
A slippery slope.

Breaking news; In a now developing story, news reaching our desk is that Mecha warrior General Sang has been under arrest on the Blue star for the past one week for the crime of attacking governor Scarlet Su inside her office during an undisclosed meeting with two unidentified agents of the tribunal.

It has not been ascertained as to what led to the attack but we are contacting the governors, mecha warriors association and RGB for an explanation of the events. What we do know is that the governor has not stepped foot in her office and she has been doing all of her work in the house of ministers after the day of the incident. 

As of now, BSTV reporter Jelly Simmons has acquired exclusive footage of the horrific the attack as it happened which we will be airing right now."

The news broke just in time for the nine o'clock evening news when everyone except for those who worked the night shifts were watching television. 

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