
First Flight

Friday, 6th October after lunch

In the big courtyard before us stood Madam Hooch.

"Hello Class. I'll tell you once and once only. If somebody flies without my permission in this class, he or she won't see a broom for the rest of the schoolyear. Have I made myself clear?"

"""Yes, Ma'am.""", we answered.

"Good. Now, everybody stand on the left side of a broom."

After everyone found an empty spot, she continued:

"Say 'Up' and catch the broom in you hand."

I would like to only fly on the backs of beasts, but even then someone needs some control similar to broom-riding, so I would try my best to at least get the basics.

With that conviction I say 'Up', but it doesn't work.

Next I try to infuse some magic into the word while talking and it surprisingly worked easier than I thought. Of the assembled class a few had it done in the first try, mostly those with prior experience I presume, because they are two Slytherin students. Others needed a couple of attempts and some couldn't do it even after dozens times, so Madam Hooch tells them to pick them up manually.

"Alright, listen carefully. You will mount the broom and at my signal push off the ground softly. After you are above one meter, point the tip of your broom slightly down and land coutiously back on the ground. Understood?"


I climbed on top of the broom and after she whistled followed her instructions.

Nobody in our group had problems to land safely, but the difference was in the elegance of rising and sinking, because some didn't seem to be comfortable in the air.

I didn't had a problem, but asked myself why they ride those hard brooms, if they could ride on the back of a hippogriff. Wizards and their logic, really.

We then practice some easy exercises for beginners to accustom us with our movability in the air.

At the end of the lesson we could fly a few rounds clockwise around the courtyard in our own speed as long as we keep enough space to the next student.

I start slowly and flew faster and higher the more comfortable I was. And as I could see above the walls surrounding us, it was the first time I understood, why some people in my old world said there is nothing more beautiful than flying. Although I couldn't say it was, I understand their view.

It was afternoon and the sun reflected in the Black Lake under the castle. I could see above the treetops of the forest next to it and saw Hagrid in his pumpkinfield with what must be Fang at his side. I had the idea of flying higher to look down on the castle in its full beauty, but heard a whistle below. "Everybody, back down, but careful if you would.", says our flying instructor.

So finished my first flight. I must say, even though it was on a broom and not an animal, it was a treasured memory in my mind. I shared it in one of my letters to my parents. I also mentioned my exchange with McGonnagal, Anluans new friend Fluffy and my search of the kitchen with sis and Cedric. Truly hilarious. Although Nymph heard some stories, she hadn't found the kitchen, so with my information of the approximate whereabout, we browse through the corridors next to her house entry and after meeting Cedric, he accompanies us. Nearly two hours later we found the painting of the fruit basket behind a few barrels and tickle the pear. It swings open with the door behind it and 30 pairs of eyes look at us perplexed, before the houseelves scurry around us and ask if we need anything. After I ask for some food for my pets, mostly meatbased for Anluan and poultry for Mani and Asteria, they give me a few big beef bones and fishbased treats. Nymph and Cedric eat some afternoon desserts as reward for their search and I join them for two scones.

Then we quickly leave, because although it's fun it ain't easy if 30 people run around you and all ask if you need something else. We also didn't want to disturb their preparations for dinner any longer, so we got out and relaxed on the grounds outside. Nice idea I had there and the houseelves told me to ask directly for the things I need, so I don't need to go to the kitchen every time food runs low. Nice idea, indeed.

At this speed the weeks flew by. Learning in classes, training in the RoR and morning meetings with Hagrid. Some time to read or relax with my familiars or friends and housemates mixed in and I had a great time. Now I need to spend some time to accomplish my goals before winterbreak.

Time flies indeed.

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