

Arbor Mundi, 1/1/2000.

Noona is great... no... a Genius, Noona is a Genius.

"~Huehehehhehe!"- I laughed merrily.

"~Fufufufufu!"- Gaea laughed triumphantly.

Gaea is not to be outshined, my sweet chocolate goddess is a Genius of her own type. 

It's the morning after the New Year Party and I can't help but be elated by the present Noona brought us. 

Things got a little complicated at some point because my drunk telepathic servants/family broadcasted what they were doing for all to enjoy... Effectively creating the equivalent of a telepathic orgy. There were minors blissfully unaware presently sleeping so I had to sleep with a metaphorical eye opened, to shield them from the vulgar sexual practices that were being broadcasted. 

The adults didn't enjoy such privilege, so they may or may not have been able to relish a very pleasant night... In more ways than one.

I'm no wizard when it comes to sex, and needless to say about Gaea, but we still found ourselves surprised about the feelings and memories that were telepathically publicized.

Aside from the kids—and certain exceptions—the only one who enjoyed a peaceful sleep was Jean, she was sleeping in my mindscape—as usual—so she was protected from the depravity.

Well... Agatha and Yao are too experienced to become collateral damage, so when they felt that things were getting freaky they fled to Halo.

Either way! It stands to reason that Maria and Fury—who are sharing breakfast with us—are currently having a hard time looking at us in the face.

At the moment only Gaea, Jean, Seraph, and them are awake sharing the table, so none of the aggressors are present, Stark and his entourage are out for the count and the kids are out as well. The Baxter crew is no better.

"You two are somehow responsible for what happened last night, are you not?"- Fury asked giving us the stinky eye. 

"~Huehehehhehe!"- I laughed merrily.

"~Fufufufufu!"- Gaea laughed triumphantly.

"..."- Fury was giving us a disapproving look.

"... I'm just glad Monica was exempted from it..."- Maria added with both relief and disapproval in her voice. She knows this because Monica was asleep the whole time.

Well, some were assaulted with some very interesting dreams even if they were asleep. But, yes, kids were spared—as she assumed.

"What are they talking about?"- Jean asked curiously.

I answered by sending her a memory package of what happened last night... in the telepathic equivalent of 4k and immersive audio, feelings included.

Her eyes blinked fast for about three seconds and a fierce blush beautifully decorated the aroused firebird's face.

"... Aragorn! Idiot dragon! I did not need the full experience!"- She shouted and blasted me with a psionic punch.

I flew a few 360°s in the air from the impact and then jumped back to my seat. 

"~Huehehehhehe!"- I laughed mockingly.

"~Fufufufufu!"- Gaea laughed mirthfully.

"Idiot! How am I supposed to look at them now?!"- She cried out loud with her head between her hands.

"It's no big deal, haven't we seen each other naked, in and out, during our initial spars?"- I'm pretty sure I know and could recognize the innards of most of my girls wherever I encounter them—as morbid as that sounds—needless to say about their naked bodies. 

Real-life fights with superpowers are different from what I expected... your clothing and/or armor don't magically survive while protecting your dignity. I both dread and anticipate the birth of the Hulk, I'm pretty sure those pants won't survive the transformation.

"That's different! Obviously! It's not the same seeing Emma coughing her lungs out as seeing her railing Elyseas from behind!"- Jean said with a blush that was reaching her neck.

"Unmistakenly, Insanity Incarnate had a hand in chicks growing dicks!"- Fury offhandedly added.

"Hey! I didn't know if they were ever going to find themselves partners of the opposite gender, and James was not very gung-ho about making a harem with over 50 girls."- I defended my very logical judgment.

"I'm pretty sure there was no such thing as a futanari mutation! How did you even make that possible?"- Jean.

"Heheheh! So you know what 'futanari' means?"- I teased her back.

"Th-That's not the point!"- She stammered.

"Adaptation is a very overpowered mutation when you modify it to the upper high alpha level."- I answered.

The mutation is not on the omega level because that would imply the possibility of full control over the adaptation—which they don't have. But as proven, with enough 'need' for an extra appendage, you can adapt to grow a penis.

"None of the changes are permanent, but yes our girls can breed between each other."- Gaea supported my explanation.

"... This... I need a drink... or a few..."- Maria said as she got up and walked to the organic fabricator.

"I'm not even drunk enough to be part of this. Normally I would say that this is some white-people shit, but I don't label most of you as 'people'."- Fury said as he followed after Maria.

"I don't understand why they are making such a big deal out of it, it's simply coitus, isn't it?"- Seraph asked after taking the last bite of her third vanilla flan.

"I think it's because people tend to create complexes regarding their bodies or performance."- I objectively explained.

"But their bodies are perfect—you made them that way—and with infinite stamina, anyone could get enough practice to correct any issues concerning underperformance."- Seraph reached for her first coconut flan.

"There's also a social aspect to it, Love."- Gaea explained.

"I know about it but I don't quite understand it. Like...Mmmm... Ah! Like when you have a formula but don't know where to apply it."- Seraph took a bite from her flan and a little tidbit remained on the corner of her lips.

I reached with my TK, cleaned her lip, and ate the tidbit after bringing it back to me, I'm sure my conniving daughter left it there for this purpose.

Like the time she 'accidentally' embedded a present she sent Noona through me with a realm-tracking overflow-fixed resonator—a fancy GPS tracker—and accidentally tracked her mother's realm's coordinates. She now anxiously awaits the time when her soul is solid enough to survive Noona's realm—so that she can visit her mother.

"It's quite illogical If I'm being honest. So I don't blame you for not understanding. I was the first to ever copulate on this planet and I never felt shame of talking about it."- Gaea confessed.

"Right? That's what I think as well. Talking about it shouldn't be a problem."- Seraph nodded.

"It's kind of personal, so normally you don't talk about it out loud in the open."- Jean tried to explain.

"I understand the embarrassment but I also understand how illogical it is. I only comprehend it because I was a human."- I explained while stealing a corner of her coconut flan.

"Did you ever fornicate, Father?"- Seraph asked with a pout as she moved closer to Jean and further from me to protect her flan.

"Yes, only once. It was before the invasions started."- My answer bought the interest of Jean and Gaea, the same with Fury's and Maria's—who arrived with a pitcher of vodka each.

"How was it? Does it feel as good as it's stated?"- Seraph said with abundant curiosity.

"My experience with it is not the best reference possible, and Noona and I haven't consummated our union yet. But orgasms do feel orgasmic—for lack of a better word."- I said with a wry smile.

"I was a very bored and depressed teen, I had a friend who took me to a party to try to cheer me up. I got drunk and met a girl who liked me enough. She was drunk as well so the whole experience wasn't pleasant, neither could climax and we passed out while connected. The awkwardness of the next morning did nothing to help the hangover."- It did wonders for my depression and teenage angst.

"That's why you gotta leave it to the professionals."- Fury said after taking three gulps of his pitcher.

"Professionals?"- Maria asked with a crooked smile, followed by two gulps of her own.

"Yes! A day after I celebrated my fourteens my father took me to one of the bad ladies in the block, to initiate me into adulthood, if you know what I mean. Blessed be my father's soul, for that lady took a whole afternoon with me and taught me everything I needed for the following decade, regarding sex that is."- He said without a single ounce of shame.

"In my case, I couldn't do that, society was a bit further developed than it currently is and it was seen in a bad light to take your underage kid to a brothel to pop his cherry. Though my old man was not the type to do that, either way."- But objectively speaking it's better to have an experienced and patient partner for your first time, someone who loves you enough to teach you the ropes... or professional enough in Fury's case.

