
The Hangover

Allen let himself go with the atmosphere, though not too much; at first, he simply observed human foolishness. A couple of idiots undressed a drunk guy and started drawing genitalia on his body.

Everything seemed like it would be a typical stupid party, but behind Allen, a life-and-death battle was taking place.

A girl tried to get close to Allen, but Emma, carrying a tray full of drinks, bumped into her and soaked her.

"Ah!... it's cold!" the girl shouted, visibly upset.

"I'm sorry," Emma apologized, but there was no repentance in her eyes.


Right after that, a woman who had just arrived from the hall saw Allen, and her eyes lit up. As she headed toward him, Megan stepped on the evening gown she was wearing, causing it to rip, and the embarrassed woman left the scene.

"Sorry, dear, didn't see you there," Megan said sarcastically.



At the same time, there were three bikini-clad women who couldn't stop staring at Allen since he arrived. However, the presence of Emma and Megan prevented them from making a move.

"These bitches don't even pretend!" Another woman noticed how Emma and Megan were keeping other women away using all sorts of absurd methods.

You didn't need to be a genius to see what was going on. Many people noticed Megan and Emma's actions. In a normal situation, their careers would be ruined, considering there were directors and producers at that party. However, it wasn't a normal situation. If they managed to win Allen Walker's favor, no one would say anything, even if they stabbed someone.

The trio of women was well aware of what it meant to seduce Allen Walker, so they came to an agreement. Two of them would sacrifice themselves with Megan and Emma, and the last one would approach Allen.

The trio got up. Despite wearing bikinis, they looked heroic as they quickly headed towards Allen.

Emma walked calmly to the side of where they were going to pass, holding a bottle. Then, with an evil smile, she spilled it on the floor – it was oil!


One of the women in the red bikini slipped and fell into the pool.

The other two felt the pain of leaving their companion but hardened their hearts and continued forward. At that moment, Megan appeared standing in front of them with her hands behind her back.

"Not so fast," she whispered with a dark voice as the women felt shivers, but they didn't stop. When one of them passed by Megan, she pulled out a pair of scissors.


The woman in the blue bikini went pale. She didn't believe that Emma and Megan were crazy enough to kill another woman who tried to get close to Allen.


Megan ignored her and, with cold eyes, attacked her. However, she didn't stab her; instead, she cut the strings of her bikini. The woman was paralyzed for a second, then she screamed, covering herself in embarrassment, and ran away.

"Shameless bitches!" The last woman cursed at Emma and Megan but managed to get through with the sacrifice of her friends. She arrived behind Allen, who was calmly sipping a drink, looking at the DJ with a TV head.

She felt it was an epic journey and that she had succeeded.

"Haaa... Sorry..."

After a tired gasp, her voice became shy and more pleasant. She joyfully watched as Emma and Megan glared at her but didn't dare do anything after she spoke to Allen.

"Hm?" Allen turned uncertainly toward the woman, his gray eyes a bit clouded by the drink but still lucid.

The woman felt embarrassed as she hadn't thought about what to say. In fact, she never expected to be the one who would reach this point. She was a rookie model who somehow got invited to this party and didn't anticipate being amidst so many celebrities, let alone in front of Allen Walker.

A part of her was afraid of Allen because, despite his actions saving the world, mutants were terrifying. Nevertheless, she gathered courage to speak to him because her new friends sacrificed themselves for her to fulfill her dream.

"Would you like to have a drink with me?" she uttered those words, hoping that Allen would accept. Even other women and men cheered for her because they saw what she had to go through to reach that point.

Allen contemplated for a moment, feeling his own physical condition. He realized he was being affected by alcohol and decided to recline. "Hmm, thank you very much for the invitation, but I don't feel available right now."

The woman was paralyzed by the rejection. Even Emma, Megan, and the people discreetly observing didn't expect him to decline. But it made sense; this wasn't a video game or a scripted movie. Just because someone approached Allen didn't mean he was obligated to talk to them or meet their expectations. This wasn't just for her; even Emma and Megan didn't have such a deep relationship with Allen.

