
Chapter 92: Unicron

Deep within the Earth, a terrifying frequency reverberated. An ancient, world-shattering aura, bearing the weight of eons, was surging forth.

On Earth, six metallic horns emerged even more rapidly from the sea and land, resembling giant serpents breaking free. The continents, once sealed, cracked open as if a dragon turning in its sleep. Thunder and lightning filled the sky, and the Earth's magnetic field reacted violently from its central point.

The Earth seemed like a coiled behemoth awakening from slumber, slowly stretching its body and limbs.

"It's over, you damn 'weakling,'" Quintessa sat down on the central platform, legs crossed. She felt the engraved circuits and the icy touch of the metal beneath her. After her frenzied outburst, a sense of mental exhaustion washed over her. Her face relaxed involuntarily, and her pupils retained traces of both ferocious anger and relief.

Awakening Unicron meant losing everything for her—losing the ability to absorb continuous, formidable power, losing the determination to dominate the universe, and losing the universe that had originally belonged to her.

But she had to lose all of this to awaken Unicron, who had once brought terror to the universe, to deal with H'el. This cosmic-scale power, the aura of destruction and annihilation, emanated from Unicron and spread like ripples across Earth. The magnetic field's fluctuation lines seemed to twist and stretch as if the Earth itself was slowly clawing its way out of its coiled slumber.

Suddenly, H'el snapped to attention, as if he had encountered a ferocious beast entering his territory.

He swiftly turned his head within the Cosmic Prime Turbine, his eyes glaring fiercely at the Earth, which was slowly awakening from its coiled slumber, emanating an atmosphere of world-shattering devastation.

His black cloak behind him appeared as if it were burning, and he stepped out of the Cosmic Prime Turbine. His eyes glared down at Earth with a fierce expression, and every cell in his body stopped compressing and hiding; instead, they prepared to release a formidable power to strike.

He stood in space, overlooking the starry sky. Every spacetime rift within each cell of his body accelerated the flow of tremendous energy. An invisible yet substantial pressure pressed upon the starry sky, directly shattering the decaying surface of Cybertron, leaving it in fragments and dust suspended in the cosmos.

H'el resembled the center of a black hole, controlling a super-high-density pressure that was pounding this stretch of the starry sky. It started to crush the surrounding matter heavily.

Under this pressure that enveloped the starry sky with terror, this stretch of the starry sky seemed to freeze in time, abnormally calm under H'el's oppression.

The Earth, which had already started rotating after Quintessa's destruction of the seven-layered golden barrier, was now clamped, and its gears could no longer turn.

The moon, orbiting Earth, directly concaved on its surface, shrinking by a circle.

H'el appeared like a demon god, descending upon the cosmos, trampling the starry sky, and exerting an immense yet invisible pressure that suppressed everything.

"Who... has disturbed my slumber...?"

As Earth slowly awakened from its coiled slumber, exuding an aura of destruction and annihilation imbued with ancient traces, its words hadn't been fully spoken when they abruptly ceased.

The slowly awakening Earth fell silent. Before it could complete its sentence, it quickly retracted the six metallic horns that had extended from its surface.

The baby-like extensions of its limbs, which had begun to stretch, halted their motion abruptly. All the ancient and world-shattering aura receded into the Earth's core.

Cracks that had emerged on the Earth's surface, like it was about to burst from within, rapidly smoothed out. Apart from the cracks that proved a monster had once attempted to pierce the surface, there was no other abnormality.

Earth returned to tranquility.

The entire solar system fell into a profound, peaceful, and silent state.

Quintessa, who had slumped on the central platform, suddenly felt a heavy pressure on her body's surface. It was as if her insides were being compressed into a ball.

"Is this his true power?" Quintessa's heart trembled. Her chest resonated heavily under the pressure, and her blood seemed reluctant to flow. The energies within her body instinctively retracted, calming down, unable to resist.

This was a force she couldn't contend with.

Fortunately, she had awakened Unicron.

But what did she witness? The recently awakened Earth seemed to glance at H'el for a moment and then continued to curl up and slumber.

"No!!!!" Quintessa screamed in agony.

"You're Unicron! You symbolize death and destruction, the lord of chaos, the embodiment of annihilation, the ultimate force that ends all things! You are darkness, you are the master of the universe! How can you retreat!"

Quintessa was in despair, screaming in agony. This was Unicron, the power she had pursued relentlessly, a force of destruction, a force of darkness, a power that could conquer the universe. She was on the verge of tears. How could this be?

Unicron was so powerful!

H'el was also uncertain about Unicron's actions, but as Earth's limbs retracted, the fierceness in his eyes gradually faded. He slowly recovered from his madness, sighed softly, and withdrew the substantial pressure that had been pressing upon the area. Earth resumed its slow rotation, and the Moon began to respond to Earth's gravitational pull, adapting to its orbital motion.

In the next moment, H'el teleported to the partially ruined central platform of Cybertron. He looked down at Quintessa, who was screaming in agony.

"You are my master, my faith. I offer you my most devout worship. I renounce the feeble Unicron and kneel before you, fervently begging you to use me."

Quintessa, who was still screaming in agony, blinked and saw H'el's black boots. She quickly knelt before him, trembling with her metallic body, terrified, and begged for mercy.

She no longer harbored any hope.

A person whom even Unicron dared not confront left her with no inkling of resistance.

In her understanding of the universe, the Universe Emperor–Unicron was a mighty, invincible, legendary being passed down through ancient times.

But now, Unicron was driving her to the brink of despair and howling in agony.

He hadn't even made a move and had retracted his actions.

Her admiration, faith, and yearning for the power of Unicron collapsed in an instant.

"I have mixed feelings right now, saddened by my own limitations, feeling like I can hardly survive in that world. I don't know how to deal with you."

H'el was still struggling to come to terms with this level of power; it was his limit.

In his understanding, there were three types of Kryptonians at the top.

The first was beings like Doomsday, who pushed their physical abilities to the extreme and were nearly indestructible.

The second was himself, a Kryptonian with various superpowers, capable of manipulating space, time, changing size, and having telepathic abilities, among other functional powers.

The third was a rare exception, infinitely powerful, capable of any possible superpower.

Compared to Doomsday and the Superman of infinite potential, H'el felt like a clown, only capable of performing insignificant parlor tricks.

"Ah, forget it, let's do it the usual way." Anxious about his limits, H'el casually dealt with Quintessa.

Quintessa was about to ask her master what his usual way was when suddenly, she felt an intense heat on her forehead, an incredibly strong high temperature that melted her forehead. Her black-bordered blue dual pupils flashed with fear, and before she could feel pain, she lost consciousness entirely.

The smoldering Quintessa turned into molten iron, flowing on the central platform.

H'el didn't feel a sense of accomplishment from defeating an enemy. Instead, he saw Quintessa and felt as if he were glimpsing his own future, passing away so insignificantly. This deepened his sense of desolation.

The battered planet Cybertron rotated slowly, and a ray of sunlight pierced through its decaying surface to shine on H'el's face. It didn't bring him any warmth.

However, he still subconsciously looked toward that ray of sunlight he had been chasing all along.

H'el sat down casually at the edge of Cybertron, his elbows resting on his thighs, his ten fingers interlocked and placed beneath his nose. Lost in thought, he gazed into the distance, feeling desolate as he continued to look at the sun, his black cloak billowing in the starry sky behind him.


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