I even read that in some tribal cultures, the first is taken by a family member, but that might have been one of those fake things you read online and believe because it came from the internet, from Teacher Google. I haven't found proof of this 'fact' in this reality. 

"No... Here it is also seen in a bad light. What was your father thinking, Nick? Fourteen is no age to take a kid to a whore, if there is any at all!"- Maria asked with some disapproval in her voice.

"Hey, don't blame the man. Those were different times and the lady was a professional, I even went to her funeral 6 years ago. And if you think he did wrong, take a look at Aragorn's first, poor guy basically died a virgin."- Fury smiled at me and Maria looked at me with some uncertainty.

"I can't say he is wrong, Ms. Rambeau. He is not right either, but he is not wrong. My sense of morality is a bit skewed but I think Fury's story is better than mine, is it not? If I ever have a boy I would rather one of my girls taught him the ropes than him ending up like me."- I later avoided intimacy for a few years, and by the time I was ready to try again, aliens fucked up my world.

"Yeah, but that only applies to boys, what am I supposed to do?"- Jean complained with a sigh.

"Well, Red, I think you have more than enough experience after what Aragorn showed you before."- Fury smiled sardonically.

*Tsk!*- She clicked her tongue and glared at me after glaring at Fury.

"I wonder how my first time will be."- Sacrilege!

"It will be with someone who I approve and in a few millennia from now, you don't have to think about it much, my daughter."

"Don't be silly, Father."- She said playing off my concerns.

"Parenthood is a thankless job."- Maria nodded to possibly herself and me.

"Don't worry Seraph, we can have our first together."- Jean said while mockingly looking at me and hugging Seraph's arm between her now well-developed breasts. I glared at the slutty firebird.

"Huh? I thought you liked males, Jean."- Seraph said in confusion.

"*Si~~igh* I do, but Phoenix has been giving me memories from her previous hosts, she said it was supposed to be practice for how to maintain my individuality in the face of an attack from an older mind, but now my sexuality is... weird. Though I was counting on you shifting into your male form."- Her eyes looked dead, bringing me immense joy.

"That makes sense. Then if we ever take each other's first I will shift into male!"- Seraph gave Jean a thumbs up.

"Is this a normal conversation around here, Nick?"- Maria asked after taking two gulps of her potato juice in consequence of Jean's unorthodox idea of a first time and its similarity with making an appointment with a friend to get your first piercing together.

"Red is one of the less insane."- Fury answered with a statement.

"... Jesus Christ..."- Maria drank some more juice.

I do approve of Jean, but I know she was joking about it, she is still very much heterosexual... Though it's true that Seraph can shapeshift like I can... Fuck this slut!... But I also see Jean as some sort of daughter to me... Ugh...

We kept talking about inane topics and then the first aggressor woke up... and she brought her victim along.

We all stared at the fox and the floating human, unsure about what to make of this scene. It looked like when a serial killer puts the corpse of their victim on display.

"*Ahem!*... Aragorn, could you heal Johnny... I can't do much about his... pelvic girdle."- Yelena looked away from us.

"Damn!"- Fury sympathetically looked at the unconscious Johnny floating above Yelena.

"Don't blame me, blame the one who spiked the drinks."- Yelena was still looking away.

I stole Mr. Storm from Yelena's telekinetic hold and touched his lower back. I assessed the damage and used my biokinesis to meld and fix his shattered bones, some bruises needed a last touch—healing was never one of Yelena's strong suits—and healed him up. Somehow she held back enough not to kill him.

"I was planning to take my time and this time enjoy my first, but at some point, I got incredibly horny and then... well you know the rest. My point is that were it not for the drinks I would have gone gentler on him."- Yelena.

The living flame inhabiting him came out and through motions and dances conveyed how thankful she was for my assistance and how scared she was of the foxgirl. I wonder if it felt his pleasure and pain through the connection they share.

Slowly he opened his eyes and woke up.

"Congratulations, Mr. Storm. You survived the night with Yelena!"- I told him as he was getting his bearings back.

"Pff! Ahaha!"- Seraph found the scene funny and looked away to recover her composure.

"That's an achievement of its own if I ever heard of one."- Fury congratulated(?) him.

I set Mr. Storm down and he was a little dazed for a second. He looked at Yelena and I saw him shudder a little.

"I'm sorry, Lena. I don't think I could do that again. This is the closest I've been to death."- Is he forgetting about his encounter with Mephisto?... Or maybe he isn't.

"You don't have to apologize, Johnny. Whoever spiked our drinks is at fault. Normally I would have been gentler."- Yelena responded as she walked to the fabricator and prepared something for them.

Johnny nodded and looked at me in questioning.

"I enabled it, but it wasn't me. It was my wife and this cute Gaea who is obliviously looking away."

"Traitor."- She murmured under her breath.

"Ma'am... Thank you very much and you should be careful the next time. It was both the best night of my life and the most dreaded. I'm man enough to admit that I was way over my head."- His flame bloomed atop his head and danced in a way that mimicked nodding.

He almost became a legend among men.

"Come here, Yelena."- I told the fox as she walked back with two English breakfasts. She knew his body would need to replenish some losses.

Yelena walked my way and I placed my right hand above her belly. I frowned a little and said:

"You're not pregnant."- Gaea mimicked my disappointment.

"*Gasp!* I can't believe it! You three wanted grandchildren!"- She uncovered our very concealed agenda.

"~Huehehehhehe!"- I laughed while looking down at my breakfast, smoked pork in pineapple sauce, served in corn tortillas with a side of baked black beans. Of course with some jalapeño.

"~Fufufufufu!"- Gaea laughed and ignored Yelena's pointed stare as she looked at her breakfast, Lebanese bread with peanut butter and jam, cheese, and fried eggs.

"Wait! Did the ever-serious Irina get nailed?"- A wide smile bloomed on her face.

"Sadly no, she didn't."- Though she did put her fingers to work during the telepathic orgy. She projected as much.

"Блин! (Blin!) My memory is a bit spotty so I was not sure. But I thought I saw her when things started to get... orgy-y."- She expressed her annoyance.

"Mmhmmm! That was when you got all freaky and almost killed me. I felt like I was being gangbanged by a bunch of nymphos... No offense, Lena."- Johnny diligently ate the protein and carbohydrates his body demanded.

"None taken, we had a great time, didn't we? Despite the consequences."- Yelena made a space for her at my side—between Gaea and me—and began her breakfast.

"That we did, but please, let's do this only once a year, I don't think I could keep up with this more than that."- Johnny went back—full concentration—to his breakfast.

"This guy... This guy's a daredevil."- Maria said in disbelief.

"I don't know if I should praise his balls or mock his brains... Maybe a little bit of both."- Fury said while shaking his head.

A few minutes later Irina woke up and joined us.

"I'm sorry, Young Master. I overslept."- She arrived in her maid dress a little disheveled and with a rushed hairdo.

"Don't worry, Irina. Come join us."- I used my TK to straighten out her dress and set it right.

She sat next to Gaea and I stood behind her, corrected her hairdo into a braid-wrapped high bun, and used my biokinesis to nurture and bring out the luster in her hair as I petted her. Don't forget the bunny ears.

"Thank you, Master."- Irina.

After that, I went to my spot and enthusiastically awaited the next to join us.

