

(One Week Later)

Shota Aizawa was tired. He was almost always tired from dealing with his students and his late night patrols, but lately he was extra tired. First he had to deal with Bakugo getting kidnapped, and then he found out the problem child and his friends went to go rescue him. Then the residential buffoon had to fight an ancient supervillain, only for some overconfident "god" to show up and send people into a frenzy. Shota couldn't even take a nap because he was so busy dealing with this new mess. There were a few things that happened because of Aurelius though.

The first was that criminals had stopped committing as many violent crimes. Turns out being warned by someone who can warp reality is a fairly effective deterrent for illegal activities. The second was that the citizens were fighting. Some of them had started to worship Aurelius, while others feared for their lives. Of course, there were people who tried to analyze his quirk, but nobody could figure out what it was. It didn't help that anything with the name Aurelius on it would turn into a statue of the man.

At the request of the rat demon, Aizawa had been trying to figure out what Aurelius had meant when the man said he chose arbitors. He hadn't made much progress, but it was about time for a meeting at UA anyways, so hopefully he'd be able to sort stuff out so he could go to sleep.

Nezu was amused. Something interesting was happening. All For One was dead, and now there was a new player on the chess board. The only problem was that he wasn't sure of Aurelius's win conditions. "Do we have any new leads on the arbitors Aizawa?" asked Nezu.

"No, though I wouldn't be surprised if the idiot over there was one of them," responded Aiazawa, ignoring All Mights complaints about being called an idiot.

"All Might, has anything happened to you since you met Aurelius?" Nezu inquired.

"Oddly enough, yes. I thought my last sparks of One For All would die out after the fight with All For One, but lately they seem to be burning brighter." All Might said, "I asked young Midoriya how it felt to him and he said One For All seemed the same to him, so I'm not sure what's happening."

Nezu thought over this for a moment before sighing. "I'm not sure if we can figure this out right now. I'd recomend we search for other Arbitors and see how their powers have changed. All Might, have you tried contacting Nighteye about this?"

"I guess I can call him," said All Might.

Nighteye was panicking. He'd been panicking for almost a week straight actually. He's always been able to see someone's future, up until their death. He restricted himself to only looking an hour ahead after his falling out with All Might, but he couldn't see anything at all now. He tried to see the future to get hints on who Aurelius could be, but all he could see was a blank void. At that moment, he received a call from a contact labled, "Toshinori All Might Yagi (best hero)".


["Hi Mirai. Nezu wants to know your thoughts on Aurelius"]

"I don't know. I can't see the future anymore Toshinori, and he isn't supposed to exist. I tried figuring out his identity, but it doesn't make sense. He existed before the fall of Rome, appeared in artwork all over the world, and wrote a paper on quirk factors before quirks even existed. From what All For One said, he created quirks, which might actually be true."

["Well that's bad."]

"Yes All Might, it is very bad."]

Bakugo wanted to explode something. All Might got hurt, and it was all his fault. He even had to be saved by his useless classmates and Deku. He was supposed to be number one. How could he did that if he needed other people to rescue him. He didn't want to be one of those useless extras who have to work with others to beat villains.

He had just been dismissed from the hospital and brought back home, only to be yelled at by the old hag and then hugged by his father. He didn't need hugs, even if they made him feel better.

Chisaki was frustrated. It wasn't good enough. He was currently overseeing his research on quirk erasing bullets. Some people may have been disgusted by using a little girl for experiments, but it didn't matter to him. She was cursed, so he might as well let her be helpful in ridding the world of quirks.

Then there was Aurelius. That was proof that quirks needed to go. Nobody deserves that much power. It wasn't human. Sure, Kai may have been a hypocrite, he used his powerful quirk all the time, but it didn't matter. As long as he could clean the world.

Stain was elated. He had been sitting in his cell in Tartarus, only to appear in a random alleyway. He didn't know how he got there, but it didn't matter much to him. It was time to rid the world of more fake heroes.

Shigiraki was angry. First he failed to recruit a new party member, and then he got team wiped by All Might. Top it off with his Sensei being defeated and he didn't know what to do next. Plus there was a new player who was clearly using hacks. How was that fair?

"Well somebody seems upset."

"Who's there?" shouted Shigaraki.

"You know who I am Tenko, and I believe I have an offer you can't refuse."