
Ch 26 Funeral Pyre

Our Dragons descended onto Dragonstone as they all roared out challenges to the dragons there.

Dreamfyre the Beautiful Blue Dragon that belonged to Halealana, Sunfyre the Golden which was my twin Aegon's, Blood Wyrm Caraxes which belonged to Daemon, Yellow Syrax which was Rhaenyra's, The Green lizard Vermax which was Jacaerys, the white and gold Arrax which was six times smaller than Vhagar and Moondancer which was a bit too small to ride and belonged to Baela, Daemons oldest daughter.

I spotted huge huge mud Brown Sheepstealer laying on the sand.

He seemed to be depressed because of the death of His rider...

We descended and Cannibal quickly growled in warning at the other Dragons to assert his dominance.

They all lowered their heads in front of the Colossal monster.

I descended with Hilde and my Mother as Uncle Harrold and Arryk followed close behind.

I was now fourteen years old, six foot three now and perfectly muscular....my face still didn't grow any hair but that should come soon enough.

I was a bit taller than Uncle Daemon who prided himself on being the tallest Targeryen hehehe.

I wore Black embroidered silk and a Dragon Pin with a Green Emerald in its eye...so did the rest of my family.

My daughter's all and sons all climbed off their mounts and walked up.

Sarella dismounted last and ran towards me and jumped In my arms still with her aerodynamic riding helmet on. "DADDY DADDY!!! DID you see the flips and twirls I was doing!!! I was going so fast!!!" She screamed cutely as I hugged her.

"Of course my Love, You are the fastest of them all." I told her as I kissed her cheek.

"Nuh uh! It's Cannibal whose the fastest, because of his great Big Wings!" She shouted and I just agreed.

"Sarella get off of Father, we must be on our best behavior since this we are going to a funeral....and take off your helmet." Visenya spoke and Sarella quickly nodded and took off the helmet.

none of my other children dared to get Visenya mad since she was as vicious as me....I couldn't be more proud.

Next Jasmine spoke. "Daddy....I wanted to stay home and sleep....we don't even like Uncle Daemon or his daughters...." She spoke with a cute yawn.

Draghul was the one who responded in high Valyrian. {"Yes Sister, but even if they are inferior to us we must show respect.....even if we do not mean it."}

My Oldest Son spoke as his reddish purple eyes glimmered....

He never spoke common tongue, only Valyrian...I didn't see an issue with it though.

He was cold and calculating but didn't seem very interested in people.

Then Laecon spoke.

"I think it's nice to meet the others, even if I dislike the lot of them.....and those brown haired Bastard Cunts also smell nasty!" Laecon spoke angrily and Hilde pinched his ear. 

"No cussing young man or I'll have your father tan your hide." Hilde spoke as he cried for mercy.

"I promise I won't cuss!!! Ahhh!!! Mercy!!! I Yield!!!" He cried and I just laughed a bit.

I Kissed my Women then we made our way to the Castle.

I looked down at my children, they didn't grow at the same pace as me but they were wickedly smart and strong.... Visenya most of all since she could beat up the rest of them when they pissed her off.

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We walked to the place and I spotted The family.

King Viserys looked like dogshit....he wore an engraved golden mask over half of his face, he had long since lost his fingers, and his hair was thin and brittle, the scent of rotten flesh and thick perfume wafted off of him.

Next to him was Rheanyra...she lost her Lover Harwin this past year, she had grown plump after all her children....her face was round and chubby but still desirable.

Her husband Laenor was off flirting with some random knight.

Beside nearby was Daemon and his daughters who were speaking with Rhaenyras brown haired bastards...ugh.

There were about a dozen other Lords and Ladies here to play their respects.

Corlys and Rhaenys were also here since they lived a short flight away.

I walked up to father and looked down at the frail, dying man and brought him into a hug.

"Father....it's good to see you after so long..." I spoke and let go of him....he reeked of milk of the Poppy.

"Maegor!!! You have grown so tall....and Strong.....it's good to see my son doing so well...let me see my grandchildren....I've missed them after so long...." He spoke and I motioned my children to come.