She lowered her head and left defeated. Allen noticed that the woman seemed dejected and added, "There's nothing wrong with you. It's just that alcohol is affecting me, and I don't think I'd be a good conversationalist right now."

The woman brightened up. "Oh, I understand! Then-"

She made a final desperate attempt, but Megan arrived from the right and took her arm, while Emma did the same from the left.

Allen observed this and interrupted them as he stood in front of the trio. "You... I know what you're doing. You really don't need to go that far. If you want my attention, I can give it to all of you."

Allen declared arrogantly, letting himself go. He wasn't so dense; he knew what Emma and Megan were doing, but he didn't stop them because they were doing him a favor by keeping other women away. However, it didn't mean he wasn't willing to talk to people.

Wednesday and Rebecca had been nearby, waiting. If any of those women showed hostility towards Allen, they would have attacked, and they wouldn't be as kind as Emma and Megan.

"Should we stop him?" Rebecca saw Allen acting strangely. Part of her wanted to let him have fun, even join him, but her responsibility didn't allow it. She had failed once and lost everyone she cared about; she wouldn't allow it to happen again.

"..." Wednesday remained silent and asked Allen through their mental connection. Unlike Rebecca, she trusted Allen's judgment, even in this state. He responded to Wednesday that the system contained his strength but not his damage resistance. That meant Allen had the strength of a normal man but could still withstand point-blank tank shots. Knowing that, Wednesday let Allen do foolish things. Rebecca grumbled, but Wednesday told her she could join him, and she accepted.

It was a shock to see Rebecca come out of nowhere and call Allen "master." However, he smiled and patted her head. Although there was a security guard who approached to warn that there shouldn't be minors here, Allen assured him that Rebecca wasn't underage and said he would take responsibility if anything happened.

The guard accepted and left.

At that moment, Allen let loose all restraints and began to enjoy the party.


Allen lifted Rebecca onto his shoulders while dancing.


At some point, Allen and Rebecca tossed Tony into a giant beer barrel.


Rebecca savagely attacked a guy who tried to flirt with her, breaking his balls. Allen consoled her by pampering her while sitting her on his lap, which Rebecca took advantage of to act intimately.


Emma and Megan declared a truce for today and were drinking with Allen.


Taylor Swift and Allen sang on stage, but Allen was drunk, turning everything into a funny joke. Allen ended up kissing Taylor for some reason, or was it the other way around?


A few hours later, a helicopter appeared, releasing a rain of rum on the party.

From that point on, Allen lost track of time and his actions. Everything became blurry, and in his memories, he heard women's voices, a wet and warm sensation, and many moans.




Allen felt discomfort after the sunlight entered through the window, hitting his face. He covered his eyes with his right hand, his head aching.

Allen opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling. Before he could ask questions, he heard women moaning and realized someone was with him. Looking to his right, he saw Emma cuddling him, resting her head on his chest, and they were both naked.

Allen stopped his movements, knowing what had happened.

"It's okay, I slept with Hermione... It's not a big deal..." Allen accepted his actions without much fuss.

In retrospect, the worst outcomes are the best. However, at that moment, the soft and sensual moan of a woman came from his left.

Megan was using his left arm as a pillow while the sheet barely covered Megan's voluptuous body; it could be seen that she was also naked.

"Well, it looks like I had fun, haha..." Allen was a man who had experienced many difficulties; one wild night wouldn't drive him crazy, although this time, he felt uncomfortable.


Allen froze upon hearing the familiar voice, used his right hand to lift the sheet, and saw Rebecca curled up lower on his abdomen, and she was completely naked, clinging to him like a koala.

"This was going to happen..." Allen's gaze lost focus for a second, but he resisted the facts.

Allen deceived himself, thinking it was something inevitable that this would happen sooner or later due to Rebecca's constant innuendos.

