mom, common we are just going out to explore, to get my drive back" firing Steph it not fair glance over Skype face time.

"It something only you would say". Steph burst out laughing

" You wanna tell me, you looking all this good for just getting ur mojo back". Steph chime in giggling

Magedelene blushes hard and joins her mother giggling.

" Mom, you gotta stop now please". Giving her mom the puppy eyes.

" Okay baby, am just glad you're adjusting".

Steph sats with tears in her eyes

" I know mom". Magedelene chips in, looking sad

Steph notices her mood and tries elevating the mood .

" C'mon baby, you know am just glad you're starting to make friends, you're going out".

Steph eyes still moist.

"And maybe a boyfriend is going coming on the way too after the Mojo date".

Steph chips in quickly.

Magedelene burst out with laughter and looks at her mom over the screen.

" Mom, what's a Mojo date". She manages to say in between laughter.

"I don't know, you're the one who's going out to get your mojo back, so automatically it a Mojo date". Steph demonstrating playfully.

"I love you Mom, and no it isn't a date". Magedelene blushing at the word ' date'. Magedelene says and apply her lip gloss.

Magedelene goes closer the mirror adjusting her dress, looks over at her

" I gotta go now mom". Giving Steph the heart shape with hands

" There she goes checking herself out for the thousandth time, Make sure you text me alright". Steph chips in and returns the heart shape.

Steph beams with happiness, she could still remember holding Magedelene that morning, a cute bubbly baby with that small brown eyes.

The Shelter home had called her that day, after so many several attempt at adopting a child..

She was told a little background of the child, that the Father, himself had come to drop her off and that the mother had died during childbirth.

That same week, she and John, her now ex husband came to take the baby home after signing the necessary document.

They had decided to name the baby 'Magedelene', which was John mother's name.

Magedelene grew up so fast, At age Five, she saw John raising his hands on her and she had run towards John telling him

"Leave my mommy alone". She pushes him with her little hands.

There and then it occurred to Steph, that she didn't want her daughter growing up in abuse like she did with her mom,

She had to choose better for herself and for her daughter.


He is at the gate of Magedelene's, he's inside his car as he got a response from Magedelene that she was coming.

Philip let out a little gasp, she's looking all natural, but she's different today, more beautiful, her lips looking more sexy today, she's wearing this gown that embodies her shape and a little jacket on it.

' damn'. He mutters slowly to himself.

"Hi Magedelene". He manages to say as she fastens her seat belt.

"Hi Philip". She says giving him a little smile

God, those lips, he couldn't take his eyes off them, She catches him looking, he quickly returnes his eyes to the road, to show that he has the right intention towards her.

"You look Good by the way". He had to say it..

" I always do" she replies rolling her eyes.

Over the mirror, he sees her rolling her eyes and chuckles out loud, he quickly chips in

"I know, but I just had to compliment a sister yunno".

She raises one eyebrow at him.she was about to say something when Philip quickly said something, maybe he knew she was about to say something crazy.

"Because, you are an artist, we will be stopping at a Art collection, you know we could look around and maybe you'll find something that sparks your interest again". He keeps quiet, waiting for her to respond.

" It crazy that I never thought of it, you know I look through different collection on my phone, it just never occured to me to step out of my house and feel it and see it". Magedelene eyes becomes teary.

" You should feel down about it, I mean it not like I discovered it in a day, it took me years too". He feels bad and he held her hands while the other hand on the steering.

His heart beats loudly, hoping she wasn't going hear it. She didnt remove her hands. They stayed like that for a little while.

Philip came at a stop, he notices her looking at the Art building,

if there was one thing that could betray her, it was her face, it is very expressive of whatever she was feeling inside.

He squeezes her hand tight, to make her feel like they would do this together, he's always going to be her side.

He was convince of that.

She lets go of his hands, opens the car door. Philip does the same, walking beside her.

" I mean this is crazy, They are all just beautiful". She says at him after a few seconds of going through some collection. Then she unconsciously holds his hands.

Philip smiles as their hands clamps together again.

" So which of it speaks to you".

" I like this one". She points at one a very colourful collection.

Philip nods his head and asks "why".

"It speaks of life, it refreshing, you know bright colours indicate hope, new beginnings". She draws him closer

" Can u see the texture, the richness in this, it another dimension, this is truly a work of art". She talks excitedly

Magedelene points at a dark art, a boy in his teens looking at the sky and askes

" How does this reasonates to you".

"Magedelene please don't judge me, am not good at art stuff, but imma give it a try". He manages to say in-between smiles.

Magedelene nods her head, eager for an answer. Philip looks at it and starts speaking

" I think the teenage boy, which I suggest his struggling so much, and he is looking up for some answer from the sky, supposedly answers from God".

" Yes Philip that is it she says, looking at him all smiling...

This was the first time, she was truly smiling at him,with him..

She takes her out her camera, taking pictures of it...

They walked around and discuss over some other collection.

Philip walks beside her, listening chipping in comments.

Chapitre suivant