
Ch. 88: Frieza Gathers the Dragon Balls

As we watched Nappa's fake moon collapse, all four of us gathered together began to panic. Nappa tried to gather energy again in order to create another fake moon before his transformation ran out, but he quickly realized that (due to Shay's influence) the energy wouldn't gather in the right way. He simply couldn't repeat the technique, and he quickly shrank back to his original size.

Seeing this made Krillin and Gohan's blood freeze. Without Nappa's ape form, nobody around could stop Jeice should he come back, and he'd clearly suggested that this 'Captain' was even stronger than him. 

I, on the other hand, was panicking for an entirely different reason. 'The timeline's screwed up now.' I realized. Dad and Raditz weren't even on planet yet, but Recoome and Burter were already dead on the ground, and Jeice was in the wind. Jeice would also get back to Captain Ginyu right after Frieza left to go attack Nail and Guru, bringing Ginyu back to us that much quicker. It'd normally be a race against time whether Ginyu got to us first, or Goku did. Luckily for us, I had an entire team of girls actively meddling in localized time fields to ensure that everything came together.

Remembering that helped calm me a little bit, bringing me back to the present.


Shortly after Ginyu had left the team, carrying the Dragon Balls, Captain Ginyu had returned to Frieza.

"And that makes seven!" Ginyu counted obediently, placing the balls at Frieza's feet.

"You've outdone yourself, Captain Ginyu. When I am the immortal ruler of the universe, I'll make sure to reward your efforts tenfold, I can already see it now." Frieza said, imagined himself as an immortal. "Thank you, my loyal subject, for a job well done."

"It was my pleasure, Frieza." Ginyu said with a smile, "You know how much I enjoy serving your lordship."

Frieza rubbed the dragon balls greedily, touching them as if to prove to himself that they weren't just a dream. "It's time to make my wish." He said, not expecting an answer. Unfortunately, Frieza was disappointed.

"Lord Frieza, allow me to honor you by preforming the Dance of Joy!" Ginyu said, waving his arms and legs in stupid motions that only served to annoy Frieza. Frieza sighed. 'As competent as he is, the Captain's personality... definitely has its flaws.' He thought to himself.

Not noticing the annoyance plastered across his lord's face, Ginyu kept dancing. Finally, Frieza had to put a stop to it, as he could feel it wearing down his sanity bit by bit. "Ginyu, if you value your life, stop." He warned.

Immediately, Ginyu obeyed "Oh..." He exclaimed softly, disappointed, "Yes, lord."

Frieza just laughed, "Aww. Did I hurt your feelings?" He asked, not caring about the answer in the slightest, he apologized sarcastically, "I'm so sorry... Get over it!" Looking at the dragon balls with an incredibly greedy expression, Frieza continued, "This is my moment of glory. Don't spoil it for me!"

"You're right, Lord." Ginyu agreed, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. You have a wish to make. The dance of joy can wait."

Frieza stood up, agreeing with him silently. "Now, Dragon Balls! Grant my wish! I want eternal life so that I can rule the universe!" He commanded the orbs. He stood there, Ginyu by his side, and laughed for a while, feeling a sense of great accomplishment, imagining all the people he'll get out of his way once he's unkillably strong, but the Dragon Balls didn't answer his call. They just sat there like rocks.


"Elder, are you sure that sending Dende alone to help the earthlings is the best bet?" Nail asked Guru.

"Yes, my child. I know that you doubt me, Nail, but this is for the best. They told me so, after all." Guru answered Nail. 

In the canon, Guru had tried to send Nail out to help the earthlings, but Nail had come back after realizing that Guru was in danger, so he'd ended up sending Dende instead. In this version of reality, though, Hanna had been with the earthlings, making Nail's power entirely useless by comparison. Guru trusted her, and therefore did not bother trying to send Nail after them. 

But a short time ago, the deity named Hanna's subordinate (Chelsea) had contacted him telepathically with a message, telling him to send Dende to help the earthlings at a specific time. That time was coming up. With Chelsea's help, Guru unlocked as much of Dende's latent potential as he possibly could, boosting the young Namek's fighting power to heights roughly equivalent to that of the Earthlings'. An incredible leap, given that Dende didn't even have any formal fighting training. Apparently, the girls would manipulate time to ensure that Dende got to the area that he was supposed to be at during a certain time, so it didn't matter how fast Dende was, or even the exact moment that he left, so Guru had Dende leave a little earlier than the time set, just out of an abundance of caution.


"M-my wish..." Frieza muttered, looking at the Dragon Balls, lying on the ground like useless rocks. He knew, deep in his gut, that the wish hadn't come to fruition. He wasn't immortal, and the Dragon Balls hadn't worked for him. The question was why.

"Maybe it already came true? I don't know... do you feel immortal?" Ginyu offered a possibility, but Frieza seriously doubted it.

"No... at least, I... I don't think so. Nothing's changed." He looked back down at the useless dragon balls sitting at his feet. "Why? What's wrong!?" He asked them. They obviously didn't answer him, but they did trigger a memory. 

'Take it. It'll do you no good. You'll never get your wish, even if you collect all seven Dragon Balls.' One of the Namekian elders had said. The second one that Frieza had killed... Maybe he hadn't been simply speaking out of spite, knowing that he was about to be killed. 

"Before I destroyed his village and took the second Dragon Ball, one of the elder Nameks warned me that this would happen. I didn't think much of it at the time... but..."

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