Stark followed next and went straight for the fabricator and joined the table with some waffles and assorted berries jams.

"Whoever left a change of clothes in my room, thank you."- That wasn't me.

"You're welcome, Tony. I thought you might need them after a night filled with wet dreams."- Seraph said with no regard for his honor.

*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*- Some waffle went throught his windpipe.

"Seraph, Dear, you have the tact of a porcupine."- Jean said while holding back a laugh.

"You see... Everybody would have found out after his room was cleaned. I walked by his door and the smell of seminal liquid reached me, I didn't think anyone would blame Tony after what happened last night. So I portaled some clothes from his place."- I don't like the guy and even I don't blame him.

"Seraph, my tactless friend, can we drop this topic, please? These waffles are great and those flans of yours look delicious, why don't we focus on those? Please!"- Stark dedicated his full focus to his waffles.

"He is not wrong, girl. What parameters did you use for those?"- Mr. Storm asked about Seraph's array of desserts.

"These are Spanish flans, do you want me to order some for you? These are mine so I won't share."- Seraph protected her remaining 7 flan desserts. She was running low.

"Yes, please. Coconut, if you don't mind."- Mr. Storm nodded and his flame looked positively thrilled since they share some senses.

A *Ding!* from the organic fabricator later, Seraph floated the ready dish to his side.

"Hey, Old Man, why did you call them Organic Fabricators and not something like cookers or something related to food? Something more marketable."- Stark asked me.

"They can do more than cooking; if you know the appropriate parameters you could print an organ since it's 'organic'."- But organ transplants are obsolete in Halo—regeneration is better as long you are not reducing the life span of the patients—so these are mainly used for food.

"WHAT?! Then could you cook diamonds? Graphene?"- Stark.

"Yes. I called them fabricators, but they are atomic tridimensional printers of the organic type. Their range of operations extends to some inorganic molecules as well, since those are needed for nutrition."- Like NaCl (Salt).

"Hey, Old Man, why don't you sell me the tech for those? I bet I could start a medical branch at Stark Industries with it."- He wiggled upwards his eyebrows.

"That's how you get yourself killed. Even you wouldn't survive the backlash that tech like that brings."- Fury magnanimously said.

"Fury... Do you mean the government? USA wouldn't kill its golden goose."- Stark said with misplaced confidence.

"Playboy, they'd kill you. And several other foreign organizations would try as well."- Or try to enslave him.

He looked at us with disbelief.

"I'll tell you later, Tony. For now, let's focus on the reactor. If we work everything out, then we can make our own molecular printers next."- Seraph cheerfully said.

Those are fine, molecular printers are somewhat on the same level as some of the tech in this reality—atomic printers are not, as a tamer example, you could print uranium-235 cores with an atomic printer.

"Alright, that's a promise!"- Stark continued with his waffles after that.

The next to arrive were Ms. Potts and Mr. Hogan. Unlike Stark, who was sleeping and not knocked out drunk, these two were already out when 'it' happened, so the alcohol saved them from the wet dreams—somewhat. Telepathic communication can be partially impaired if the recipient is passed out drunk.

Shortly after, Emma and Elyseas joined. Emma walked behind me on her way to the fabricator and slapped the back of my head hard with one of her tails.

"I trust you shielded Mindee, idiot."- Technically this was Noona's fault so I feel like I just became collateral damage.

"~Hehehehe! I did, Fluff. I can tell you had fun, why the killer mood?"- I asked but she ignored me and put two orders for breakfast. 

"I did have fun, it's been close to 70 years since the last time I celebrated this hard."- Elyseas commented with a singsong feel in her voice.

"You two, come here for a moment and let me check something out."- I asked them.

I checked them but sadly there was no pregnancy.

"No baby for you."- I dejectedly said.

"It's better that way, I'm busy building our empire, one Mindee is already enough."

"I'm good either way, elves have a naturally lower fertility rate, so this is only expected."- Elyseas said as she petted my head in consolation. She can be cute that way.

The Rogers were the next to arrive.

"Ms. Carter, come here for a sec, please."- She smelled different.

"Mr. Abner?"- She asked while she walked to my seat, Rogers followed after.

"You can call me Aragorn, no need for formalities at this point."- And we'll be seeing each other for the rest of our lives... unless they move out somewhere else. I might as well call her Margaret, or Peggy.

"Excuse me."- I said and brought my hand to her abdomen like I did with Yelena, Emma, and Elyseas.

"What are you doing?"- Asked her soldier with a frown.

"~Hehehehehe! Congratulations."- I smiled at them.

"Let me see! I wanna see!"- Gaea wiggled her way into my side—passing over my and Yelena's lap—and did the same as I did before.

"~Oh! Congratulations!"- We kept the gender of the zygote a secret for now.

"... I'm pregnant?!"- She screamed after her mind caught up with the meaning of our words.

To this, we both nodded.

"Yes!"- Shouted Rogers in jubilation, lifted his woman into a hug, and followed with a euphoric kiss.

Tears, hugs, and some congratulations later, I heard a *Slap!* followed by an *~Ahn!*.

I looked to my side where Yelena was done slapping Gaea's ass. Gaea had passed over Yelena to get to Margaret's belly, she just never returned to her seat and remained on Yelena's and my lap, facing downwards.

"Sorry... I couldn't stop myself..."- Yelena tried to excuse herself with an awkward smile after she realized whose butt she just slapped.

"..."- There was a weird silence on the table.

"I know."- Mr. Storm answered breaking the silence, he then proceeded to rub his buttocks in remembrance.

"Pfff! Hahaha! Dude, she manhandled you!"- Stark mocked him after connecting the dots.

"She can manhandle me whenever she wants!"- Mr. Storm said with some weird pride.

"Didn't you almost die last night?"- Jean asked him with a mirthful smile.

"Ahem!... She can manhandle me once a year!"- He changed his statement.

We laughed at him a little and Gaea returned to her place after playfully flicking Yelena's nose.

Next came the man of the hour, James Buchanan Barnes, followed by Natalia, Elara, Slava, Yekaterina, and Daria. Natalia (Black Widow), Slava, Yekaterina (The owner of Princess), and Daria are some of my ex-widows. I'm surprised Natalia joined in the James wagon since she was not pursuing him before, but then again she and James had a thing in the comics.

Elara is one of my faerie maids, she is cyan-haired and sports a bob cut wavy hairstyle. Yekaterina—like Natalia—is a catgirl, but she is mixed with a yellow-haired cat that has an affinity for electron manipulation, the yellow mixes well with her blonde hair. Slava and Daria are mixed with a white wolf variant that has an affinity for entropy negation. Both sport white hair but Slava has yellow eyes while Daria has sky blue eyes.

The moment they walked in we all stopped what we were doing, no cutlery sounds, no talking, no blinking, we just smiled as they slowly made their way to the fabricator and got their usual breakfast. 

They moved to the table and James sat next to Margaret with his girls next to him. 

"I know that my morals and sense of decency has little to do here, but... I feel the need to sock you. Can you let me?"- She asked showing him her right fist, which began to take sharper features and was getting covered in black scales.

"Please don't... I'm still trying to wrap my head around the situation."- He looked to his other side where the girls looked at him with measured smiles that held more meanings than they let on. He smiled back but I could see how his lip twitched for a fraction of a second.

I walked to the girls and one by one I inspected them.

"Natalia, you're pregnant."- I told her as I hugged her and kissed her cheek with some strength, to show her how thankful I was.

Gaea arrived in a flash and put her hand in Natalia's belly.