They were all wickedly smart and knew how to play the 'game' so they acted cute and innocent with their Grandfather.....

I'd already had all of them hill at least once, Visenya had more kills than the rest and Laecon followed close behind.

I didn't want soft children after all, this isn't a soft world.

I then turned and greeted everyone else present....Daemon looked fine but I could tell he was genuinely hurting.

{"My condolences Uncle, She left the world too early.....treasure your daughters since they are her legacy on this earth."} I spoke and we hugged for a second before I let him go.

I then greeted Rhaenyra as well. "Half sister, My condolences." Was all I said, she knew who I was referring to.

"Thank you Maegor."

Was all she said then turned away...she hated my guts and I'd fucked her less and less after she gained the weight just to make her feel worse hehe.

Lately when I would see her I'd just get blowjobs from her expert mouth and then leave as she lay there unfulfilled hehehe.

Then I walked towards my siblings who were by the water.

When Haelena saw me she ran to me and jumped In my arms. "Big Brother!!!" She screamed then latched herself to me as I held her tightly.

"How has my beautiful little sister been?" I asked as I kissed her head and chubby cheeks.

"I've missed you, and father betrothed me to that idiot Aegon...." She said sadly then leaned in to my ear. 

 "...Golden Flames Weaken, Green Flames Stay True, First Dragon Brought Low By The Second..."

She whispered into my ear and I understood her meaning....'Get Rid Of Him'

I whispered back. "Don't worry little Haeleana, I won't let that slug take you away... Just. Wait for the right time and never take that ring off." Then I kissed her cheek and let her go.

I then walked up to Aemond who looked at me excitedly. "Brother Maegor! Will you practice swordsmanship with me? Please? I've been training like you said." He told me and I brought him in for a hug. 

"Of course, but not today...how about tomorrow morning?" I asked and he agreed.

Then I turned to Aegon my Twin....hardly.

"Aegon...you look healthy, congratulations on claiming Sunfyre, it's a beautiful Dragon." I spoke and he just drank more of his wine....he already reeked.

"Whatever.." he spoke then stumbled away.... Yup, if definitely take care of him.

The day went on and the funeral has finished.

As the night came, we had a quiet dinner spent in mourning, soon it was time for all to return to their rooms.

Before we all separated I walked up to Aemond and brought him aside as my wives and children waited nearby.

I knelt down to get at his level and spoke. {"Tonight after all are asleep, you will walk onto that beach and claim Sheepstealer for youself."} I spoke while looking directly into his eyes.

{"But....isnt he for Rhaena to claim? It belonged to her mother?"} He responded in perfect Valyrian.

I grabbed his throat tightly as my red eyes glowed and he writhed in pain. {"Those Aren't The Words Of A Dragon..... You Disappoint Me Little Brother."} I spoke into his ear and let him go as he coughed loudly from the pressure.

He fell into his hands and knees for a few moments as I looked at him.

Soon he stopped coughing and looked up at me. {"I Won't Disappoint You Again."} He spoke with Determination in his purple eyes.

{"Good...Now Head To Your Room."} I responded and he walked off 

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(Hours Later)

Daemon and Rhaenyra had gross rebound sex under the shipwreck.

I could hear the Roaring of Sheepstealer and happy screams of Aemond through my window.

I walked up and onto the balcony as he flew wildly on the large brown dragon.

I sat down and poured some milk as he enjoyed his flight for half an hour.

He descended happily and patted Sheepstealer for a while as Aemond talked to him in Valyrian.

Then he walked up to the castle and was stopped by the two brown haired bastards and two of Daemon's daughters.

"It's him! He stole Sheepstealer from me!!!" Rhaena screamed.

" Aye... It's me." Aemond Responded.

"Vhagar is my mother's dragon!!! And you stole him!"

 "Your mother's dead And Sheepstealer has a new rider now." Aemond spoke while looking down on the lot of them.

"He was mine to claim!!!" Rhaena screamed.

