
Gaseous Acid

Silas was in his laboratory, mixing multiple chemicals and some sort of steam was being produced.

He already had his helmet on as he adjusted his golden visor to protect him from these harmful substances.

"Just a little bit of this, and that..." He would dramatically pour one vial in, with another into one cauldron as it boiled heavily.

And above the cauldron was a certain glass like machine which absorbed all the steam being produced, before sealing it into containers.

He glanced over toward a burning furnace and inside was a bucket, "The Sulfur must be done."

Looking inside the bucket where their previously was a burning rock, it seemed to be completely gone as it melted into a thick dark brown liquid.

Currently he was making one of the acidic bases, Sulfuric Acid, which comprises of melting a rock-like material called Sulfur into a liquid, becoming something called Sulfur Dioxide, then adding a powder chemical called Vanadium Oxide which pretty much activates it, inciting a chain reaction of sorts, changing it once again into something called Sulfur Trioxide.

Silas took out the heated bucket without difficulty, he placed it on a wooden table, "Time to add some Vanadium Oxide to create that catalytic reaction," He then added some orange-like powder into the bucket, "This turns that Sulfur Dioxide into Sulfur Trioxide..."

"Now all that's left to do is put this into boiling water, and capture all the gas created, before putting it into the smoke grenade containers."

He then poured the mixture into another boiling cauldron filled with water, which steamed upward, being captured by the machine that was above him.

Silas would do this a few times more, creating more and varying acid bases, then finally combining them into one, swiftly putting them into smoke

Swiping all the vapor on his visor he exhaled a tired breath, "I forgot how much I hate chemistry..."

"Most of this shit is jibberish, yet for some reason it still works." He couldn't help but curse in annoyance.

Nonetheless he was finally done, but he couldn't leave the Gunship as he had to wait until the entire room was entirely sanitized and cleaned of any remaining harmful substances.

Few minutes had passed, before he could finally leave.

The Gunship's door slid closed behind him as he carried a crate filled with all the gas grenades he made, taking off his helmet, he inhaled the cool air and dropped the large box onto the ground.



All of a sudden he started to cough in a fit.

He covered his mouth with his hand, and after a few seconds, he calmed down.

Pulling away his black gloved hand, he saw a shade red imprinted on to it.

'So annoying...' He inwardly thought.

Just like with life, everything had a balance, similarly every ability had it's cost.

And [Battle Meditation]'s cost was that it would take your own stamina and transfer it to others, so now Silas was paying for it.

It could be seen as impressive, that a single force user could supply battalions of soldiers with stamina, one can only imagine what else they can do.


Hearing a distant explosion, he ignored the pain within him and gazed upward toward the sky, watching as Separatist ships started exploding.

"It seems Thrawn finished his part, soon he'll send more reinforcements down here, and everything will be done."

His thoughts were disturbed once seeing Obi-Wan lightly run to him, "It seems Admiral Thrawn is about to be done... Not to mention everything's in place, now all we need to do is implement those gas grenades."

He was also wearing a unique looking hazmat suit, that was dropped off earlier.


"Do you have a back up plan if things go wrong?" Obi-Wan asked.

Silas lightly laughed, before starting to walk away with the crate of grenades on his shoulder, "Back up plan?... As if I need one."

Obi-Wan just sighed in resignation, before promptly following after him.

As they walked in silence toward the ongoing battle, Obi-Wan seemed curious, "General, what was that technique you used earlier to stop those beams?... I at first assumed it was the technique, [Force Stasis], but it seemed rather different."

Silas glanced back, "Oho? You noticed?"

He then resumed speaking as he said, "You know what Vectors are?"

Obi-Wan furrowed his brows slightly before saying, "To be frank, all I remember is that it has something to do with physics."

SIlas nodded, "Indeed, Vectors in more simple terms is what defines things that have magnitude and direction... For example, imagine you shoot a blaster, the magnitude would be the force the beam is going at, while the direction would be where the beams heading too."

