
Enter: Hiiro

"Now then, what to do about the seal."

"<<Hmm? >>"

What? You think I'm going to abandon my friend here?

"Great Sage, what should I do to remove Veldora's seal?"

<Answer: You cannot. "Unlimited Imprisonment" is impossible to destroy through physical damage.>


"<<Hey! Don't just talk to your skill the whole time. You're ignoring me!>>"

Don't get jealous, old man.

And then I told him the plan Great Sage came up with. We will both be analyzing the Unlimited Imprisonment from both sides using our skills, and when Great Sage gets the final information from Veldora, it will do the final analysis of removing the effect of the skill altogether.

"<<But that will take time, you know. Don't wish to go out and find your fellow kind?>>"

Exactly! So, here is the next step. How about you get in my stomach, Veldora?




"<<..... >>"

"<<Heh-Heh-Heh >>"

"<<Kuh-Ha-ha-Ha >>"

"<<Kah-Hah-Ha-ha-ha >>"

Three-part laughter, huh?

"<<Very interesting. Do it. I shall entrust myself to you!>>"

You are really gonna trust me just like that?

"<<Trying to break out of this unlimited imprisonment is much more interesting than waiting alone for your return.>>"

Very well then. I'm going to use the "Predator" to eat you whenever you're ready.

"<<But before that, there's a small fellow that is trying to approach you from behind.>>"

Hmm? Me? Who could it be? Wait! Don't tell me...

I knew it. I could see a small slime, the size of a baseball, shaking its jiggly body behind a rock. It probably is the same slime that was following me from the very beginning.

"<<It seems you had a very loyal friend. It has quite lot of courage too.>>"

What is he talking about?

"<<It seems you do not realize because are from this world, but standing before the Apex Predator of world's monsters. Even if I'm trapped here, still at top food chain in world so, What think a normal instinct low-level monster around me?>>"

Fear, huh?

"<<Correct but not just fear, intimidation, paralysis, shock. You will feel and suffer from all these factors by being in the vicinity of my magicules. need to have a very high level either mental resistance or courage stand before me.>>"

Is that so? But why is that little fellow going so far to meet me?

"<<Most monsters in this cave are made from the lump of excess magicules exerted my body, including you and that guy, so it probably feels a familiar sensation toward you. Hmm, like brother, per se. But has quite potential if I say myself.>>"

What do you mean?

"<<It means it will be able to grow very fast with a few tricks and may also consciousness in the process.>>"

Hohhh! A monster that might be able to grow consciousness, huh? I'm in no position to say this, but it seems that little fellow is quite an interesting monster. I'm also surprised by the fact it followed me to Veldora's cave as well. How did it even find me? In any case, it really does feel like I've gained a little brother that follows me everywhere I go and tries to copy whatever I do. But I can't seem to hate this. As a single child, I have never experienced this so-called sibling's life.

I slowly move toward where the little fellow was hiding. And once I was a few centimeters away from it, it jumped toward me as if it had sensed my presence. I could imagine tears flowing in its eyes as it rushed toward me. After coming in contact with me, it started to rub its body all over me, as if checking whether I was okay or not. Like a mother checking for any injury in her child after he/she falls somewhere.

There was a very warm feeling inside me. I was starting to get attached to this little one.

"<<Sorry to ruin your precious reunion, but we should move on.>>"

The little fellow flinched but surprisingly it moved in front of me. What's he trying to do?

"<<Kuh-Hah-Ha-Ha-Ha! Didn't I tell you this one has lots of courage. It's trying to protect from me. can see why took an interest in it. This fellow is worthy being your friend.>>"

"Protect me, is it? How precious," I mused aloud.

"Interest, huh? Well, I just thought it was cute when it followed me while I was alone, but I never imagined it would be this loyal to me."

With a gentle and deliberate movement, I reached out toward the small body, as if I was extending my hand to pat its head.

"Kyu!?" It let out a cute voice and rubbed its body on me before getting behind me just like when I met it. It seems it understood my intentions.

"It seems I won't be alone even after eating Veldora."

"<<Hoh! He will be quite useful to you in the future, that is if he can grow and draw out potential inside him.>>"

As he said that, we continued our conversation from before.

"<<Now before you use your skill, I shall give a name, my friend. And must also think of name that we share. It will imprint our status as equals on souls.>>"

A shared name. It must be something like a shared name or last name. Hmm. Considering the name Storm Dragon, what is close to Storm? Hurricane. Winds.

How about Tempest? Or is it too cheesy?



"Roooarr!! BOOOOM!"

Wow, he REALLY likes it, huh. I could feel something flinch behind me as Veldora's roar echoed throughout the cave.

"<<From this day forward, my name shall be Veldora Tempest. And you have the 'Rimuru'! You may now call yourself 'Rimuru Tempest'!>>"

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