"Then you should've claimed him...but you didn't...Maybe your cousin can find you a pig to ride....it would suit you." Aemond spat and immediately Rhaena charged at him and he threw her to the ground.

Baela charged as well and punched Aemond, he ate the punch and returned a hard one that dropped the girl and bloodied her mouth.

He stood over Baela and yelled at her.

"Come at me again

and I'll feed you to my dragon!"

When he finished speaking Jace the oldest bastard charged in and punched at Aemond who took one blow before hitting the bastard hard three times and dropping him.

As soon as Jace fell Luke came charging in, he was too small to do much damage so Aemond punched his face until the boy dropped with a bloody mouth.

By this point Aemond had a bleeding face but so did the other four.

The the three of them charged and dropped him while Luke was recovering.

They began to punch and hit Aemond who took quite a few punches before he kicked off Jace and punched both of the girls away

Then he jumped on Jace as he pummeled the Oldest bastard Mercilessly as he yelled. 

"You will die in flames just like your father Harwin did you damn Bastard!!!" As he struck the bloodied Jace.

Luke saw his brother getting pummeled and drew his dagger and charged, Aemond saw him coming and punched him down as the dagger flew into the sand.

He jumped into Luke and began striking him hard....before long the older Jace grabbed the dagger and slashed at Aemonds face and cutting out his left eye and gashing his face.

Blood spurted out as his screams echoed throughout the castle.

That's when Uncle Harrold Rushed in.

"CEASE THIS AT ONCE!!!!" He yelled and a the children froze, Harrold Rushed to Aemond and saw the Dagger in Jace's hand.

He used his White cloak to stop the copious amounts of blood that poured from his face as Aemond screamed in pain.

The two other Kingsguard made their way in and helped with the wound.

"Alert the King And The Queen....Now!!!" Harrold shouted as he left to the Maester.

He took a good look at the damage. "Gods be good....Soon Maegor will hear of this..."

Some time later Mother was alerted and rushed into the room where the angry King was, along with a dozen ladies and Lord's who were alerted of the situation....all watched in curiosity as to what would happen

She sat by Aemond and kissed his forehead as she held his hand.

"Will he ever see out of his eye Maester?" Mother asked.

"The flesh will heal...But the eye is lost your Grace..." He spoke

the King heard this.

He turned towards Aegon and slapped him.

"Where were you!!! Where were you Aegon!!!"

Before long Rhaenyra descended the steps frantically when she saw her daughters she ran to them and hugged them while looking at their bloodied faces.

Soon enough the children started bickering loudly as the King grew angrier and angrier.

"SILENCE!!!!" King Viserys yelled as loud as he could and the whole room quieted.

"Aemond....I will have the truth tell me what happened" Viserys asked and all listened intently 

"My Son has been brutally maimed....and her son is responsible." Mom spoke.

"It was a regrettable accident...." Rhaenyra spoke while hiding her son's 

"The Prince Lucerys brought a dagger to the ambush...he intended to kill my son." Mom spoke.

"It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves....Vile insults were levied against them." Rhaenyra spoke 

"What insults Rhaenyra?" King Viserys asked

"The legitimacy of my sons' birth was

put loudly to question." She spoke 

"He called us bastards." Jace spoke aloud.

"My sons are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace.....This is the highest of treasons.

Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned

so we might learn where he heard such..... treasonous slander....." Rhaenyra spoke.

That's when Laenor walked in drunk and made some random excuse..... He didn't even seem to care about how 'sons' being hurt.

"My son lost an eye over a damn insult!!!" Mom screamed at the whore.

"You tell me, boy.....Where did you hear this lie?...Don't look away boy....Your King demands an answer!!!" Viserys yelled angrily.

Aemond looked around then broke. "I...It was Aegon....he told me...." He answered.

"Me? When did I do such a thing?" Aegon responded with slurred speech.

"And you Aegon? Where did you hear such drivel? Tell me!!!!" The King shouted angrily.

Aegon just looked at Rhaenyra who was trying to hide her son's. "We know father....just look at them..... everybody knows.....just look at Maegors children with Hilde....Even they have Blood Eyes....Her Bastard sons can't even learn Valyrian..." He spoke then turned to get a cup of wine.