"Beata haec vita"- She chanted and a warm orange flicker of light moved from her hand to her zygote. She blessed him with health, yes it was a male baby in the making.

{A/N: Meaning: Blessed life or Blessed be this life; something similar.}

"Congratulations, Love."- Gaea said as she hugged Natalia—who by this point was sobbing in happiness.

James in the back, was sweating a little while Rogers was playfully slapping his back and congratulating him. The other girls of his harem joined Natalia and congratulated her. This was to be expected because there was a high chance that her baby was going to be raised by all, so in a strange but logical way, we were all going to be fathers and mothers, but especially them—James' harem.

After that, the rest of my maids and the remaining Baxter members woke up, and finally, the kids joined us—whom I was keeping asleep to get over the dealings of this Noona-induced mess first.

Ben Grimm didn't suffer the same fate as Stark because his stone body couldn't ejaculate, so he had a long night accompanied by some pleasant dreams; Susan was knocked out drunk, and, lastly, Doom set magical protections on his room before sleeping in, his paranoia saved him.

At some point, Maria sent Monica to wake up Carol, who shared a similar fate to Irina's. 

"... Things got crazy after midnight..."- Was all she said after sitting down and starting on her cheeseburger.

"..."- No one needed to say much more.

At last, the Alabama duo woke up.

Their situation was a bit different than the rest.

"Aragorn, I can't do this! Can you please free him?"- She asked, annoyed, frustrated, and angry.

Pietro was floating behind her with his arms crossed over his chest, he had magical bindings over his mouth, hands, and crotch.

I reached for the bindings and cracked the spell matrix. When the spell was undone it broke apart into sparkles of purple light which floated into a pattern that quickly became a message:

~The fact that I approve of your relationship doesn't mean that you're allowed to do like rabbits when neither of you can afford a baby.~

I have to admit that Agatha has a way of embarrassing her kid that could put to shame Raven's and Irene's.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"- The first to crack was Seraph who had no qualms about laughing out loud. Soon we all joined her.

In the end, only Natalia and Margaret got pregnant, which makes sense since those two are the ones I know to have a higher desire for procreation. Since their bodies react to stimuli to spark their adaptation, you could say that the desire they had for a family was higher than the lust most of them felt.

'I'm okay with these numbers.'- I told Gaea.

'Yep, we are doing great. In a few centuries, we should have more!'- She answered.


Outskirts of the former capital of Chile. 

Outside the barrier.

Ok! After a healthy breakfast—which I totally don't need—and a merry morning—which I totally craved—it's time to start with my duties as Aragorn Abner.

I set a temporary tent that I plan to use as my base of operations until I'm free from the tree—in a month. I had Yelena and Irina gather and portal all the important leaders of the remaining leading class, which includes politicians and a few multimillionaires. We need to make some country-changing decisions and I can do it alone but it's best to have the backing of their leaders.

Even if it's in name only.

I also need an idio-leader to assign to the public leading position—AKA President. I'm looking for someone more charismatic than capable. Since basically no one from the previously active leadership of the country survived we are in uncharted territory.

As proven by history, when something like this happens the affected territory will either be preyed upon by its neighbors or a militant leader is born from the chaos and anarchy—none of which work for me.

Thirty minutes later my girls had gathered everyone Spark and I deemed pertinent to our plans.

"Buenos días a todos! Mi nombre es Aragorn Abner." [Good morning to all! My name is Aragorn Abner.]- I said with a solemn expression.

{A/N: I'll write from here on in English, but you can assume they are speaking in Spanish.}

"Although the circumstances that have forced us to gather today are tragic enough, I'm happy to have you here."- At the back of the room I could see Agent Coulson—whom Fury left as my official 'overseer'.

"Some of you know of me but none have ever matched my name with my face. I did speak with a few of you over the phone before setting foot in Chile and the vast majority of you have had run-ins with a few of my companies."- Mostly The Spiral CO, which has 5 major mining operations in this country.

"Yesterday I made a contract with Lord Alduin, also known as The Dragon Of The End. I'm here to inform you about the details of said contract and get everyone up to speed regarding the concurrences that led to the fall of Santiago. We will have a press conference in the afternoon—which has been already scheduled—so we will decide on our official version of the disaster at this meeting."

From there on I had the girls hand them a pamphlet with my personal contact info and a few summarized points about the agenda for the meeting.

I began by explaining that my draconic attributes were a consequence of the contract and then I gave them the same version Spark gave the WSC (World Security Council). When the topic of the warping maids with animal ears came up I told them that these were sorcerers who served Lord Alduin.

There were a few who didn't appreciate my supposed mutant bloodline, but after the meeting is done they will have a change in ideology... I'm sure of it.

There were a few who didn't like how I was appropriating the country based on the words of a dragon that came out of nowhere, but I did the equivalent of offering to buy their national debt and I showed them how much I was willing to invest in Chile.

Whether they had the best interests of the country in mind or not, they all caved in when they saw how much cash was going to flow in. Aided by the fact that I was opening a few branches of my tech and pharma companies I had no problem getting everyone on board of the shine wagon. 

With the legitimacy of my future actions out of the question, we moved into matters of public planning and social unrest. I had plans and these plans couldn't work if more than half of the country was falling apart. So I needed to rebuild the capital—which should function more as a symbol than a capital—and provide the people some manner of stability.

"I do plan to rebuild the capital city but it's a waste of terrain to build it surrounding the tree."

"Why is that? Do you mean to build it somewhere else?"- Asked Clemencia Álvarez Rojas. She is currently running first on my mental list of leaders whom I could dump the presidency to.

"Due to the aftereffects of Goddess Gaea's divinity the soil and water around the tree was enhanced. We could get more out of it if we cultivate it than if we build over it."

"But, isn't it more important to show the people a guiding light in the form of a new capital city amid the current unrest that runs rampant?"- Said Matías Bolaños Sequeira. He is currently number two.

"Yes, but you don't understand what I mean by 'enhanced'. Imagine a soil that maximizes production, vigor, health, resilience, and others. Imagine if we could raise supercrops and then export the seedlings. Imagine water that is more holy than the one of the Vatican City, imagine water that could promote health, cure minor diseases, promote life expectancy, aid, and heal. Do you think it is justifiable to pollute this major opportunity just to rebuild a city for which we currently have no populace?"

"...This... I think you're right but we still need an object of hope for our people. A symbol."- Clemencia commented.

"I think we should subject it to a vote."- Matías added.

"*Si~igh* I think you are caged by the mentality of a third-world country. Why are you acting like this? Didn't you see how much money we have available? And that's not accounting for the cooperation of my personal power in building this city. You should stop thinking about 'either or', you should think about 'add to cart'. You now have a billionaire as your sugar daddy. Instead of compromising why don't we do both?"

"You mean that we build the city in a separate place not far from here?"- Asked Matías.

"That's a better thought process, but I meant: Why don't we build the city below ground level in here?"- My idea earned me stares of incredulity and disbelief.

I also felt how a few of them were getting worried about me... or my mental health to be precise.

"Your thinking is shallow and mediocre. You need to try and picture the wealth of knowledge that Lord Alduin bestowed upon me, add my resources and power, mix it with the help of Lord Alduin's sorcerers, and the result is our current situation. It's no delusion to say that not even the sky is the limit."