"Well, it's not that bad... I have things to explain, but it's not the end of the world."

Allen let out a deep breath and calmed himself. As he was getting up, he noticed something strange when he released his hand from Emma, and it was that there was a tattoo on her lower abdomen.

Allen didn't pay attention at first out of respect for Emma, but inevitably, his enhanced vision saw something that chilled his blood.

"Property of Allen Walker."

'What the fuck!' Allen suppressed his scream in his mind as his eyes turned bloodshot. 'God, tell me it's a marker!'

Allen apologized to Emma and touched the spot. Emma moaned comfortably in her sleep and turned around. Allen paled because behind her on her lower back, there was also a tattoo.

"Exclusive to A.W."

Allen felt he had made a foolish mistake because they were real tattoos.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the end. Feeling a bad premonition, he checked Megan, and indeed, there were tattoos on her too.

On her lower abdomen was "Allen's Girl," and behind her lower back, it was written, "Belongs to Allen Walker."

Allen remained lying in silence for a while; the idea of checking Rebecca for tattoos crossed his mind, but he decided not to do it for the sake of his mental health.

Allen got up, moving Rebecca; the girl didn't wake up throughout the process. She seemed extremely exhausted from the previous night. Allen put her in his inventory.

Allen left the mansion's room, not before buying a barrier at the system's store.

[Talisman Barrier, a simple but effective barrier capable of protecting a room, house, or place. Prevents strangers from entering, but it's single-use and breaks when someone exits.]

Allen placed the talisman in the room where Emma and Megan slept and walked down the long hallway.

Descending, he went to the kitchen; in the living room, many people were unconscious; some were already vomiting. Allen entered the luxurious kitchen and looked for some coffee to prepare.

"Crazy night, huh?" the lively voice of a man was heard behind Allen.

"Yeah, so much that I don't wish to repeat it in my life."

"Hahaha, don't worry; life is better this way. Many people deny things without experiencing them once. If you think this isn't for you, don't do it again."

Allen listened attentively while preparing coffee, and indeed, the man was right.

"Are you Jack Black??" Allen turned to thank and saw an obese man he recognized in underwear with a poorly fitting hotel robe. He was drinking a beer, smiling at Allen.

"The same in flesh, fat, and bone! Hahaha!" the man laughed as his stomach bounced.

Allen didn't remember seeing him yesterday, but he was grateful to Jack because he lifted a great burden off him.

"Well, you're right. I need to go home; there are people waiting for me... but where's my clothes?" Allen was wearing a gray pajama he kept in his inventory, but his suit was nowhere to be found.

"Well, your jacket is in the possession of the Russian mafia."


"Your shirt is with a spiritual guru in Africa; your pants are with your fans at a ladies' academy in Japan."

"Hahaha..." Allen laughed, thinking it was a joke from Jack Black; however, Jack didn't smile.

"And your car, I don't know where it is..." Jack shrugged and left the kitchen, leaving Allen pouring coffee as it spilled.

"What the hell did i do yesterday?!!"


Astronaut: Control, here from the International Space Station. We have an unusual object on our radar. It seems to be a... Lamborghini.

NASA: Astronaut, can you confirm that? A Lamborghini in space sounds like a cosmic joke.

Astronaut: Confirmed, Control. It seems to be a latest-generation model. Any idea how it got here?

NASA: An intergalactic Lamborghini? It wasn't in our launch plans. Any sign of alien life with credit cards?

Astronaut: No signs of life, but it might be the first luxury car in zero gravity. Any instructions on what to do?

NASA: Stay calm and document everything. Who knows, maybe Elon Musk sent his car on an interplanetary tourism mission. We'll keep Earth informed.

Astronaut: Roger, Control. It seems that even in space, life can have a touch of automotive elegance.


A/N: If you want more chapters you can visit me at patreon.... There's also a new bonus that won't disappoint you ;3


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