
The date [2]

Just like that, in a mutual silently agreed on pleasant silence they arrived at the scene of their date. She stopped the car and parked it. 

"We are here." she told him. 

Esong opened his eye and lazily tilted his head to look at her. "I could smell the water from a distance. Do you know that every water body in the empire has a distinct smell?" 

"No, I did not know that. How do you know?" she asked as she evacuated from the car. "Is your nose as accurate as a dogs nose?" 

Stepping out of the car, Esong looked up and smelled the river. "You don't smell it? It's a unique smell of earth, dead thorn trees and something else that I can't put my finger on." 

"Is it dead or alive?" she asked. If he could smell dead thorn trees in the river then his nose had to be as good as a dog's nose. All she could smell was water, did water even have a scent? she wondered. 

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