"Like a floating castle?"- Asked Alejandro Moledín Cruz. The current leader of what's left of the Ministerio de Defensa Nacional (MDN). {A/N: Think of it as the military. National Defense Ministry.}

"Yes! That's right. We could build one, but the costs of running operations for it would break Chile after I left. I'm thinking more of a subterranean dome big enough to house 5 million people, with an artificial sky, waterfalls coming from the lake below the tree, and a network of virtually indestructible subway lines that would connect and serpent through all the territory. This country is long so the network wouldn't be that complicated."

"Think about a city that would withstand a theoretical atomic end of the world. Think about a place monitored 24/7 where most crimes wouldn't be possible; now combine that with all the wealth that the world tree will bring plus what my companies will make and in about 5 years max—if not less—Chile would join the G7. That's my current vision, the end goal of most of my plans."- I will also profit a lot from this... not like I have any use for money... I should probably use it for something positive.

From there on I worked my way into changing their mentality into one that would put to shame any sugar baby out there. I change them in such a way that they would put to shame the Emma from when I set her as my Queen. 

They understood that as long as it was meant to help Chile in some way, I would fund it.

You see... Normally privileges are attached to responsibilities or some other form of limitation, I know that in society that's not always the case, but I made sure to impress upon them how Lord Alduin would be watching their every move, meaning that by taking my hand they forfeited their privacy.

Of course, I said this in a way that would make them think that a beast (Dragon) was watching over them, which means that they would be shocked when they find out that they can't run away with my money, that I (Lord Alduin) own them from now on. 

By the end of the meeting, we had a sketch of a plan, the story that we would deliver to the press, and we decided to rename the country once the capital city was built—which should take me 1 week.

There were a few constitutional changes that we needed to address but those were left for the second semester—around that time things should have settled down enough to appoint a new leading power.

When the time for the press conference came... It became a mess. Which was expected. I decided to reveal the knowledge of magic to the world because there wasn't much that could be done to mask the news once the people got access to some pictures.

Also, my coreself and Gaea were not very subtle. It's always best to control the narrative so that's what I did. I had Irina and Yelena—posing as sorcerers serving Lord Alduin—cast a few party tricks. 

Then came the mess of explaining how a temporary committee was created to deal with the aftermath of the fall of Santiago, and how a more permanent solution would be addressed in six months. 

This served to give the Chilenos (Chileans) a semblance of normalcy. 

Things, once more, went berserk when I explained how using my mutant abilities and the gifts bestowed by Lord Alduin and the sorcerers we were going to build a subterranean city in a week—which is mostly a lie since I will be building the whole thing myself while the girls cast some VFX spells.

International presence was not very happy when only The Umbrella Corp was allowed access to the tree, but none could say anything else since no one wanted to piss off Lord Alduin. Everyone was walking on eggshells.

An ambitious action plan was shared with the rest of the world and most deemed me crazy or clinically insane—which is the same in this case—but since my track record in the past 1 to 2 years was one of massive success and philanthropy, most saw this as the new venue of interest of a young and eccentric immature billionaire. 

In the end—as usual—the public managed to change the focus point from a tragedy to the new risky endeavor of a hot exotic public figure that has always been away from the public eye and now is making waves. 

'Controlling the narrative was easier than expected.'- Seraph commented.

'That's because humans are superficial and disinterested in anything that doesn't affect them.'- Spark answered his sister.

'I also guided the conversation and we paid top dollar to have a few pieces of info spread around. Like our annual donations and stuff like that which would make us look good.'- I added.

'I have a theory of my own. I think that Hydra has been puppeteering these people long enough to make it easier for us. It's like they are insensitive to blatant and/or subtle manipulation.'- Seraph said.

'You might be right, Little Sister.'- Spark.

"Next question! You, the lady from FoxNews."- I said.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Abner. My name is Cindy Shepard... After the collapse of Santiago and the subsequent rise of the World Tree—as you called it yourself—unrest spread not only in Chile but also through the rest of the world—not to say anything about the other countries of South America—Is there any remark that you would like to share—as probably the most informed person regarding the situation—that could help to the current crisis?"- Ms. Shepard is one of my plants, so she asked a question that would help my image if answered appropriately.

"Thank you for the question, Ms. Shepard. Yes, I would like to say the following—especially at a time like this—Leaving aside the tremendous loss of human life, things are not as terrible as public panic and mass hysteria make it out to be."

"Changes are coming, that much is clear, but when have they not?"- I carried my eyes through the cameras.

"We as humans are known for our many unredeemable qualities, be it at the individual level or the societal strata, but if there's one thing that we should be proud of..."- I paused to force some emphasis on my next words.

"We can adjust to changes, we can flow with the waves, and we can adapt and overcome. This is no different, this is not something new, and the world is not ending... Don't lose your heads about something that might as well be an opportunity for greatness."- I made a loaded pause and made sure to shine at the cameras.

"Was that not what we made out of WWII? Out of scarcity? Out of crisis? Aren't we here as a result of the multiple conquests we have made as humans over adversity?"- I stood up.

"Isn't every single benefit you are currently enjoying a story of success over an initial problem? Didn't our ancestors conquer Africa and migrate to populate the rest of the planet? Didn't we conquer darkness? Didn't we conquer the oceans? Haven't we been fighting the world since the moment to came out of our mothers' womb?"

"Anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) are thought to have appeared approximately 300,000 to 200,000 years ago. This means our species has lived through the latter part of the Quaternary Ice Age, adapting and surviving through various climate changes, including the last glacial maximum around 21,000 years ago, when ice sheets covered much of North America, Northern Europe, and Asia."

"And we, as Humans, persevered! We succeded! And not only then, Diseases and Pandemics, Natural Disasters, Famines, Societal Collapse, and Nuclear Threats. This is no different!"

"Yes, there are new variants involved! That's true, but that's part of the deadly dance that we've been at since the beginning of our species! Don't make the mistake of thinking the result will be any different! We as humans will persevere! Just as we have always done!"

"Let me repeat that! This is not the end of the world! This is just another challenge in our path to greatness! And—like always—we humans will come out on top!"- I ended my speech with a fist to the sky and a subtle glow on my horns and tail.

'You think we could work with this?'- I asked my kids.

'Yep, Father! That was great, I'm gonna spread some headlines, 'Mutant: Proud member of the human race'. I can already see it on the next issue.'- Seraph.

'I should also start an unpretentious campaign, something along the lines: The end is not near!'- Spark added.

'Yeah, that should work. Hopefully, by painting me in an excessively good light we will encounter fewer obstacles in our path.'- That's why I put up with this whole charade.

'How did you come up with the speech, Father?'- Seraph asked.

'Plagiarism.'- I admitted.

'You copied it? What's the source?'- Seraph's interest was piqued. 

'General Redrast. From my original world. A few hours before we started our counter-invasion he made a similar speech, I just changed a few lines to match our current situation. His speech gave some courage to an angsty teen like the me from that time, I thought it should work for our current situation. Why fix what isn't broken?'

'Huh... Yeah, I can see how the speech would work for such a situation.'- She said.

'At that time I almost shouted 'For the emperor!' as I crossed the portal. That's how much I liked that man's speech.'

'Pfff! Hahahaha! Father, you were always silly like that.'- Seraph laughed.

I ignored her and continued with the conference. Some questions were directed to my committee peers, some others to Agent Coulson, who acted as the representative of the WSC through SHIELD.

Three hours later the conference ended and I moved to take care of some pests that hadn't vacated the perimeter of my country.

But before that...

"Mr. Agent Coulson, why are you following me?"- I asked as I walked from my tent to the east, where I felt the pests who couldn't understand words.

