
Death, most certainly death

Chapter 26 : Death, most certainly, death.



7 : 45 AM

(Author's POV)

The blaring sound on the bedside table shot her awake.

'Jesus Christ.' Charlotte grabbed her phone and turned off the alarm on the Iphone. She dragged at the tangled sheets and groaned. 'Why does it feel like I slept for 5 minutes when I slept for 6 hours?'

She scrubbed her eyes over her face and sat up.

There was a knock on her door. 'Come down for breakfast.'

Her sleepy eyes startled fully awake now. She grabbed her phone and turned it on. 7 : 45 bloody AM.

'Shit. I'm late for school.' She rolled out of bed and rushed into the bathroom.

'Easy now, Queen. We don't want you rolling down the stairs.' Her father said from his favourite plush vintage chairs.

Charlotte ignored him and rushed to the table for a quick breakfast. With a toast in the mouth, she tells her mum. 'I'll be going.'

'I'll drive you.' Mum offered to drive her but her request denied.

'I'll take the bus.' Charlotte hurriedly put on her black sweater over her T-shirt sports wear.

Johnny wrinkled his nose. 'You never take the bus.'

'Watch me.'

(Charlotte's POV)

I got to school around 8 : 23 AM. Luckily, I was among the few who had run past the gate before it was closed off.

'Melbourne?' I heard someone say.

Behind me and heaving slow, careful breaths was Lin.

'I guess we were both late huh.' She smiled at me. Hopelessly, I found myself returning the favour.

We both had missed assembly and were headed straight to class. The journey upstairs was followed with an awkward silence. Neither of us spoke to each other and I wanted it that way. She had bullied me yesterday. I kissed her boyfriend yesterday. Well, he kissed me. We both offended each other one way or another.

We were almost to the third floor when Lin started.

'I'm really sorry about yesterday. I wasn't really myself.' She spoke in a barbie doll voice that put me on edge.

'No one is ever themselves.' I almost curse but replied instead. 'Apology accepted.'

Out of the blue, she planted a kiss on my cheek. 'Thank you. I hope we can still be friends?'

'Sure.' I nod. Her smiles was giving me the creeps. I didn't know if it was genuine or fake. She's an actress and she's good.

The elevator dinged and the doors slid apart. I rushed out before she could trap me with linked arms and questions. Fortunately, I lost her in a crowd of students. With a sigh of relief, I pressed on to class. She wasn't behind me. That's weird. Where is she? My stomach grumbled and I regret not eating last night and this morning. Tired and sleepy, I dug my hand in my pockets of my purple joggers and fish out the chocolate I stole from Johnny. Walking into the class, I chewed slowly. Weirdly, no teacher was in at the moment.

Getting safely to my desk, I put my bag in its shelter beside me and rest my head on my desk. It didn't take long before I shut my eyes.

'Oi English!' There was a bang on my desk and I was startled. Big time.

Gracie's face hovered infront of mine. 'You're late.'

'I was doing the math assignment.' I groan and return to my sleep.

She sniffed the air. 'Is that chocolate? Real chocolate?'

'Yeah.' I nod.

I wasn't sure if I had upset God in some way but He was starting to punish me with nuisances. Scottie came along with his own cup of tea.

'Notice anything new?' He flashed a grin that almost made me puke. It failed at sexy. 1 / 100.

'Do I have to?' I stretched on my seat.

Scott's hands combed his short brown hair. 'I got a fine tan.'

'Wow. Congratulations.' I replied drily and settled in for a short nap.

Scottie rambled on with Gracie.

'Tropical tan looks good on you.' Gracie probably forced out that compliment. The only guy she's got eyes for are Derek and Adolph. Scott is not on her list.

I could feel Scottie's head swell with pride as he returned with a smile. 'Thanks. I feel more handsome than Levi now. Yesterday, I hit the gym. I feel built underneath this shirt. Wanna feel?'

'No.' Gracie respectfully declined and I laughed silently.

I popped another chocolate into my mouth and chewed slowly.

Scottie knelt down beside me. 'That's the real stuff. That's real chocolate.'

'That's what I was saying.' Gracie interposed.

'Here.' I gave the rest to Scottie.

'Give it here.' Gracie ordered.

'No fucking way.' Scottie begins to peel the wrapper.

'I thought you'd share like you always do with your spare part.' Gracie whined.

Scottie shook his head. 'I don't share everything with Matty. Sometimes, selfishness isn't so bad.'

While watching Scott, Gracie grew impatient. You could see the urge to punch him in her eyes. 'Why are you slowly peeling away the wrapper?! You're not undressing a woman.'

'This is the real thing. Rich and pricey chocolate. And its mine. All mine.' He savoured the bite and moaned with delight. 'Tastes like victory.'

'Eat too much chocolate and the tooth fairy's gonna come knocking on your door tonight.' Gracie rolls her eyes.

'You can sniff the wrapper for all I care.' He threw the empty wrapped at her and she shoved him.

The PA system chimed and Derek walked in. 'Alright, peeps. We've got Math now. Whip out your assignments for collation.'

Everyone scrambled to their seats. Blinking slowly, my eyes lock on Levi's. Someone was behind him - Lin. Standing by the doorway was a person I didn't fully recognise. I rub my eyelids and look again. Its Lenin. He's here.


Mrs Sullivan happily collected the assignments and bundled out of the classroom. I can imagine her serving F's on our paper. I drew a little breath and sat back. Lenin alights from his seat to mine. He had a pretty face for a boy. Sharp facial bones and a tall built body. I admired.

'Hi.' He began with a cute smile.

'Hi.' I gave a shy smile.

'Mind if we talk outside?' He asked politely.

'Sure.' I followed him out of the classroom.

