
Ch 8 New In Laws

(Valeryons are not chocolate)

(Rhaenys was not blonde) 

(I'll fight you for those)

The cannibal Soared down on Driftmark slowly as we made our descent to the island Fortress.

He unleashed a deep, primal roar into the air and was soon responded by the green dragon Vhagar, Red Meleys and Gray Seasmoke...the three dragons who resided on Driftmark.

When Vhagar looked up at the cannibal I could almost see the shock on the old dragon's face from the absolute monstrosity that was flying towards her.

She spread her wings to appear larger and roared at cannibal as we landed just outside the portcullis of Driftmark Castle.

Cannibal snarled and growled at the green dragon who quickly realized she was outmatched so she turned and flew into the distance roaring back at my coal black dragon.

Meleys and Seasmoke we're less than half the size of Vhagar so they flew away as soon as they saw us coming.

My Milk Cow and I descended from Cannibal and both approached the portcullis where the sea snake Corlys Velaryon stood alongside several guards.

The sea snake looked nothing like in the show House of the Dragon, he was a older Stern man with a hard face and pale white skin....... his vibrant purple eyes glimmered with strength and intelligence while he stared me down as I approached.

Lord Corlys had heard many tales of the red-eyed evil Prince and recently the tale of his banishment to Dragonstone.

Many rumors had long since spread, some said he was too evil to be kept near the Royal Family, another said he was a murderer and crazed worse than Maegor the cruel..... Only time will tell if anything was true but for now he had to deal with this child that now possessed the most dangerous dragon in history.

He nearly didn't recognize the Cannibal due to his sheer size and strength but when he saw those vibrant green eyes that glowed like wildfire he knew exactly what dragon this was.

Sea snake had seen balerion the black dread many times in his youth and he was sure that this Dragon before him was Far larger and looked far more sinister than the black dread ever did....

He then look back at the blood-eyed prince who approached alongside his famous milkmaid.

There have been many rumors of the prince's abnormal growth in his youth, many said the milk maid who never left his side was responsible his growth.... supposedly her magic milk made him grow like a sprout far smarter and stronger than his twin brother Aegon...

He always thought the rumors of the blood-eyed prince were exaggerated but he seemed to be twice the size of anyone his age.... he was six but appeared 13 as he walked up Lord Corlys.

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I walked up to the sea snake and bowed respectfully before speaking. "Greetings Lord Corlys I hope my visit has not cost you any issues." I spoke while looking at this purple wide man in the eyes

"Not at all Prince Maegor...

Please take bread and salt, then we may speak inside." Lord Corlys spoke and we accepted guest rights.

The buns were warm and soft so brownie points for house Velaryon.

As we walked inside I made small talk with a sea snake told me how surprised he was at the sheer size of me he had heard the rumors but didn't expect me to be twice the size of someone my age.

He also mentioned that my milkmaid is famous throughout the kingdoms for her magic milk which made me grow unnaturally. 

We both laughed at his words but he didn't know how right he was.

We walked past the Great Hall and into a side room as the guards stayed outside.

When we entered I realized this must be a private eating area for the Valeryon family who was standing while waiting to greet me.

I instantly spotted Rhaenys Targeryen, The Queen who Never was.

She was beautiful, only 39 this year and had a soft supple body underneath her black dress she had raven black hair and pale purple eyes that seem to look into my soul....her luscious red lips seem to call from my cock as I looked upon them. 

The House of the dragon show surely let us down with her portrayal as an old white haired cunt, instead she was more worthy of being a milfy Megan Fox than someone's decrepit grandma.

Just beside Rhaenys I spotted her daughter Laena Velaryon she was an astounding Beauty with milky white skin and pale purple eyes that shone beautifully.

 straight long pale blonde hair that shimmered like spun silver or pale gold.

Her beautiful eyes stared at me intently full of curiosity.

She was nineteen this year and had filled out perfectly, she had a good sized bosom and I knew her thighs must be to die for....but they were carefully hidden underneath her dress.

Beside her was her younger brother Laenor who was only a few years younger than her.

He was the spitting image of a Valyrian... white skin blonde hair purple eyes I didn't care much for him though.

First I introduced myself to the queen Who never Was with a bow. "Greetings Princess Rhaenys, It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person.... You are far more beautiful than father described." I told her while kissing her hand, she smiled sweetly at me.

"Thank you Prince Maegor, you look far older than any six nameday old has any right to be..... Must be the magic milk right." She teased while looking at Hilde who blushed deeply.