"This never ending fighting must stop!!!! Apologize to each other....now!!! Your King demands it!!!" Viserys yelled as he trembled in anger.

"That is not enough!!! Aemond had been permanently damaged....an apology will do nothing for his eye." 

"I know Alicent....but I cannot restore his eye with all the gold in the world...." Viserys spoke sadly.

"Then I want an eye in return! Blood pays for Blood!!" Mom yelled angrily as she held Aemond.

"I will not take an eye from the boy.....I cannot do that..."

"No...you can't....but just wait until Maegor gets here and you'll beg me to take just his eye!!!!" Mom yelled and a chill ran down everyone's backs....they all knew what followed in the Evil Prince's wake. 

An insult never went unanswered In Blood...

"Maegor always says that a Dragon does not turn the other cheek when struck....you struck the Dragons little brother Jace....I hope it was worth it...." Mom spoke with a sinister smile and Jace began to cry.....

Rhaenyra hugged her son. "Hey baby don't be scared....it's going to be okay...." As soon as she said those words vicious roar shook the castle and green flames lit the night sky as Cannibal let out a stream of Dragon flame onto the Sea.

A few noble Ladies screamed when the roar startled them.

Then slow heavy bootsteps were heard from down the hall.....

everyone seemed to hold their breaths and even Viserys sat down and put poured a copious amount of milk of the poppy into his drink....he knew what came next...

Daemon watched this all nonchalantly from the corner of the room...he didn't give two shits about his daughters.

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A servant opened the door and walked in as all eyes went to me.

 I wore comfortable Black silk clothes and both swords in my belt and my favorite hooked dagger in my sleeve.

The noble ladies blushed when I walked in but none spoke a word.

Mother called out to me. "Maegor...look what they did to your brother..." Mom spoke and called me over.

I walked close to Aemond and spoke. "What happened....not one lie..." 

"When I returned from claiming Sheepstealer the four of them stopped me, first Rhaena attacked and I pushed her away....then Baela punched me when I wasn't looking....then I punched her and she fell....then both Bastards charged at me and attacked at the same time....I beat them both for some time before I was dropped....they all started attacking me then at the same time.....I managed to beat them back and was hitting Luke when Jace cut my face with a dagger...." He spoke and all Lord's listening approved of it.

"Four against one....and you did so well....A True Dragon....." I spoke and i heard "Hear Hear!!!" From a few Lords who were my backers.

"But.....Four against one....I didn't know the next future King was such a coward...." I spoke and my eyes locked onto Jacaerys as he tried to hide behind his mother.

"Come here Jace....let me have a look at you..." I spoke and his mom urged him forward since she knew denying me would end up worse.

The crying boy walked slowly towards me as tears dripped from his face and snot fell from his nose.

He walked until he was standing in front of Me and Aemond who lay on the bed.

I kneeled down to face him and I looked into his brown eyes with my slitted Red ones.

"My....My....so you are the future King we are supposed to bend the knee to.....Go back to your mother, you still need weaning....I'll take my price in blood when you are Older.....for now enjoy what you have and treasure it....because one day I'll take something from you, like you took an eye from my brother...."

I told Jace then Kissed his forehead as he trembled.

Then he ran back to his mother.

I looked back at Aemond. "Im Proud of you.... Remember that losing an eye is a small price to pay for a Dragon." I spoke and he smiled through the pain.

Then I hugged mother and whispered. "Don't worry Mother....when the time is right I'll make him wish I took a few parts of him."

I whispered and Mom smiled as she looked at The two bastards which was not missed by the Lord's or Ladies.

"Father...I have been working on Mercy....how does it suit me?" I asked the King.

"Aye I suppose you have, since no one's heads have been taken for usage as cups....you still have a long way to go Maegor....but I have an edict to be made.....Any person who questions the Legitimacy of my Daughter's sons will have their tongues removed....do I make myself clear?" The King spoke and all nodded in agreement.

Soon after the Funeral ended and I returned home with my Women.

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