
Was It Something I Said?


He seemed to have caved into himself as he recoiled from me, hurt written all over his face. "Well then I won't intrude."

"She's two Demyan," I argued, "She just misses me and it doesn't mean anything bad. She just doesn't understand and she's my daughter. I have to- I just want to make sure she is happy."

He stared at me for quite some time before he turned then continued packing my bags. He did not seem angry or upset, he was simply blank and I knew that meant he was thinking a thousand things per minute. Demyan never suddenly kept quiet if he was not thinking something. 

"She's two," he sighed after what felt like a near hour then hummed, "I just missed you that's all but I understand. You'll call me when you need me Ethan." He walked over to my bedside then pressed a kiss to his forehead, "I love you. Recover well." 

"Demyan," I tried to take his hand in mine but he easily avoided it. 

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