"Of course, where would I be without my magical milk maid." I responded and pinched Hilde's nose softly as she turned beet Red.

Then I turned towards Laena and kissed her soft hand as I looked into her violet eyes I took in her scent with my vampiric senses to make sure she was still pure I wouldn't want to make this trip for nothing after all.

I took in her sweet scent yes very pure and she smelled delicious just wanted to sink my teeth into her.

"Greetings Lady Laena, My half sister was named the Kingdoms Delight but now I see the kingdom is blind when someone as beautiful as you lives." I told her with all my Rizz and she blushed Red for a moment before responding.

"Thank you Prince Maegor.....I think your eyes are quite beautiful as well, Like Glimmering Rubies." She said with a blush on her face.

Then I turned to greet Laenor before we sat down and began to eat.

We made small talk while they got as much information out of me as possible and tried to gauge my character.

My reputation was horrible in the kingdoms...all heard I was an evil demon but as they got to know me and speak to me they realized it must all be false.

The Velaryons hated the Targeryens right now and a Prince of the Blood was now dining with them.

Laena also ask me much about the cannibal and how I tamed him I simply told her that he loved my blood eyes as much as she did and that got a cute giggle out of her.

Before long the sea snake asked me what the reason for my visit was I simply told him it was something best discussed in private.

He understood what I meant and soon after we stood and walked to a different room alongside his wife....I left my milk made with Laena as they gossiped about me.

We walked through several doors before reaching a room with completely solid stone walls and a dense wooden door meant to keep all sound in.

We entered and I saw a small round table with a few seats around it we all sat down then the Lord Corlys spoke.

"We are all alone...no one will hear us here." He spoke and leaned back in his chair as he poured himself a cup of wine.

"I come for the hand of your daughter Lord Corlys...and the marriage must be carried out today." I spoke as I drank a bit of wine.

He responded by laughing in my face before speaking again. "You are a boy of six namedays who has Been exiled from the capital for who knows what ungodly reason....my daughter is already betrothed to the son of The Braavosi Sea Lord.....why would I give my only daughter to you?" He asked sternly.

"Because Lord Corlys.....I will be the Next King.....and my Dragon is Larger and More Powerful than Balerion during his prime you've seen him yourself just now....And Forget the son of the Sea Lord, when he dies the son doesn't inherit the high chair...he just becomes another useless sod..." I responded.

"Rhaenyra is the King's appointed heir.....and You are younger than your twin Aegon....how can you ever hope to be King then?" He spat In rebuttal.

"Aegon is a weak pathetic boy....he will grow to be a weak and pathetic King, I will deal with him when the time comes.....and the Lords Won't accept Rhaenyra willingly, I'm sure you are well aware of this." I spoke and sent a meaningful look at Rhaenys.

"But you are six namedays!!! How will you even complete the bedding???" Corlys spoke angrily.

I just smiled before standing up and undoing my belt and lowered my trousers then I said. 

"My apologies Princess for showing you something unsightly." I spoke as I stared at her breasts and my cock Instantly rose to full mast....she sent me a sly smile as her husband looked at my eight Inch cock in shock.

"Alright Alright, put that thing away." Corlys spoke as he looked away and i shook my cock at Rhaenys twice before I put it back in my pants.

The seductively bit her lower lip for a second before her husband turned back.

"Let's do it husband....he has a huge dragon, he's handsome, intelligent as you can clearly tell, and he'd be able to satisfy our daughter with that thing in his pants....plus if we do it we'll piss off That cunt Viserys and his idiot hand Lionel....no offense meant Maegor." She spoke then apologized for calling father a cunt.

"No offense taken Princess....I too think he's a cunt, a passive fool who can only wipe his own ass after three weeks of deliberating." I spoke as I sipped wine and both of the Velaryons giggled.

Then Colys looked me dead in the eyes. "You better treat her well or I'll shove my boot up your ass." He threatened.

"I promise that I will, however I am inseparable from My Milk Maid...I hope you don't take offense if I keep her." I responded.

"You can keep your Magic Milk Cow just treat our daughter well.....let's go, we need the wedding before news gets out that you're here and the Cunt King sends a raven to stop this business." Corlys spoke and we both walked out and back towards the Dining room.

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When we got there we heard Hilde talking to Laena as the blonde beauty blushed deeply.