"Mr. Abner, I told you, you could call me Agent Coulson, simply like that, no Mister, just Agent Coulson."- He said with an inane smile on his face.

"You're too inexperienced to divert my attention with that. Why are you following me, Coulson?"- I smiled back. 

"... It's my job."- He said.

"That's a lie. Your job as my overseer extends only up to my role as an investor in this country and the political moves I do around here."

"So what you are doing is related to your role as Lord Alduin's messenger?"- He maintained his smile.

"Exactly. I'm happy to see that you're quick on the uptake."

"Am I not allowed to see how you act while following your duty, Mr. Abner?"

"I wouldn't say that much. But you won't like the new knowledge that it curses you with."- I changed my smile to the predatory type.

"I'm ready!"- He said with confidence.

"~Heh~"- I ignored him and moved to the location where the pests hid.

After a few minutes of enjoying the weather and view of my majestic tree, we arrived at the edge of the barrier, to a part that had a clearing. I stopped and looked right in front of me.

"You have 3 minutes to get the fuck out of Chilean airspace before I drag your asses to Wakanda."- I smiled like the Cheshire cat at the apparently empty space.

"..."- Coulson looked at me like I just lost it, but then carefully observed his surroundings with a hand on his firearm.

"Yes, I can hear you... Yes, I can see you... Yes, I know of Wakanda... You don't want to do that... No... Those puny ass psion scramblers won't help you when dealing with a Beyond Omega mutant like me... Contact your leaders if you must, but be aware that you should have hauled ass when everybody else did... Two minutes and seventeen seconds left..."- I'm sure I must look mental.

But I was holding my stare with the apparent leader of the team... A Dora Milaje? I thought those girls only involved themselves in matters of royalty or dark ops. This shouldn't be either... unless... ... ... ... Fuck.

"Now, before we take actions that would lead up to consequential annihilation of Wakanda... Can someone please tell me why the fuck is Princess Shuri in this aircraft, outside of the security of your fucking kingdom?!"- My eyes switch to red and I crushed the small lighthouse-like device in charge of keeping the mobile cloaking field.

Like the trained operatives that they were, they assumed a defensive position over the ramp opened behind their aircraft and pointed vibranium spears at us...

"Bah! Spears?! You have vibranium in abundance and you chose to arm your royal guards with spears! Vibranium or no vibranium, you do know that those are spears, right? Simply spears, just that, right?"

But no one answered, they just glared at us and awaited... 

*Clack* *Clack* *Clack* *Clack* *Clack*- Her highness presents herself. Obviously from behind the security of her guards.

"Princess... Does your father know you're here?"- I glared at the teen.

She is apparently older than the MCU version, closer in age to the Comic version. According to the rings in her bones and the length of her telomeres, she should be around 15~17 years old. Younger than Jean and Kitty.

"Who do you believe yourself to be to talk to her Highness like that?"- The Dora Milaje lady barked. But I ignored her and kept my gaze on the princess.

"Ehmmm, No... But my mother should know..."- She acted like she was caught eating the pie in the fridge in the middle of the night.

"*Si~~~~igh*"- I exhaled and got my temper in order. 

I shouldn't be biased against these guys... Breath in... Breath out...

"Why didn't you exit when I sent the general order? You're the only ones left."- My eyes went back to multicolor.

"... I didn't think you would see through my cloaking beacon."- She relaxed when she saw I had no hostility, the same couldn't be said about her guards.

"No, that much is clear. What I meant is, why are you trying to breach the barrier?"- I pointed at the metal structure attached to the barrier that looked like an arched doorway.



"... Can I claim diplomatic immunity?"- She smiled, wryly.

"Is that the royal version of pleading the fifth?"- I smiled back.

"Exactly!"- She giggled.

"If you tell me I might grant you access. Are you sure you want to use your diplomatic immunity now?"- That made a crack in her smile.



"... I wanted to meet Goddess Gaea."- She looked in the direction of the crown of the tree.

"Because she is Goddes Bast's grandmother?"- I tilted my head.

"... I... My brother will soon be blessed by our Goddess, I wanted to have a fighting chance for the Panther Habit..."- Someone should teach her about information management, I'm pretty sure—by the looks of her guards—that she shouldn't be saying some of these things.

"To even out the field, I see. That explains your motive, but that doesn't explain how you were allowed out of Birnin Zana with such a small protective detail. Did you lie to your mother and underplay your motive and destination to get out? I don't think Queen Ramonda would let her daughter out if she knew where you were headed."- I looked at her Dora for confirmation.

Her Dora said nothing and no expression betrayed her face, but her feeling of reluctance confirmed my hypothesis.

"Ehhh... No?"- The princess said.

"Not even you believe that... *Si~igh* Let's go, I'll take you to Goddess Gaea. Be respectful and truthful and you might be blessed."- I lose nothing and I might gain a friend within the isolationist bunch.

"Really?!"- She shouted.

"Wait! Your Highness! We can't trust this man!"- Her Dora subtly admonished her.

"But, Nakia, this is my chance. I don't think I can crack the barrier yet, and he is going to drive us out if we don't hurry up."- So her Dora was Nakia Shauku, wasn't she T'Challa's stalker?

Nakia looked at me with hate in her eyes and... Disgust?... No, it's closer to... Racism?... This little shit dares?!

"You-"- She started but I zipped her mouth shut.

"And who do you think you are to address me? Do you think of yourself in the same standing as your princess or me?!"- She tried to speak, her cheeks filled with air and her hands clawing at her lips in panic.

When in doubt... Act like a Young Master, that's the key to life.

"Nakia!"- The princess exclaimed and jumped over her guard to her Dora's side.

"I apologize, Mr. Abner. Can you please release her? She is dear to me so I will make sure to properly discipline her."- She mustered her royal speech manners out and asked while looking directly at my crimson nebulae.

"Sure, your Highness. But she will be treated like a dog if she barks like one."- I smiled at the woman as I released her mouth.

After things calmed down a little—not that Nakia stopped glaring—I caged us in a barrier and flew us to the tree house. I'm sure Spark informed Gaea as we talked.

I landed us on the balcony, where Gaea was seated enjoying the view. 

"Hey, Child! What brings you here?"- She smiled at me and extended a hand to me. I grabbed her hand and kissed it in greeting. I half kneeled as I did this, as a knight does for his lady.

"This girl is Princess Shuri, from Wakanda. My understanding is that said kingdom is under the purview of your esteemed granddaughter—Goddess Bast—she pleaded for an audience in hopes of making a request."- I moved to Gaea's back as if I were her guard.

The Wakandans were long ago kneeling behind their charge and the princess walked to the front and kneeled to Gaea.

"Greetings, Goddess Gaea. My Name is Shuri, Daughter of Queen Ramonda and King T'Chaka."- The princess did her royal introduction and proceeded to explain her desire.

She explained that ever since she was a child she saw herself as the queen of her people, she explained how her views were more biased toward the end of their current isolationist culture and how this clashed with the council, and her brother and father.

She believed in opening—in a controlled manner—their borders and the good that she could accomplish for the betterment of their kingdom and sister nations.

In conclusion, she is an idealist with objective views of her and Wakanda's limits. 

I liked her. I still don't like Wakanda, but she was a more decent human being than most I knew. If I had to say it in a way befitting this multiverse, she was a Hero.

"Child, I would be willing to bless you..."- Gaea smiled at the anxious teen.

