
A fight on the football field

Outside the doors which led to the private living room, Gertrude was pacing around nervously. All she could think was that it was suddenly too quiet in there now, for a long while she had listened to her lady screaming and breaking things and now it was quiet. She wanted to enter the room and check but she had been forbidden from doing so, leaving her no option but to pace around nervously and clench her fists. She needed to do something about the situation because she was feeling extremely uneasy. 

She returned to the kitchen were she left Tion, he was sitting there stiffly like a straight wooden board. Whether he was simply sitting and thinking or just blankly staring at the wall, she had no idea and she did not care frankly. What she wanted was for them to join their heads together and think of a solution. He was the ex mecha warrior here, he probably had more knowledge than she did. 

"Do something." she told him. 

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