We walked and walked. I was getting out of breath.

'Where are we going?' I whined.

Lenin halted to a stop and turns to face me. We're in the fourth floor. It's getting cold.

'I'm glad I have your attention, Char.' A wicked grin formed around his lips.

I was forced to reel back a step. 'What do you want?'

He shrugs his shoulders. 'Absolutely nothing.' Then he scoffs like those anime characters in "Kakegurui" 'I want nothing to do with a sicko like you.'

I was startled. He knows I'm sick? But how? Only the school staff is aware.

'Surprised at how I know? I know a lot of things. One of which includes you and your punk ass boy will get hurt today.' There was anger in his deep voice.

'Hurt? What the bloody hell are you talking about?!' I breathed heavily after yelling my reply. Hurt me and some boy? Who is he talking about? What is going on? He's been absent and now he resumes, I become a bully target? In what world does that happen?! Then it hit me. The pink paper I received. The threat. It was from him?


Lenin laughed. 'I know. It was the only way to let you know what was going to happen to you and him.'

He started towards me and I moved backwards. Fear froze my throat and I couldn't scream. The heat from his murderous glance nearly bore holes into me. The moment he got hold of my arm, I shoved it off him and bolted. He was faster but he didn't catch me. Well, someone else did. Levi. He caught me right on time before I fell. Tears swarm into my eyes as I released the screams trapped in my throat.


(Levi's POV)

I followed Charlotte and Lenin up the stairs. Where the hell were they going? Was he trying to do something funny to her? That dumb girl followed him innocently. Why was she too trusting? Lost in my own thoughts. I didn't notice when they left. Which way did they go? They were three staircases in that hall. How do I find them? Shit. Frustratingly, I rushed down the first one. They were nowhere to be seen. I went down the second one. Nothing. On my way to the third, I bump into Charlotte. Tears pooled at the ends of her eyes and she was breathing heavily. What happened? Before I could calm her down, she screamed.

'What happened?' I pulled back the hair on her face.

'He tried to hurt me.' She managed between sobs.

Just in time, the flat-nosed little piece of shit arrived.


(Author's POV)

'How did you climb out of hell?' Levi wrapped his arms around Charlotte.

Lenin smirked unpleasantly. 'That was a nasty slice in my heart, Lee.'

'Trying to take advantage of my lamb in my turf?!' Levi snarled at him.

'Whoa. Your turf? Since when?' Lenin scoffed.

'Since Monday. We played Hide and Seek and I won her.' Levi's hand reached for Charlotte's hair. The confused lass looked between both men, confused at what ensued.

Lenin clenched his fists by his sides. It was true Levi won the game and this part of the hall was given to him as a prize. He felt so much murderous that he felt like ripping Levi's spine out of his back and squeezing it into a pretzel.

'I'll back out for now, Lee.' Lenin loosened the tightened fist and pockets his hands. 'But I will have the lamb.'

He walked slowly away from them.

'You okay?' asked Levi to Charlotte.

Charlotte responded by pulling away from him.

'You're in denial and shock. I don't blame you.' Levi's voice was calm and low as he inched towards her.

'Just stay away from me.' Charlotte turned on her heels.

The clock was 10 minutes faster, Jacob noticed. The geometry class just ended and he was still lost in thoughts. By 4 pm, Hide and Seek would commence. He worried for Charlotte but was she going to be safe with Levi? Levi led the wolves that terrorized Lambs. But the chances of her not getting hurt were high. She wouldn't get hurt with Levi around. The last period before dismissal was Physics practical. Luckily, Charlotte and Levi are both Art students.

'Dude.' Matty snapped his finger, startling Jacob from his reckoning.

'Wassup' Jacob turned off his Desktop before moving over to tidy the papers he scribbled on during class.

Scottie came along and shook his head. 'Don't wassup us, man. Something's up and don't even say you're fine coz you're not. You look like the side effects of anxiety.'

'Thanks for killing me, guys.' Jacob took his bag to leave.

They followed him outside.

'We're sorry but asking about you is what friends are for.' Scottie observed every detail in Jacob. From his dull countenace to his slow depressing footsteps.

Jacob heaved a sigh before blurting out. 'Today's Hide and Seek.'

'What?' The duo stopped dead in their tracks.

'Derek is hosting today's game. Everyone's participating.' Jacob said dryly.

Matty pulled his beanie off his head. 'Class 3A and 3B are joining the game? Oh man. We are so screwed.'

Scottie's breath was shaky as he spoke. 'Are you sure? Where did you hear this?'

'Lenin.' Jacob said.

The duo watching him, equally shuddered as though they had the same thought.

'Death, most certainly death. That's what will happen. It'll be just like last time. Like when Levi and those assholes killed that kid.' Matty's voice broke.

Jacob clicked his tongue in annoyance. 'Levi was found innocent. He didn't do anything.'

Scottie cleared his throat. 'Now is not the time for this. We've gotta find a way out. I don't want to die.'

'Dominic, Romeo, Gemini, and Weiss will definitely join the game. Derek promised $1 million dollars to whoever will hurt Charlotte.' Jacob looked away.

'Who? Charlotte?' Scottie and Matty both exclaimed instantaneously.

'Yes. Our Charlotte. Charlotte Melbourne!' Jacob yelled.

In a quick response, Matty grabbed his collar and gave Jacob a rough shake. 'Why didn't you start with that, asshole?! You knew about the game and you told no one. You didn't tell us. Do you remember what Gemini did to the three of us? He made Levi put you in a hospital.'

'Let go off me, man.' Jacob shoved him away and left.

'We's gonna get killed, ain't we?' Scottie turned to Matt.

'Not if we run.' Matty replied.

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