
Chapter 123: Initiate The Leap

The Kryptonian remnants.

Two hundred thousand destroyers, one hundred and fifty thousand frigates, and one hundred thousand scouts formed thirty queues, led by thirty cruiser generals. They buzzed like a swarm of bees, flying with all their might into the distant starry sky to collect resources from the Kryptonian remnants.

Suddenly, the mechanical bodies that were using tractor beams to collect materials couldn't help but flicker their eyes as they received a command from the Supreme Commander Zero.

"Return at full speed!"

At the gathering points where the thirty cruiser generals were stationed, they all transformed from mechanical bodies into cruisers and sent out messages to summon their subordinates.

"First Fleet, assemble!"

"Sun Fleet, assemble!"




All sorts of chaotic and peculiar team names instantly spread from the thirty cruiser generals.

Upon receiving the messages, all the destroyers, frigates, and scouts immediately ceased their search for resources and transformed into warships on the spot. With their tails dragging long beams of materials, they began flying back to their respective fleet's gathering points.

This stretch of starry sky was filled with warships as diligent as bees, their tractor beams shining like fireflies in the dark night. In the deep darkness of space, they sparkled with brilliance, all converging together.

They returned to their respective cruiser generals, forming a whole to ensure the collection of resources and the safety of the warship crew. Led by the cruiser generals, they connected their tractor beams, covering all the warships within the cruiser generals' boson force fields, and set off towards Zero Planet.

Clusters of the cruiser generals' boson force fields, flew back to Zero, beginning the process of tallying contributions from the resources.

After completing the tally of all the resources, calculating the contributions obtained by numerous warships, the scouts, frigates, and destroyers respectively lined up and entered the cabins to reinforce their structures and enter deep sleep, preparing for potential damage during the galactic leap.

After the thirty cruiser generals swiftly handled everything and ensured safety, Zero made arrangements. The cruiser generals would be positioned on the left and right sides of the propulsion engines as a precautionary measure.

The seven battleships of marshal rank would be placed near the stellar engines and energy converters to ensure smooth operations. However, after their deliberations, they reached a comprehensive and favorable suggestion.

"Your Majesty, over sixty percent of the Kryptonian resources are still scattered in the universe. If we allow the energy of the red giant star to escape, it would result in significant waste.

The scale of the universe is vast and infinite, and every star is a scarce resource.

The seven marshals suggest that Marshal Sacrifice remain at the Kryptonian remnants to collect resources and use the battleship's stellar absorption engine to absorb the remaining energy of the red giant star. Finally, they will catch up with us at the destination."

The seven marshals, appearing like liquid metal throughout their bodies, transformed into humanoid forms. Their surfaces glistened with silver light. Four males and three females knelt before H'el and presented their suggestion.

The battleships of marshal rank were different from ordinary warships. With a massive length of three kilometers and a diameter of two kilometers, the humanoid mechanical bodies stood at a towering height of two kilometers. They generally wouldn't be easily deployed.

The battleship itself is their body. They can gather special liquid metal cells from their bodies, causing the massive body to go dormant while they, in a liquid metal state, separate and operate independently.

H'el sat on the steel seat in the command chamber, gazing at the Sacrifice, which knelt in the starry projection. The shining Sacrifice displayed bravery and fearlessness, embodying the spirit of self-sacrifice that H'el deeply admired.

"No, return to your bodies and prepare for inter-galactic leap," H'el shook his head, rejecting their suggestions.

Without the ability to traverse vortexes, the Marshals' suggestion would indeed be the optimal choice. Stellar resources in the universe were generally scarce. Even traveling millions of light-years didn't guarantee encountering a star. Moreover, Krypton, the red giant, despite entering its old age, still possessed a vast amount of energy to replenish the main engines of Zero Planet.

While it was regrettable to give up, H'el didn't feel a lack of energy, even though the main engines currently had only 9% capacity left, enough to support a single inter-galactic leap.

The seven Marshals didn't voice any further objections. They had presented the best suggestion based on the current situation, but since H'el had made his decision, they would carry it out.

"As you command, Your Majesty."

The seven Marshals immediately transformed from their shimmering humanoid forms into seven shining liquid states. Like arrows, they swiftly traversed the command center, corridors, pipes, and tiny crevices, covering the shortest distances, and individually merged into their own bodies' surfaces.

Then, Kalu, weaving through the corridors, intersected with the arrow-like liquid states and flew into the command center to report to H'el.

"Your Majesty, the final group of scientists, totaling 7.11 million Kryptonians, has entered hibernation," Karu reported.

H'el nodded. "You can rest as well, Kalu."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Kalu turned and flew out of the command center, heading to the cryogenic chambers. As he lay down, his vision gradually turned completely black, entering a deep slumber.

"Zero, initiate transformation into the Universal Mothership mode. Activate the star turbine booster. Start the main engine and initiate full-speed leap!" H'el, seated on the steel chair, with the projection of Krypton's ruins beneath his feet, cast one last glance around. With a resolute gaze, he raised his hand and issued the command.

"As you command!"

Planet Zero began to slowly transform. The entire planet trembled, accompanied by the sound of clanking as the metallic cells operated tirelessly. The starship extended its bow from beneath the planet's surface, revealing the top deck covered by superconductive glass canopies. The living quarters retracted into the abdomen, and the surface structures of metal buildings shifted and transformed, merging into smooth, thick armor. The command center delved deep into the interior.

On both sides of the planet, numerous massive thrusters were arranged in rows, resembling wings of flame when activated.

Planet Zero transformed into a colossal universal mothership, measuring 12,000 kilometers in length, 9,000 kilometers in height, and 8,000 kilometers in width.

"Star turbine activated..."

"Thrusters 2, 3, 8, 9, 15, 16, positional adjustments completed..."

"Main engine inter-galactic leap preparation..."

"Coordinates determined:

Zenith Z: X-5412315, Y-0541542321

North Celestial Pole: X-451135456, Y-6521316

South Celestial Pole: X-213549633, Y-554871268

Celestial Equator: 4516-54135

Galactic Core: 6884

Galactic Plane: 264133"

"Position locked: Solar System."

The star turbine began to activate, emitting colossal flames that propelled Zero Planet. The multiple thrusters on either side assisted in adjusting direction. They too ignited, resembling wings of flame.

Planet Zero, now a universal mothership, advanced through space, rapidly surpassing 10% of the speed of light.




The Kryptonian ruins quickly receded from H'el's sight as the mothership headed towards the Solar System.

"Inter-galactic leap, initiate!"

Zero, now traveling at over 100% of the speed of light, submerged into the cosmic expanse, disappearing into the constellation of Andromeda.


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