"Prince Maegor goes on for hours, and he leaves my legs trembling to the point that I can't walk the next day...the maids always complain about the sheets drenched in his stuff, but I see them taste it every time." Hilde gossiped as they both held hands they were the same age after all.

Both Corlys and Rhaenys gave me a 'Really....you animal' Look before we walked in.

Corlys spoke to his daughter. "Laena go pick out your best dress, you are getting married at midday." She froze while staring confused at her father as if he spoke in a different language.

Her mother was the one who responded by grabbing her arm and yanking her away.

As they walked away I heard them speaking.

"Did you like the Prince?" Rhaenys asked Laena.

"Yes he's very cute, and he has pretty eyes." Laena responded.

"Good because you will marry him I'm a few hours." Her mother told her and I heard Laena ask a barrage of questions as they walked away.

Corlys then called his castellan and ordered him to get everything ready and to call all the knights on the island to serve as witnesses.

The Castellan ran off and I was left with Corlys.

"You'll really do it?" He asked while moving his finger across his throat to signify killing Aegon.

"Aye....once the time is right." I responded and we both sat down while looking out the window to the Sea.

"Do you have any questions about Yi Ti? Or the Mossovy? I've traveled the entire world.... and Kids your age usually can't get enough of my stories." He spoke as we both looked to the sea.

"The thousand islands are said to have fish people..... Are the fish women Pretty?" I asked Corlys.

He stared at me for a few moments before putting an arm around my shoulder and beginning to tell his tale. "This was when I was a much younger man, on a voyage through the Thousand Islands you see...."

He continued talking as I lost myself in the tale.....

He awoke in the middle of the night and only peeked his eyes open to see a Green skinned woman with webbed hands and sharpened teeth walk up to him.

He said that he almost cut her down but wanted to see what she would do so he pretended to be asleep as she approached.

He said the fishwoman was naked and he had been at sea Months so he got an excited at the sight of her green breasts.

He said that she saw the bulge in his pants and crawled to him on all fours before poking at his rod a few times before sniffing it deeply.

The Green skinned woman then pulled his pants down and spat on his cock before climbing onto his lap and sliding it into her cold pussy.

He said her insides were cold and slippery, and when she slid in the entire cock inside he opened his eyes and grabbed her hips as he fucked her into oblivion.

He said one he was awake the Green skinned woman hissed at him and bit his shoulder but once he got the hip movement in, she melted in his hand.

He said she smelled of lake water and her skin was a bit slippery but he'd try again if he could.

He said by the time he was done she had completely fainted and he laid down and fell asleep beside her.

In the morning she was gone but left a scar on his shoulder from the nighttime encounter.

He pulled down his tunic to reveal a jagged scar around his shoulder from the Fishwomans teeth. 

"That's the story when I fucked a greenskin....now that you have a Dragon you could fly there and take one for yours...."

He was about to finish speaking but His wife snuck up behind him and pinched his ear.

"Don't tell him about when you fucked a fish woman!!! He's only six!!!" Rhaenys scolded him as he held his pinched ear.

"He's going to marry our nineteen year old daughter my Love!!! I need him to know how to do it properly!!!" He responded as he rubbed his hurt ear.

"Yeah right!!! I heard you telling him to visit the thousand islands for some frog pussy.... Don't Even think of going there Maegor.....not before you impregnate my daughter young man."

She then scolded me and walked to the door of the room as I eyed her fat ass swaying.

"Laena is nearly ready, come to the beachside in an hour." She spoke then walked away.

"Don't oggle my wife when you are about to marry my daughter." Corlys spoke as if he were mad but I sensed amusement in his voice.

"But she's just so beautiful, if she ever becomes a widow I'll be first to fight for her hand." I responded in a joking manner and he immediately tackled me and we wrestled for a few minutes before he grew tired.

This guy was old but damn was he cool, if only Viserys was like him.

"I don't actually mind, I can't satisfy her anymore.... In just to old.... and I wouldn't mind if you filled in....better my son in law than some random man." He spoke and patted my head.

I looked at him with raised eyebrows and he just smiled. "My wife already gave me my heir, if she wants to I won't stop the both of you....gods know I haven't been faithful in this life." He spoke as he stood up and helped me up.

"I hope you Don't regret it Lord Corlys." I told him and he just scoffed before walking away.

Although Corlys looked in his late forties he was actually nearing sixty....he couldn't Satisfy his Milf wife so he didn't take offense to me finding her attractive.

I just hoped he wouldn't want to watch.

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