Obi-Wan seemed to understand, as he indicated that Silas should continue.

"But putting that aside, the force gives an unlimited amount of potential for abilities, you just need to be creative. So I thought of the idea that if you have good enough mastery over the Force, specifically [Telekinesis], you can control the vectors within anything... Going to my point, when I stopped those beams earlier, I didn't use a simple ability like [Force Stasis], which pretty much freezes anything in place by pushing against it externally from all around."

"What I did was something far different... I froze the vectors from within it, meaning I froze the literal atoms inside each beam in place, which in turn made them stop mid-air. I call it, [Vector Manipulation]." Silas concluded with a shrug.

Obi-Wan couldn't help but be impressed, "That's quite remarkable... But doesn't that make it more complicated? Because correct me if I'm wrong, but you would have to calculate over millions to billions of atoms, as compared to simply using an ability like [Force Stasis]."

Silas responded easily, "Well since I was never taught on how to use the force by a force user, and could only use basic things like [Telekinesis], I had to incorporate science with fantasy. Which amounted to my mastery increasing, and me being able to partially use Vector Manipulation, as I'm still learning how to use it..."

Obi-Wan nodded, content with learning more about Silas, as he seemed to be a figure shrouded in mystery.

They continued to walk in silence before reappearing at the front lines, where everyone was hiding behind crates.

But unlike before, their were but a few dozen clones left fighting, and they were adjourned in special yellow hazmat suits, the same as Obi-Wan.

Silas himself had his helmet back on, and configured the built-in gas mask to keep him safe also.

So without hesitation he tapped his commlink, "Let's rock and roll guys! Release the gas grenades a few meters ahead of the barrier!"


[Anakin POV]

Anakin and Ahsoka were currently hiding under a crate, as they slowly moved in between the droids.

At one point they stopped moving, and waited patiently for another opening to move.

"Ahsoka, so how was training?" Anakin asked, attempting to waste time.

"Would have been better if my actual teachers taught me." She mumbled in response.

A small smile couldn't help but appear on Anakin's face, "By the way, don't think I don't notice the way you look at Silas... You might as well take your chance."

Ahsoka momentarily froze as she looked toward him in shock, "W-What are you talking about?"

Anakin just chuckled, "Ahsoka you aren't that good at hiding your feelings."

She sighed, as they continued to crawl forward, "I don't know, he never looks at me the way I look at him... It's just like you said, I'm 14, and that's all he'll ever see me as."

Anakin hummed in amusement, "Well if you wanna be technical, you can consider yourself older than him."

Ahsoka nodded, seemingly already aware, "I already know that, but as Captain Rex told me earlier, experience dwarfs age, and mentally Silas is definitely far older than me, which is all that matters to be honest."

Anakin shrugged, he knew about Silas and Shaak Ti's attempts at getting together, but neither did he want to destroy Ahsoka's feelings.

Not to mention, he himself understood how she felt, because he too had a crush on Padme when they first met, and he was only 9 years old.

So while it was something seen as a simple crush because he found her appearance beautiful, it still became something much more than that.

So perhaps Ahsoka was the one for Silas, or maybe she wasn't...

Nonetheless he finally spoke as he said,

"Ahsoka, what if I were to say that Silas could potentially be getting with a certain woman, and your chances with him could be thwarted because your afraid of getting rejected."

Ahsoka's eyes widened, her brain instantly knew who he was talking about, but before she could even reply, Anakin hush fully whispered.

"Get ready! We're moving now!"

Focusing her attention back on to the battle, she swiftly nodded as Anakin pushed off the crate above them.

The bright sunlight blinded them momentarily.

Ahsoka and Anakin had a surprised expression as he muttered, "Uh, come on."

The entire bridge ahead of them was empty, with but a single droid remaining, specifically a Droideka.


Let me know yall thoughts!

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