"But I'm a goddess of motherhood, nature, life, and such. Although some of my divinities could be applied to combat, my blessing is of the aspect that most resembles me, in my case: Motherhood."

'So you didn't bless Ororo?'

'No, I shared my authority with her. It's different. Way more personal than the blessing the child seeks.'

'What about Natalia's baby?'

'I cast a blessing, I didn't bless the baby, there's a nuance to it. And either way, the blessing I cast was related to my domain over motherhood. What this child needs is my domain over Nature, or life if she is willing to lethally harm her brother.'

'That's different than I expected.'

'It's not that I can't, It's just that the waste of divinity is not worth it.'

'Makes sense, thank you for the explanation.'

'Whenever, Dear.'

Before the princess could scold her reactions enough her disappointment was seen through.

"I understand, my Goddess. I thank you for your time. It was an honor, having you listen to my request."- She bowed her head deeply.

"Child, if what you seek is simply strength, you might have a better chance asking Aragorn for help. I wish you success in your endeavors."- Gaea gave her farewells and I excused us and floated us to their aircraft.

During the 30 seconds of air travel, they were all silent.

"Mr. Abner, what did Goddess Gaea mean by that?"- The princess asked as we landed.

"She meant that I could grant you strength if that's what you're looking for, but you won't get the status that commands a blessed individual."


"I could enhance you, or I could mutate your DNA and give you powers. These are some of the perks I inherited from Lord Alduin's blessing and the results of my personal research into serums for human enhancement."- Her guards were still inexpressive but the unease they felt towards me spiked.

"There must be consequences, are there not?"- She asked paying no attention to the worsening mood of her protective detail.

"Not really. It's more of a matter of pay."- I answered as we stopped by the entrance to their aircraft.

"... Vibranium?"- She asks with reluctance, as any Wakandan Royal she knows their wonder metal is not allowed outside their borders.

"Please, I have more vibranium than your Mena Ngai, Princess. I don't need your wonder metal. Here, let me show you something you will find unbelievable."- I grabbed a rock from the ground. {A/N: Mena Ngai= Great Mound, AKA their mountain of vibranium.}

During my time with Kitty in her space travels I had little to do, so I focused on practicing my atomic recombination. I'm still not at the level of matter manipulation, but I could do this much. 

"Behold, what you zealously protect is worth to me as much as a stone by the road."- I declared as arrogantly as I could after using my TK and Energy Manipulation to transmute the stone into a pebble of 97% pure vibranium.

*Ting*- The characteristic sound of vibranium is heard after I flicked the rock.

"What?! That's not possible!"- The princess lost her composure, snatched the stone from my hands, and used her Kimoyo Beads to analyze it.

Her guards were still as inexpressive, but their emotions were in disarray. 

I gotta give it to these guys, their professionalism is admirable. They get my full marks as escorts.

"It's... Vibranium... Is it permanent?"- The princess asked.

"Yes, it is. Here, let me."- I floated the stone to my hand and shaped it like a panther girl. The visage of the sculpture shared an uncanny similarity to the princess. I floated it back to her hands.

"A present. You can keep it and study it if you don't believe me."- She looked at the figurine and then raised her face and took a serious countenance before asking:

"How do you know so much of Wakanda? Is this part of the knowledge you said Lord Alduin entrusted you with?"- As one would expect, they were privy to the 'very secret' conversation I had with the WSC.

"Mmmmm... Yes and no. Lord Alduin gave me knowledge about some of the inner workings of Wakanda that I did not know of, superficial stuff. But I discovered your kingdom a few years back when I launched my SatNet. I needed to make sure my satellites wouldn't crash with yours. After that, I sometimes spied on you guys, just the usual stuff, nothing too invasive."- I gave the princess an almost mocking smile.

"That didn't sound very good, did it?"- she asked with a poker face.

"I only spied on you because you hacked my servers, the ones from The Light Enterprises. I'm guessing you guys were after the energy storage tech, but the joke's on you! I dumbed down the tech to earthen levels, so it served no advantage to your haughty vibranium-worshipping advanced asses, did it?"- This time I openly mocked her.

"You-You don't like us very much do you?"- She said in exasperation.

"Mmmmm... I like you just enough. I don't like the average Wakandan, though."- I confessed.


"The average Wakandan is arrogant, racist, conceited, and has no regard or recognition for the advances or integrity of technological and theoretical discoveries of the rest of the world, even if you benefit from them."- That's the objective generalization of her people.

I can't say that other countries are better in that regard, it's just that their hubris is almost as sickening as it gets.

"Take a look at your Dora. I'm an empath and those psionic dampeners that you wear might as well be made of imaginary stuff to me, so I can feel all her disgust, arrogance, and hate towards me."- I smiled lovingly at the now panicked yet expressionless Dora.

"Tell me, Princess Shuri, I recognize your head as World Heritage, I know you're smart—you have to be if you can crack the firewall of my public servers—which is why you should have a better estimate of the extent of my powers than most, don't you?"- I appealed to her ego a little.

To my question, she nodded.

"Do you doubt that I could drop a meteor shower on Wakanda if I wanted?"- I raise my hand to the sky as if I were reaching for something and was getting ready to drag it down.

"It's possible, based on my personal estimates you can focus your psionic field like you did when you levitated the councilmembers. I don't know how far, but so far you're the only telepath that I have records that could do so. Even if the Asteroid Belt was beyond your reach I know our satellites are not."- She got close to my side and grabbed my arm to lower it down, I let her do so.

"And am I correct to assume that your guards and some of Wakanda should be up to speed with your math?"- I asked. She nodded.

"Yet, she acted the way she did... Is she self-destructive? Suicidal?"- I looked at the Dora in question like one does at a rare specimen.

"... I'm trying to change that, I know my people could be greater. I know we could do better. But it takes time... and a miracle in this case... Don't you want to be my miracle worker?"- She tried to sell me her political campaign. Which is okay in this case and the way that she did it.

"I want a sample of your techno-organic virus if you win the Panther Habit."- I've always been interested in their Techno Organic Jungle. I bet it would meld splendidly with Halo.

"Hehehe... I don't know if that's better or worse than you asking for vibranium."- She said with a nervous chuckle. 

The techno-organic virus could end life as we know it on the planet, so that's where the problem stems from.

"If it makes you feel better, I plan to use it off-world, in a controlled environment."

"Off-world? I was not aware that you had a facility outside the planet."- She tried to pry some info—which I didn't mind sharing.

"I have a space station in orbit, cloaked of course."- I don't need to show it to her though.

"I... I tentatively agree. What will happen if I lose?"- Much to her guards' chagrin, she agreed.

"Nothing, you get to keep what I gave you."- I'll just steal the sample myself and throw diplomacy through the window. 

Playing Civilization® in real life is fun, so I won't resort to theft... at the moment.

"Sounds like a losing deal to me."- She questioned my motives.

"No, I don't think so. That's just how little cost my offer for help has to me. If you win I win, if you lose I don't win—I don't lose either way."- And I will only mutate her, so it's not like they will extract my recipe for the SSS like they would if I enhance her.

"Can I talk with my mother?"- She asks in doubt.

"Sure. You're the one who knows how much time you have. I'm in no rush."- Though I foresee her father and brother getting in her way.

"Thank you. I will talk with my mother first, then."

"I will be here for about a month and then I will be moving between the States and here. You can contact me when you're ready and if your mother allows it."- I can almost bet that she won't allow it, but this princess will probably escape either way.

