
Chapter 459: Targeting Ben

As the morning sun cast a golden hue over Martin's villa, the tranquility was abruptly shattered by the arrival of an old-fashioned extended Lincoln.

It sped through the gate and came to an abrupt halt. Nicholson, full of urgency, leaped from the car, his voice ringing out, "Martin, the bullet hit its mark!"

Martin, still in his jogging attire, gestured towards the house, "Let's talk inside."

Once in Martin's study, Nicholson was already brimming with anticipation. "Check TMZ," he urged. "They've released something big."

Martin quickly booted up his computer, opening his browser to find TMZ's homepage.

The site was abuzz with activity, the main headline glaringly obvious: "Ben Affleck Charged with Bullying Actress, Subjected them to Serious Sexual Harassment and Abuse!"

Skipping the article, Martin clicked on the accompanying video. A distraught Hayley Porter, a beautiful blonde girl, appeared on screen, holding up her student ID and payment receipts from Jen and Ben's acting school. She tearfully recounted her experiences, alleging that Affleck had used acting classes as a pretext for sexual harassment.

Her words were harrowing, but what followed in the video was even more damning. Though the identities of the other female students were protected, the footage was explicit, leaving no doubt about the severity of the allegations.

Nicholson watched with a hint of triumph. "See? Everything is under control."

Martin, impressed, acknowledged Nicholson's maneuvering. "Jack, you're a master strategist."

Nicholson, basking in the satisfaction of a well-executed plan, couldn't help but reminisce about his days with Marlon Brando and Warren Beatty. "When I was running around with those guys, you weren't even born in Atlanta."

The news had already ignited a firestorm of reactions online. Comments poured in, ranging from expressions of disgust to calls for legal action. The public outcry was immediate and intense.

As they scrolled through the comments, a new update flashed on TMZ, the victim had officially reported the incident to the LAPD.

Nicholson's face lit up with glee. "Looks like the Affleck brothers are in for a storm. Who would've thought?"

Martin couldn't help but marvel at Nicholson's foresight. When Nicholson inquired how Martin had suspected Affleck, Martin shrugged, recalling vague memories of past scandals involving Affleck.

Nicholson chuckled. "We all have our vices, but it seems. Ben's have caught up with him."

"Jack, you're not exactly a saint yourself," Martin replied, half-joking.

Nicholson's laughter filled the room, a mix of amusement and acknowledgment of their shared, flawed humanity.

As the morning light streamed through the windows, casting long shadows across the study, the two were caught in a moment of reflection, a recognition of the complex, often murky waters of Hollywood.

In the affluent neighborhood where Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner resided, the morning sun shone brightly, casting a peaceful glow over the well-kept homes. However, this tranquility was disrupted by an unusual commotion outside the Affleck residence.

Jennifer, having just tidied up her children's clothes, was startled by the noise. Curious and a bit apprehensive, she climbed to the roof for a better view.

To her surprise, a swarm of reporters and paparazzi had gathered at their gate. This level of media attention was unusual for them, especially given their recent low profile in the entertainment industry.

As she scanned the scene below, her neighbor Sandra Bullock emerged onto her own roof, clearly drawn by the same commotion.

Sandra, spotting Jennifer's confused expression, called out across the distance, "Jenny, check out TMZ!"

Nodding in acknowledgment, Jennifer hurried back inside, her mind racing with possible scenarios. Firing up her computer, she navigated to TMZ's website, where the headline hit her like a ton of bricks.

There it was, a sensational story about Ben, complete with videos and heart-wrenching testimonials from alleged victims.

Jennifer, no stranger to Hollywood's dark underbelly, felt a surge of disbelief and anger. The stories recounted by Hailey, one of Ben's supposed victims, painted a picture all too familiar yet deeply unsettling.

Her emotions swirling, Jennifer stormed into the kitchen. For a moment, she considered the kitchen knife, but quickly dismissed the thought for the sake of her children.

Instead, she grabbed a large bucket of ice water and headed to the bedroom where Ben was still sleeping off the previous night's excesses.

Without a word, she doused him with the icy water, waking him with a shock. Before Ben could fully grasp the situation, Jennifer announced her intention to file for divorce and left the room.

Ben, shivering and bewildered, stumbled to his feet, drying himself off while calling out to an empty house. Realizing Jennifer had left with the children, his confusion turned to anger.

His fury was further fueled upon discovering that their home safe, usually brimming with valuables, had been emptied. It was clear to him that Jennifer had taken everything.

In a mix of rage and desperation, he reached for the phone to call Jennifer but paused as his gaze fell on the computer screen. The TMZ article, still displayed, detailed his alleged misconduct.

As he read through the accusations, a chilling realization dawned on him, these were not just baseless claims. He recognized the incidents; he had been a part of them all.

The weight of his actions, now laid bare for the world to see, hit him with a sobering clarity. The bucket of ice water was nothing compared to the cold, hard truth confronting him on that screen.

In the affluent neighborhood of Burbank, the chaos surrounding Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner's home was escalating rapidly. The situation had spiraled out of control after TMZ released a shocking exposé, and Garner, having seen the evidence, was beyond outraged.

Jennifer Garner, methodically sorting through her children's clothes, was abruptly interrupted by a cacophony of noise outside. Curious and confused, she ascended to the rooftop for a better view, only to discover a horde of reporters and paparazzi besieging their home. Such media attention was unusual, given the couple's recent professional inactivity.

Sandra Bullock, Garner's neighbor, also cme on her rooftop, equally drawn to the commotion. Observing Garner's perplexed expression, Sandra loudly advised, "Jenny, check TMZ!"

Rushing back inside, Garner hastily booted up her computer and navigated to TMZ. The front page headline screamed the scandalous news of Ben's alleged misconduct, complete with harrowing videos and victim testimonials. Shocked and disgusted, Garner struggled to process the information.

Meanwhile, Ben, still groggy from the previous night's drinking, was jolted awake by Jennifer's cold-water wake-up call and her announcement of a looming divorce.

Drenched and disoriented, he bumbled through his morning, only to discover the severity of his situation upon viewing the TMZ report.

As the scandal ballooned, more victims, including Tina, came forward with damning evidence. They were motivated not only by a sense of justice but also by the potential for substantial financial compensation, as evidenced by the precedents set in similar high-profile cases.

Jennifer Garner was among the first celebrities to publicly address the issue, announcing her intention to divorce Ben.

James Franco, keen to distance himself from the controversy, publicly withdrew from his collaboration with Ben at the acting school and offered apologies and compensation to the victims.

In the midst of this maelstrom, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lopez also came forward with their own experiences and condemnations of Ben's behavior.

The media frenzy intensified, putting immense pressure on the LAPD, which confirmed the authenticity of TMZ's videos and the presence of Ben's DNA in the evidence provided by the victims.

As more women, including former co-stars, bravely stepped forward to share their experiences, the narrative against Ben solidified. Released on bail by Matt Damon, Ben returned home only to find protesters under the #MeToo banner demonstrating outside his house.

Harvey Weinstein, once a powerful figure in Ben's life, sent a clear message for him to remain silent. Ben, overwhelmed by the mounting legal and social pressures, had little choice but to comply.

In the unfolding drama, the consequences of Ben Affleck's alleged actions became starkly apparent. His career was in jeopardy, his personal life in shambles, and his reputation irrevocably tarnished.

The once-celebrated actor was now facing a reckoning that seemed inevitable in the wake of Hollywood's shifting attitudes towards misconduct and abuse.

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