
Chapter 62: Testing them

As a disciplinary comitte member I can have a whole room for myself, but I decided to stay with Ash or else it would be so boring to be alone.

Opening the door of the room, Ash flashed with his electricity powers right in front of me and lifted me by my collar pretty easily since he was taller than me. "You! I tried to act calm earlier, but how dare you have a girlfriend before me asshole!"

Pushing his face away from mine, I explained turning my head. "Dont get the wrong idea here, she is not my girlfriend... Yet."

"Not your girlfriend my ass! She clearly hugged you in front of everyone there. Dont bullshit me." He jerked my body back and front from my collar.

"Listen man, I told you earlier she is an old friend, one of my best friends if you want to know. Now can you let me go please. And how did you see us in the first place?" I asked.

Placing me down with a perplexed face, he asked. "But even so, how could you befriend someone from the elven kingdom, a place so far away."

Walking past him, I took my top off while explaining. "Well its a long story that im not going to tell you now since we will not finish it until morning. Maybe i'll tell you another time."

Getting a little bit more serious, he asked me in a calmer tone. "But... What about Lucy? You realise how she feels about you dont you? What are you going to do?"

Hearing this question, the question I still dont have an answer for, I replird simply. "I... I dont know..."

Noticing my disturbed and gloomy mood, he quickly changed the subject clenching his fists, he said. "If you went for the Great Goddess, then im going for her sister the lunar Goddess in that case, and im gonna show you my rizz powers!" He tried looking cool by standing in a weird superhero position.

"Great goddess? Lunar Godess? What are those stupid names bro." I asked with a sarcastic disapointed expression.

"Nonono, its not me who created those names, its the whole school who agreed on them my friend." He explained.

"It dosent matter anyways. Good luck with that Ash, cause I dont think your chances with her are that high." I slaped his back as I stood up.

"Huh? What do you mean, im that ugly?" He asked.

Going to the bathroom to wash, I said without truning back to look at him. "No youre not, you are handsome, but you will know when you try shishishi."

After the shower, I had a small conversation with Ash about different topics, until we enventually went to sleep.




Waking up the next day, I did my usual routine, washing my face brushing my teeth and punching Ash in his guts to wake his lazy ass. "Get up you lazy bastard, the lunar goddess is here to see you!"

Jumping from his bed, he started doing his hair. "Huh? Where is she!" He asked.

"I told her that you werent here so she left from that direction, you better..." As I pointed my finger to a random direction, he immedietly dressed up and went running there.

"Hehe this is hilarious. Anyways today I will test the DC memebers, most of them at least." Walking out of the dorm, I headed to the training ground made for the DC memebers, I never visited them but anything will do.

As I strided confidently through the school's halls. Whispers ripple through the air as students recognize me. Boys discuss what they heard about my adventures in hushed tones, while some girls blush, sharing tales that made my presence all the more intriguing.

"Isn't that the legendary Dragon Sin of Wrath?"

"The one who faced the colossal serpent and emerged unscathed?"

"Yeah that's definetly him, apparently he is the president of the disciplinary comitte."

Boys exchange wide-eyed glances, their voices subdued in reverence. "I heard he can take down B rank magical beasts with a mere flick of his wrist."

Meanwhile, a group of girls can't help but blush in excitement. One whispers. "He's even more handsome in person" while another giggles, "Imagine going on an adventure with him!"

Ignoring all the whispers, I just continued going to my destination. Reaching it, I opned the door hearing the other members debating about who would win the fight. "Heeeh!? What are you talking about, I am the one to beat him!" Shouted Doradrea shouted.

"I dont care what you do, the important is to hold him off for me to deliver the final blow so that I can shine and become the strongest of the academy." Feyrith shamelessly said.

"I will take my revenge for that day, so make sure you dont bother me." Coldly spoke the princess.

Since no one remarqued me yet, I gave the room a quick look, it seemed to be like a huge forest, but in doors with lighting illuminating the whole place as if it was noon.

"Why are y'all so impatient? Do you really want me to beat you this bad?" I teased them.

"Huh, look whos speaking. Dragon sin of wrath or not I will definitly beat you up." Doradrea cracked her fingers.

"I can't even imagine the names I will be called when I beat you, Meliodas." Feyrith said.

"Im happy you are this motivated. In that case let I will go deeper into the forest, once 30 seconds have passed you can all come at me."

"Alright!" x5, kathyln just nodded her head. While Baren and Curtis were going to watch.

Walking into the forest, I counted 30 seconds and got into position. "Okay this is enough, they should be here in no time." I placed my hands ok my waist looking around.

While I was standing, Dorarea, a blur of graceful movements, leapt into action with a series of lightning fast strikes. My reflexes, honed through countless battles, matched her physical prowess.

All of her fists weighted with the power she was exercing but I easily slapped each one of them with either my palm or the back of my hand effortlessly, her agility and raw power tried to test my limits, but this would never be enough.

Kathlyn, standing at a distance, conjured frosty tempests that danced in the air. Ice shards whirled towards me, I punched rapidly Doradrea in the stomach and quickly continued with a round house kick throwing her 15 meters to the side and I evaded the ice swords easily by doing three back flips.

Landing on my feet a sword was aimed directly to my head, so instead of putting my weight on my feet, I simply slided them until I almost did a full split letting the sword pass above me.

Jumping into position, I faced Claire while pulling my dagger out from Amaya. With blades drawn, the air between us thickened with anticipation. Calire's eyes gleamed with determination and excitement as we locked into a stance, ready for the dance of blades to unfold.

The first strike echoed with a metallic ring as our swords met in a test of strength. Claire's skill with the blade was evident in the fluidity of her movements. Each swing, a calculated display of precision, aimed to find the chinks in my defense.

I countered with the finesse befitting my years of experience facing death, matching her strikes with a blend of speed and agility.



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