
Desperation Unleashed

Dane Everett stood in the middle of the room with sweat droplets rolling from his forehead. His eyes were still alert and ready for more action from the fight that had just broken out between him and Smith.

   Things had settled somewhat, but tension lingered in the air—especially when Smith's stepdad called and said it wouldn't be long before his mother inhaled her last breath.

   Dane's square jaw tightened. "No flights tonight, bro."

   "I'm not your brother. Don't fucking call me that," Smith growled, grimacing and curling his upper lip as he spoke. "And I got here fine, didn't I?"

   "Yeah, by risking your life like an idiot. Why would you do that when you have a newborn son coming? You get her pregnant, then you jeopardize it all, just because you can't stand the fact that she's doing something for herself."

   Smith flared his nostrils and looked away before pinpointing me. "Livia, get your things ready."

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