
A mud fight.

It was as if the spirit of her childhood had been reignited, she was laughing so carefreely. The men were still holding back on dry land, acting as if they were too sophisticated to engage in such childish behavior. She shrugged and kicked the water with her feet.

"Mummy come here." Justin called in his adorable voice. 

She turned her back on the men and went to join the children. Their mood matched hers perfectly and when she got there, she rolled a ball of mud and aimed it at Justin's back. It hit him lightly and he squealed. 

The children suddenly had a brilliant idea, mud fight!!!!

What followed next was the flinging of mud balls in every direction. Some of the workers that were standing on the sides of the trenches which were leading water to the paddies joined in on the game. Oak and Bell couldn't take the temptation anymore and they joined in. 

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