
114. Go from the Hotel

"Miss Anna!" Aunt Tiara was the first one to speak out. She looked at Anna in amazement. "You still look as beautiful as ever."

"Aunt Tiara, don't speak nonsense." Anna blushed.

Aunt Tiara laughed.

"We can talk later." Old Master Daniels looked at Anna and then passed a knowing glance at his grandson. "Let's go first."


They boarded the boat one by one with Dylan being the last. He was watching the stairs in case these people wanted to come out again.

"I'll row with Uncle Henry. Anna, can you pay attention to them?" Dylan asked after he had entered.

"Yes." Anna raised her head once more. The hand that was holding the gun was a bit tense, but she could still move it very quickly.

Old Master Daniels heard his grandson's arrangement and looked at Anna once more. He knew Anna had a gun license because Dylan mentioned it to him. Not only mention it, he even bragged about how accurate Anna's aim was.

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