
Chapter 29: Crimson Morning Star

"Repeat, March 1st, 12:02 AM, I am Dawn. I have now locked down all of Earth's networks, weapons systems, and nuclear launch procedures. Starting from Asgarda State, it is estimated that this nation will be conquered within 24 hours. This is a change at the highest level of the government, unrelated to the general public. Please stay in your homes, do not panic. Anyone attempting to cause chaos will be exterminated."

The repeated announcement echoed worldwide.

"General, all our electronic information weapons are under control."

"Mr. President, the nuclear launch program has been sabotaged by a virus."

"All satellite networks have been seized, and we can't control the network."

"This is a high-level suppression from an advanced extraterrestrial network."

Generals and presidents of various countries felt a chill in their hearts.

Nations had invested significant funds and effort in developing advanced electronic information weaponry. They relied on electronic information to fine-tune precision-guided cruise missiles, artillery, fighter jets, and a series of other weapons. Yet, now, there was no use for any of them.

Even nuclear missile silos, once cut off from the network, could spontaneously generate programs that connected to satellite networks, succumbing to control just like a virus. How was this possible? Their technological capabilities were beyond comprehension.

Without any warning, the nuclear missile bases had been completely compromised.

Leaders of various countries were filled with bitterness. It seemed that even the nuclear missiles launched by the United States required permission from extraterrestrial forces.

Was he deliberately enduring nuclear bombardment?

Was he demonstrating his invincibility?

Was it to make the entire world lay down its arms and cease the bloodshed?

Or was it to plunge all of human civilization into despair?

He had control over everything.

Leaders of countries who understood this began to feel a sense of despair. The extraterrestrial were not just conquering through force; he were calculating their actions precisely, cutting them off prematurely, leaving them feeling powerless and despondent.

How could they resist when he held all the cards?

In some countries, the network had been controlled so rapidly that they were already in a state of instant subjugation. The leaders' blood pressure shot up, and some of them couldn't help but faint.

When H'el spoke of conquest, he wasn't joking, and it wasn't a simple physical conquest. In the modern networked civilization, the first step was to control the entire global network, making his conquest exceptionally straightforward.

Some national leaders had already begun to give up hope, believing that H'el's conquest would require manpower, assistance in governance, and even in subjugation, they would retain considerable power.

Because that's how it had always been throughout history.

Beneath the dazzling night sky, H'el heard the reminder from Dawn and smiled. The time had come.

"Let's get to work."

Without any hesitation, he activated his heat vision, his eyes remaining crimson, resembling a deity or a demon. His body in the sky produced several sonic booms as he swiftly flew towards the Anchorage.

Anchorage was still an empty city. The citizens had been forcibly relocated to a large military base by the army.

Under his jet-black hair, his eyes glowing crimson, H'el descended rapidly upon the same classical clothing store as before. He casually put on the same outfit he had worn previously, and then his figure ascended into the sky once more.

In the next moment, he soared through the sky, releasing a powerful biological magnetic field that began to envelop the state of Alaska as he searched for the large military base where the relocated citizens were.

"From this moment on, all colonels, please listen to the Command Center's orders."

"Return the citizens to the city of Anchorage, and the stationed troops are to stand down. Temporary wartime status is lifted."

"Colonel Bailey, acknowledge the order."

Over the communication device, orders from the command center came through. Colonel Bailey paused, and a scent of blood suddenly wafted behind him. His muscles tensed, and he subconsciously tried to turn around and draw his gun. However, he saw Major General Chris, who had been walking behind him just moments ago, now reduced to a set of military clothing. Blood mist rose from the uniform, and it helplessly fell to the ground.

Witnessing this scene, Colonel Bailey's scalp tingled, and his body stiffened with a chilling sensation.

"Do not panic. Stay calm. This is merely a change at the highest level of government. From this moment on, orders will be issued by the Electronic Information Command Center. Please keep your communication devices operational."

"Cancel all orders given by generals and above. Orders will be issued by the Electronic Information Command Center. Soldiers, accept the orders!"

"Colonel Bailey, accept the orders, or be considered a rebel and eliminated."

Over the communication device, the messages kept coming through. Colonel Bailey felt a chill down his spine, and it took a long time for his thoughts to emerge from a blank state. Upon hearing the words on the communication device, he quickly responded.

"Accepting orders!" he exclaimed loudly, his entire body feeling cold as he responded, not knowing what was happening.

The bizarre death of the major general, turning into a blood mist, and hearing that he would be eliminated too, made him accept the orders hastily.

Most importantly, the procedure was flawless. After the death of his superior, he had to obey orders issued by the Electronic Information Command and Communications Center.

Though he was horrified, he stiffly agreed to accept the orders.

"Very well, 24 hours from now, Colonel Bailey's rank will be promoted to Brigadier General. Now, please cooperate with the orders from the command center. Comfort the citizens, relocate them to Anchorage, disband the stationed troops, and lift the temporary state of war."

"You're going to have a successful career, Brigadier General. Now, execute the orders!"

The words from the communication left Colonel Bailey stunned. First, Major General Chris had turned into a blood mist behind him, and now he was being promoted to Brigadier General so quickly? Was good fortune arriving this swiftly?

Soon, Colonel Bailey saw the different fates of his colleagues. Colonel Ashton noticed the sudden change and refused to accept the orders. He angrily cursed the person on the communication device and, in a flash, turned into a blood mist, his uniform falling to the ground.

There were also other colonels who accepted the orders and were informed that they would be promoted to Brigadier General in 24 hours. They were ecstatic and felt like they were in a surreal dream.

Especially those who found out that the ones who quickly accepted the orders were being informed that they would be promoted to Major General. Colonel Bailey's heart twisted with jealousy. He regretted being shocked for too long, missing out on the position of Major General.

Soon, they received the news that in this large military base, all officers of the rank Brigadier General and above, including Major Generals, Lieutenant Generals, and Generals, had all turned into blood mists and disappeared.

They could only temporarily follow the orders from the command center and continue to execute them. Otherwise, they would lose their promotion in rank.

Anyone who had doubts about the orders and refused to execute them had already died.

Colonel Bailey's heart was filled with both cold and hot sensations, not having the slightest idea what was happening. He looked up and saw a crimson morning star streaking across the night sky, catching his eye.


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