
311 The Boys: Madelyn Cornered, Butcher's Endless Hatred, and Unforgivable Sins.

Allen intended to return to his apartment, but he couldn't. Too many things had spiraled out of control, and he needed to find out why.

Golden Boy, Silver Boy, and Stormfront had attacked Frenchie and Popclaw out of nowhere. Who was the target?

A man like Stan wouldn't give up easily, but his counterattack was severe. Out of nowhere, he brought in three high-ranking Supes just to kill Frenchie.

The Emperor – I don't think the main goal was to kill your friend and his prisoner…

Rick – I've always been a fan of excessive violence *Burp* but also minimal effort. You don't build a disintegrator cannon to kill a level-one slime.

What they said was true, and Allen frowned as he thought about it.

It seemed very strange that two valuable assets like the Riordan brothers were sent on a mission with a high probability of encountering Allen. Not only was it wasting the surprise factor of both brothers, but also risked losing them.

Allen had made it clear with Black Noir that, although he didn't seek that outcome, he wasn't afraid to finish off his opponents.

Allen checked the time on his phone and decided to stop thinking about it. It wasn't as if Stan Edgar was behind everything that happened. It was more likely that Homelander had ordered the brothers to kill Popclaw, either because of the information she had or simply to show that he didn't forgive betrayals.

Allen changed direction toward where The Boys were gathered.


It was a seemingly closed-down bar situated among old buildings. It was a place few would choose to live, but perfect for being discreet.

Butcher and Hughie, along with Frenchie, MM, and Popclaw, were there. The atmosphere was very tense and heavy, not only because of the attack on Frenchie but also because of Madelyn Stillwell's call.

MM brought a metal chair and placed it in the middle of the room. "Are you sure about this?"

Butcher sat in the chair without responding immediately. MM, shaking his head, used his adamantium chain to bind Butcher. He had retrieved it when Allen appeared and felt he had the chance. MM wasn't stupid; a chain capable of containing Homelander was something so invaluable that it was worth risking his life for.

Butcher grunted. "I don't like the idea, but if I see that witch, I might end up killing her before we get the information we need."

"Can we trust her?" Hughie asked worriedly. This could be a trap. "Just an hour ago, she was the head of the bad guys."

"Madelyn Stillwell..." Frenchie said while Popclaw was cleaning and bandaging the burns on his arm. "With everything that woman has done, she should be in prison for a thousand years… or with a bullet in her head!"

MM sighed. "A dead b*tch won't help us right now. Madelyn is a treasure who could bring down all of Vought with the information she has. However, as long as Homelander exists, I don't know how useful it will be to further lower Vought International's stock."

"Not just Homelander… I'm afraid three strong types definitely aren't cannon fodder… ouch," Frenchie said.

"Don't move!" Charlotte scolded Frenchie.

Allen entered the room to witness the discussion at its peak. He took a glance at everyone's condition and at Butcher chained up with MM holding the chain.

"I don't know what kind of perverted game this is, but you can pick another place for it," Allen laughed, but the others didn't seem to share his good humor.

Aphrodite – I'm ready to be bound whenever you like~

Donna – Me!❤️

Diana – "…"

Donna – I think this kind of behavior isn't appropriate for someone my age :(


Allen cleared his throat and looked at everyone. "Well, tell me what happened this time."

Allen sat at a table and listened. Madelyn was asking to negotiate with The Boys in exchange for her safety.

[I.M.] "That was quick. It looks like Homelander discovered he has a child... At the same time, this makes it clear that Rebecca Butcher isn't dead in this world…"

Rebecca – 'I don't know if this outcome is better for that Butcher guy. The guy was practically abandoned by his wife...'

Felicia – I can't justify her, but I understand that Rebecca must have felt overwhelmed by the abnormal growth of the fetus. Added to that was her opponent being Homelander. If she had told her husband, he would have died seeking revenge on Homelander...

Everyone understood this point, and Rebecca's decision was understandable. However, it wasn't pleasant to know that while you were writhing in hell, she was raising another man's child. Allen shook his head; this was something Butcher and his wife would have to resolve.

"So what does that have to do with Butcher playing a sadomasochistic game with MM?" Allen said, crossing his arms.

"Damn it, kid..."

"No, brother, I just tied him up because he wanted!" MM defended himself in a panic.

Everyone laughed at this, lightening the mood.

*Charlotte's POV*

I was blackmailed by a group of evil men...

I discovered that they were trying to take down Vought, I thought they were crazy. But I didn't know they were allies of the albino villain.

Honestly, I was scared to the point of almost fainting, but I had no other choice. My actions had put Homelander after me... even Reggie (A-Train) had no choice but to kill me.

I understand the reasons he did it, but that doesn't mean I'm going to forgive him. I once hoped to marry him and devote my entire life to Reggie, but he killed me...

I went from beloved superheroine to secret lover, and now fugitive...

Now I'm with these guys. I looked at Serge (Frenchie); he's a good-hearted guy. Thanks to him, I realized that these people weren't that bad. Sure, their methods are questionable, but their opponent is Vought, and facing all the supers in the world is not something realistic without breaking the law once or twice.

