
495. Battle Against the Powerful Big Mutated Animals


The days passed by and Dylan and Anna had been going to the north for two days by now.

There were some big mutated animals blocking their road and naturally Dylan and Anna were busy cleaning them up.

"Well, there are not many big mutated animals left," Dylan commented after he had cleaned up enough.

Anna nodded.

They had no plan to kill the majority of big mutated animals around them. It would be too tiring and neither of the two of them were that diligent to kill so many big mutated animals around them.

It would simply be too tiring.

"Meow~." Kitty suddenly looked at one direction.

Seeing the cat's alert state, both of them also turned their head and saw an extremely large mutated animals coming in their direction. This extremely large mutated animal was at least 10 story high and looking at how that extremely large mutated animal moved…. They had the feeling that they were looking at a giant.

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