
Remus Lupin

The same as the last years, we got back over the christmas holidays. But the feast was bigger as we had two additional people on our table.

Uncle Sirius is naturally one of them.

The other one was his friend Remus Lupin, who he had found last month.

Like Sirius he was in a wild state and got a makeover from him.

As Sirius is the official Lord Black, he has access to a lot of properties and both moved to one with a sturdy cellar for the full moons.

I didn't tell them I knew, but even mom as a healer made a few concerning comments on his health.

Similar to my uncle, he got a treatment to build up and Sirius spend some galleons for his wardrobe. He refused first, but was convinced as he couldn't present himself in lumps on a family dinner.

So he accepted and the two stayed one day at our house.

Lupin is an interesting character. He had humor but was serious on normal topics. Because of his disease he is a little shy and antisocial, but next to his friend he was always smiling.

On new year the two invited us to the Black family home to celebrate a new year. It was our first one with Sirius and now Remus.

Nymph didn't seem to be interested romanticly in Remus, but I already guessed that as she got closer to a certain future dragontamer in the last years. If both of them weren't a little shy in that aspect, I thought they would already be dating, but I didn't want to intrude.

Even if I like it more that she has someone her age and not her new uncle.

Guess the wings of fate already are starting a storm.

I wonder which future relationships my presence also messed up?

Back to our festivities, after our big presents in summer, mom got her cousin to lower his spending, but I had a funny present for both my uncles. As I knew they would spend a good amount of time together in the cellar, I made them some toys like the one I made with Nymph I the past for Anluan. They and my parents seemed surprised, but Sirius laughed loud and thanked me. Remus looked like he didn't know what to say.

My parents just thought of it as a little joke or thought one of them told me they wanted to get a dog, but I didn't care.

The time went fast if have a break from studying, but Nymph has her last semester and needs the time she can get. So in the following months I help her the best I can, but with my little knowledge that would be reduced to give her access to our studyroom outside the hours. She shared it with a certain Griffindor, who also needed the time and opportunity to train.

I myself took more time to study the subjects of my electives, but that took time away from other subjects and to be honest I dumped a lot of History or potions time as those didn't interest me much as long as it wasn't related to beasts. Sure, I could tell you a few story's or laws about beasts and knew the origin and effects of potion ingredients, but politics or inventions from the 16th century or the practical part of brewing a potion didn't struck my interests.

Another thing I could finally do was the expansion of my

'Dimensional Home'. As the height is 100 meters now, I couldn't make a giant volcano, but split up 4 acres to make a lava dome with a nice ledge near the top so Ash could make a nest. The process took me over a month as the process of such a big change took its time. I choose a method to combine both methods I thought of. I created two corridors between both spaces. One on ground level for me and another on the height of the ledge for Ash to fly through. The one on the ground got a door on each end and I used the space inbetween to aclimate myself to the environment on the other side. Ash was really happy and I had one thing off my To-Do-List, but would take my time in the future to mainly increase the main space if I needed to make another biom.

And with that the end of the year was just an armlenght away.

So our exams stood on the doormat.

And this would be the last quiet time before the plot begins.

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