The atmosphere was tense. It's normal; we were almost killed by two new Vought monsters. Just when I thought I had seen the worst of Vought, new Homelanders fresh out of the factory appeared.

To be honest, they'll likely kill us all. Still, I have no desire to flee. I've resigned myself to living according to others' dictates. My fame was given by Vought and taken by them too. If they want my life, can I really refuse?

"Are you okay, Charlotte?" Frenchie asked as he noticed me distracted.

I shook my head and looked at him. "I'm fine... no, well, I was just a little scared to meet him…"

I wasn't lying. Frenchie is a good guy, but his allies are terrifying, especially the guy who threatened me and the scary villain who is also an ally.

Frenchie looked at me in surprise and burst out laughing.


I was annoyed with him, and everyone looked at us curiously.

"What's wrong, Frenchie?" asked the big guy they call MM.

"Charlotte says she's afraid to meet Allen."

Unexpectedly, MM and the skinny guy they call Hughie also laughed, and the creepy one mocked me.

I didn't know it was so funny until the young man appeared. The atmosphere shifted from tense to relaxed. The tension disappeared, and everyone looked at the young man with a warm feeling.

The young man began to make jokes casually. He was supposed to be a villain, right?

Frenchie leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "See, I told you~"

His smile annoyed me, but I think he's right. There was nothing to fear from this young man. I pinched Frenchie's arm, and he pretended to be in pain.

*End of POV*


A car with tinted windows appeared on the empty street where the closed-down bar was, serving as The Boys' temporary base.

The car parked and remained stationary for twenty seconds. Then the driver's door opened, and Madelyn got out. She was wearing jeans and a jacket, with a hood, dark glasses, and a face mask.

Her golden hair was dyed black, and the gold and diamond jewelry that once adorned her hands in rings, as well as the gold bracelets and bangles on her arms, had been replaced by the wrinkled sleeves of a second-hand jacket.

Madelyn had once been one of the most powerful women in massive New York. She had friends in Congress, in all kinds of places, from high echelons to the lowest levels of the NYPD.

As she entered, she quickly found herself under the gaze of her former mortal enemies.

"Well, well, well, here's Miss Stillwell, our most hated pain in the ass after Homelander," Butcher mocked from the chained chair. But Allen noticed the chains creaked when Madelyn entered. It didn't seem like a bad idea to chain Butcher after all.

"William 'Billy' Butcher," Madelyn snorted. "If you want to mock me, go ahead... a few hours ago, I was planning our next press conference, interviews, both individual and group... now it all seems so distant."

Madelyn clenched her hands and then relaxed them. It made no sense to get more upset about her situation; now the most important thing was to survive.

"Billy Butcher, what are you doing?"

Madelyn was confused when she saw Butcher's situation. She then looked at everyone present, pausing for a moment at Popclaw, who lowered her head, and then at Allen, who was leaning against a wall with his eyes closed.

Feeling Madelyn's gaze, Allen opened his eyes and looked at her. This time, it was Madelyn who quickly averted her gaze.

Hughie offered her a chair, and she accepted. Once comfortable, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

Before Homelander had entered her home with a murderous glare, she had been monitoring the Riordan brothers' fight. The difference in power was stark. No, calling it a fight was too generous, Allen had wiped the floor with them. Madelyn looked at Allen steadily.

"Stillwell, I know you like children, but stop staring at our guy, or I'll rip your eyes out."

Rebecca – 'That's right, tell that bitch not to think of anything funny with Allen!'

2B – 'A creepy woman... she should be eliminated.'

Gwen – 'This woman is unpleasant. She can act decent all she wants, but she's just scum.' *Crosses her arms angrily*

Felicia – 'They're not wrong. She definitely doesn't deserve any mercy...'

The chat wasn't mistaken. Madelyn was a horrible woman, but she could also be a stake in the heart of Vought.


"Enough talk. Tell us what you want and what you know about my wife!!"

Butcher's gaze was as if he couldn't wait to kill Madelyn, but obviously, that wasn't an option.

Madelyn looked at everyone, noting they hadn't even introduced themselves, but she understood that she was not in a position to negotiate. She needed to prove that what she had was worth it.

Madelyn lowered her head and smiled bitterly, truly begging for help from those she had been fighting to the death with until recently.

"All right, but I need you to promise me two things."

"I don't think you're in a position to make demands..." Frenchie mocked.

Madelyn bit her lip, frowning. "You need me just as much. I know that Congress, the CIA, and the Pentagon won't touch Vought easily... Now, I can help you, and you help me, or I walk away and maybe Homelander kills me, or I might escape to Switzerland, but you'll be in the same situation!"

"Let her speak," Allen said with a calm look, drawing everyone's attention. "What? It's obvious she wants a guarantee that Butcher won't kill her while she talks."

Madelyn's eyes widened at Allen's words. Although he had saved the plane and seemed like a good man, it didn't change the fact that he didn't hold back against his enemies—whether it was breaking Deep's jaw, humiliating Homelander, sending multiple Supes to the hospital, or discrediting Vought at every opportunity.