With that out of the path, I explained to her about some of my capabilities in wielding biokinesis, and after ironing out a few points, they left.

"So Wakanda is not what it looks like?"- Coulson said.

"No, they are the most advanced country on land."- A very vague description but truthful.

"Can you fax us a report on them?"- He asked.

"First of all, Fax!? Eew, No! The most I will fax you is a cursed chain letter. Second of all, No! WTF! Since when do I work for you?... Though if you change your name in the registry to Agent Coulson I would positively consider it."- I smirk triumphantly.

I don't know why Spark chose Coulson as a bully victim, but I'm enjoying it.

"..."- Coulson just opened and closed mouth.


Below the Arbor Mundi

Two days—after I was done with the bureaucratic bullshit—Jean joined my quest into city building. 

To further improve our image and for some 'transparency' we hired a camera crew in charge of documenting our progress, along with a few reporters. The plan is to release a video after the city's official reveal.

For the sake of make-believe, we gathered about ten of my girls, dressed like witches instead of maids, and had them help us transmute the materials needed for the city out of the ground.

Of course, that's just for show and they just cast a bunch of showy magic circles accompanied by flashes of light and rumbles.

When everyone was ready I approached the tree, touched one of the big roots, and made a show of roots rising from the ground creating a path long enough to get us about 2 miles (~3km) down, and wide enough to allow for free movement of construction material.

Then Jean and I started to pull rocks, sediment, and ground out until after 5 hours we had a cave.

A massive cave, one tall enough to fit the Burj Kalifa and big enough to fit about 1.7 Santiagos. The cave dome was covered in magic circles that served no purpose other than masking that Jean and I were holding up the ceiling from falling.

Once we made the clearing for our future city I kneeled and clasped my hands together while looking solemn.

"Dear Gaea, nurturing mother and cherished one, your generosity nourishes the world, and your wisdom guides those who walk upon your earth. As I tread lightly on your soil, I come to you not with grandiose requests but as a believer seeking a gentle push in the right direction. In the whisper of the wind and the murmur of the brook, I listen for your guidance, hoping for the casual aid that only you can provide."- I made sure the camera caught my prayer. Hopefully, Gaea will earn more worship, ergo extra energy.

As I finish my prayer the cave trembles and rumbles and the wall—the dome—is pierced by numerous softly glowing roots. One could say these roots were thin and long, but that was only if you compared them to the roots that could be found superficially on the Arbor Mundi.

To the rest of nature, these were abominations, not roots. Slowly but at a constant pace, the roots started to cover the dome until it no longer looked like the ceiling of a cave, until it looked like the subtle glow of a lamp covered it whole.

To finalize the 'miracle' that Gaea brought us, a column-like root grew down from the zenith of the dome and pierced the base level of the cave. Unlike the other roots, this one had a more natural look, this one didn't glow nor did it look as if made of crystal.

With that show, the foundations of the new city were laid.

The following days would most closely be labeled as madness from a third-person point of view. But we had plenty of practice after building several megastructures in Halo, Krakoa, and Nirn, and although the girls looked like working bees—going from one place to another—most of the hard work was done by me and Jean.

Jean doesn't have studies in civil engineering or architecture, but through our link, I sent her requests with their corresponding step by step that she just needed to follow, so she was of great help.

Eventually, the girls got bored after the first day of play pretend and joined the fun. I had them transport several tech pieces—not available to the public yet—from N-Tek, my new company that at the moment hasn't launched anything to the market.

The plan was to use this as a marketing trampoline, this should help put more of my not-bugged tech into the homes of unsuspecting victims.

"Aragorn! I've come to bargain!"- Shouted Wandabus. 

"What the heck?"- I asked without stopping my hands from conducting the building of the city.

"It's Mother! She is clam jamming me!"- She shouted without an ounce of shame.

Harry Hart (Neo-Xavier) looked at Wanda and shook his head in disapproval. He was not helping like everybody else was, but since Jean was here, he was here.

"What leap of logic led you to me helping you get laid?"- I'm a pretty irrational person—I can admit that—but I'm not connecting the dots here.

"~Fufufufuf!"- She laughed like a fictional villainess.

"I have a spell for Probability tempering..."- She paused and looked at me like a fisherman waiting for the fish to bite the bait.

"... Which can be cast like a curse... It's virtually undetectable."-...

"What do you need my help with?"- I mean... Imagine cursing someone to always bump their little finger... Or the typical lucky pervert halo that Japanese harem main characters have... Just saying.

"I'm gonna prepare some fallback plans, but once you're done with this whole babysitting the tree, I need you to distract her for at least 12 hours."-... Poor Pietro.

"That's possible."- Not my problem if the unruly teen suffers the same fate as Mr. Storm.

"By the way... Why am I so horny? Does it have anything to do with the succubi DNA in me?"- She looked confused and almost accusingly at me.

"No... You're just horny like that."- I responded factually, I saw Hart look at her in disapproval once again.

"... So it's my succubus bloodline, that makes sense."- She convinced herself of that and then portaled to who knows where.

"... Please don't imitate your friends, my lady."- Hart said to Jean.

"... I didn't plan to..."- She answered.

Days went by and after a week of hard work... Actually, it wasn't really hard work, but let's call it fulfilling work. After a week the city was finished.

We had a crowd composed of the committee and several reporters bewildered at the impossibility of the city that stood before them.

Water fell from the 'sky' creating a phenomenon of columns of light and columns of water. The central root was used as a spine for the massive governmental palace that was erected. There were four entrances and exits at the corresponding cardinal points.

These openings will be later connected to the subway network that will span through the entire country, making the capital accessible to anyone in under 2 hours, no matter how far away they are.

"Welcome to the capital of Re-Nazca!"- I announced with grandeur, addressing the awe-struck crowd before me.

We don't have the legitimacy to change the name of the country yet, but with enough use and marketing, it won't matter if we rename it now or later.

Chile—now Re-Nazca—is a strange country, geopolitically speaking. If we consider all landmass and oceanic territory, the country's area sits mostly atop the Nazca plate. But most of its continental territory sits atop the South American Plate with a part on the Antarctic Plate. This is mostly because the country owns a collection of islands far away enough from the main territory. 

Not to mention Rapa Nui, also known as The Eastern Island—the island with the stone Chads—which is far away enough to add more to the count of oceanic territory.

This is one of the reasons for the 'Nazca' part of the name, there's also a cultural side to it, with the Nazca culture inhabiting a part of Northern Chile.

On the other hand, in Spanish, the word 'Renazca' means to be born anew, or 'Reborn', under some contexts it could also mean 'Rebirth' (As a verb), which we found fitting to the current situation.

The country is doing a rebirth. It's starting anew, with a brand new and vast future ahead of it.

The symbolism wasn't logically needed, but we understood how emotionally it was required.


So I was sick, almost paid a visit to Hades, and by the time I was better my real-life stuff was awfully delayed, so I couldn't sit to write.

I had to make some changes because of this... meaning no side stories no lemons. At least not before the start of this new volume.

The good news is that this chapter is long, and I found an AI software for pictures, which means that hopefully soon I will have some pics for the MC and some other characters. 

If you got here and you haven't seen any pic you might want to go back.


I got a bunch of pictures for the MC but I couldn't decide on one in specific, I'm gonna drop a link here so that you can vote for whichever you like (The '3' should be 'e'): https://www.surv3ymonk3y.com/r/7X6FSN6

I will keep the survey up for about a week or more.


Chapitre suivant