"Thank you," said Madelyn. "What he says is true. I want you to promise me that no matter what I say, you won't kill me. Also, I want you to promise that even if we don't reach an agreement, you'll let me go."

"No!" Butcher said with a sadistic smile but then stopped smiling. "I don't care if you live or die, but if what you know is valuable, I'll agree not to harm you and let you leave... but it's a one-time deal."

Madelyn was nervous and glanced sideways at Allen to see if he opposed this decision. Seeing him nod, she sighed in relief.

Madelyn swallowed nervously as she looked at Billy Butcher. She knew that once she revealed what she knew, he would become very angry. In that sense, she was grateful he was chained up.



Endless hatred, extreme anger, bitter resentment—every intense emotion that was usually hidden in Butcher's heart surged to the surface like a violent storm.

Madelyn stood up and backed away in fear against the wall as Butcher unleashed a torrent of profanity upon her.

It wasn't surprising.

Rebecca Butcher had been abused by Homelander and became pregnant. With no one else to turn to, she reached out to Madelyn Stillwell.

Being the first child born with powers, the baby was invaluable, but it was also dangerous... if Homelander knew about him...

Madelyn made a deal, effectively forcing Rebecca to renounce her life and Butcher in exchange for help. All this time, while Butcher was suffering in a living hell, Madelyn knew exactly where Rebecca Butcher was.

Madelyn didn't expect such a violent and hate-filled reaction from Butcher. She was scared, having underestimated the depth of Butcher's feelings all this time.

MM and Hughie were restraining Butcher, who had already destroyed the chair and was held only by the chain.

"It's not a pleasant visit, is it?" Allen said, drawing Madelyn's attention.


"Look at them closely, Madelyn. They are a reflection of Vought's actions... you and your commercial Supes ruin lives every day without consequence..."


"Don't make excuses and save your saliva. Dead relatives, dead friends," Allen mocked. "Popclaw is the person here who hates you the least, and that's saying something since she was discarded and even tried to be killed twice..."

Madelyn struggled to breathe.

"None of us like you. Even I have three women at home whose lives have been ruined by you. One of them was manipulated her entire life to believe in something, and just when it was within her reach, you destroyed it mercilessly. Another was literally treated like a disposable tool, and the last one, a girl who should have had a normal life, now has to live knowing she killed her younger brother."

Allen walked toward Madelyn, who was pressed against the wall, her face pale.

Allen's accusations were harsh and raw. His disgust for her was genuine, and Butcher's hatred was justified. Madelyn was hit with the harsh reality; this was the world Vought had created, and she had contributed significantly.

"But that didn't matter to you, did it? Because in the end, they were just numbers. It was always about numbers, money, ratings, popularity... influence, wasn't it, Madelyn?"


Madelyn had no way to respond, each word piercing her like a sword in her guts.

"Most people in power are like that. They can order millions to kill each other but will never feel the pain of bullets in their guts, the loss of friends, or the smell of gunpowder and blood... In the end, it's just a new dress and a new speech on TV to fix everything, right?"


"Now it's not so simple when it's your life in danger, is it? Now you can smell the blood and feel the pain…"

Allen turned around. He thought about leaving the decision to Butcher; whether to kill Madelyn or accept her deal was entirely up to him.

"Please…" Madelyn fell to the floor and pleaded. "I know I don't deserve it... and I can't demand anything, but my Teddy…"

Allen looked at her. The woman's face was pale, and she seemed to have aged ten years.

"My son, I don't know how angry Homelander is, but he's not afraid to kill children. I can only ask you to ensure his safety no matter what happens..." Madelyn lifted her gaze to meet Allen's eyes. "If you want to kill me afterward, that's fine… please help me..."

Madelyn closed her eyes. She knew her request was impossible, but she had no other options.

Allen sighed. "Fine, I'll do it…"


Madelyn's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was in a situation where they could put a bullet in her head, and she wouldn't be able to complain.

Even in this situation, where it would be better to just kill her, even in this situation where everyone considered her the worst scum in the world.

"Don't get confused... I hate you," Allen said. "But your son isn't to blame…"

Tears filled Madelyn's eyes as she sat on the floor. "Thank you... thank you... thank you..."

Butcher remained silent for a moment before speaking quietly. "Can you free me, Marvin?"

MM looked at Butcher, unsure if it was a trick, but noticing the tiredness in Butcher's eyes, he saw that clarity had returned.

MM and Hughie smiled and released Butcher. He stood up and walked toward Madelyn.

"I'm sorry," Allen said, feeling uncomfortable. He had decided to leave the choice to Butcher but hadn't followed through.

Butcher shook his head. "Stillwell... tell me where my wife is... and this time, don't lie..."


Among all the chatters who hated Madelyn, some sympathized with her innocent son, and others could empathize with her. Tony was the first.

Tony – I admit that Allen's words hit me hard. I have no right to judge Madelyn Stillwell...

Indeed, Tony had ruined countless lives with his weapons, and only when his "legacy" almost killed him did he realize his mistake.


A/N: Truth be told, it wasn't planned Frenchie x Charlotte and it just happened :3

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