

The naming of Gardevoir (male) and Gardevoir turned out to be a turning point in Yuga and ShaSha's relationship. From that day onwards, Yuga could sense a subtle change in ShaSha's attitude towards him.

On this particular day, YoYo Breeding House received a special guest - Genos, the owner of Luminescent Jewelry Store and the White Light Intelligence Agency.

"What brings you here?" Yuga didn't greet Genos too warmly, as his impression of Genos wasn't great due to Butler incident.

Genos scratched his nose and said, "I've come to apologize on behalf of my uncle."

Genos wasn't upset about Yuga's somewhat disrespectful attitude regarding his facial features; he understood the situation.

As for Butler, he knew that his uncle had acted unfairly, and now that Genos was a rising star highly regarded by the Hoenn League, he couldn't afford to offend anyone.

"Uncle?" Yuga raised his head in confusion upon hearing this.

"I don't recall knowing your uncle."

Yuga couldn't recall having any dealings with Genos' uncle, and the concept of an apology didn't make sense to him.

"It's the one you sent to the police station not too long ago."

Genos felt a bit embarrassed as he mentioned it, realizing how troublesome his uncle could be.

His main reason for coming to Verdant Shade Town was to get his uncle out of jail, and he was quite angry about his uncle's repeated incarcerations.

Considering his uncle's current situation, apologizing to Yuga was merely a side note.

Thinking about his troublesome uncle, Genos couldn't help but feel frustrated. His uncle lacked skills and often got into trouble.

But what could Genos do? He couldn't just abandon his own family, especially since his sister was the only other relative he had left.

Back in the day, their family was influential within the Hoenn League, but after their grandfather and father passed away, their status declined significantly.

Now, they had even withdrawn from the political system of the League and focused solely on running Luminescent Jewelry Store and the White Light Intelligence Agency as legitimate businessmen. They had lost their political influence.

Fortunately, they still had some connections within the aristocratic families, allowing them to maintain a decent reputation. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to run the intelligence agency effectively without solid connections.

From the age of fifteen, Genos had been supporting the family. Dealing with family matters was already exhausting, and having an uncle who caused trouble only added to his burdens.

Genos' reminder made Yuga recall that he had indeed sent a short, chubby, and awkward-looking older man to the police station recently.

He hadn't realized that this man was Genos' uncle; it was quite a coincidence.

With such an uncle, Yuga couldn't help but sympathize with Genos. He must have faced a lot of challenges, and seeing his uncle's foolish actions, he could imagine the daily headaches Genos had to endure.

"Oh, you mean him."

Yuga pretended to have a sudden realization.

"My uncle can be a handful. I'll make sure to 'educate' him properly in the future. I hope you won't mind the incident from before."

Genos tried to sound sincere in his apology, genuinely hoping not to offend Yuga.

In response, Yuga remained silent, focusing on the herbs and berrys he was handling.

He planned to use these materials to create a small gene repair potion.

A few days ago, Yuga had visited Lavaridge Town and met Director Mond. However, the news he heard from Director Mond left him feeling uneasy.

The Pokémon Day Care Center in Lavaridge Town was going to be closed.

In the past two years, the Pokémon Day Care Center in Lavaridge Town had been consistently running at a deficit, with expenses exceeding income. This led the higher-ups at the Day Care Center to decide to shut it down.

It was a result of careful consideration by the Day Care Center.

Director Mond, as the head of a local Pokémon Day Care Center, didn't have much say in the matter. He also lacked the ability to save the Pokémon Day Care Center from closure, so he had no choice but to agree to it.

Director Mond had helped Yuga in many ways, and Yuga didn't want the Pokémon Day Care Center in Lavaridge Town to close either.

However, the fact remained that the Pokémon Day Care Center in Lavaridge Town had been running at a deficit, and Yuga didn't have the authority to interfere.

Because the Pokémon Day Care Center was closing down, there were many unsold Pokémon eggs left in the facility. Director Mond thought of Yuga when it came to handling these eggs due to their good relationship.

These eggs consisted of both low potential and high potential Pokémon, with the majority being low potential. Director Mond couldn't immediately find a suitable person to take them off his hands.

Upon hearing this news, Yuga didn't hesitate and agreed to take over these eggs, paying a significant sum of money.

Yuga planned to sell the low potential Pokémon eggs directly in his new store. Any unsold eggs would be kept in the Ecopark.

As for the few high potential eggs, Yuga intended to hatch them and keep them in the Ecopark as breeding seeds.

The Lavaridge Town Pokémon Day Care Center was relatively small, and it didn't have many rare Pokémon species. Most of the eggs were from common species like Surkrit, Taillow, Poochyena, Skitty, Nuzleaf, Shroomish, Lotad, Zigzagoon, and others, providing a wide variety.

Besides the eggs suitable for direct sales, there was also a batch of eggs with genetic defects. Yuga decided to take those as well. With the formula for his small gene repair potion, he could treat these eggs the same as the others.

Once the eggs with defects hatched, Yuga planned to keep the high potential ones as breeding seeds and sell the low potential ones. Any unsold low potential Pokémon would find a home in the Pokémon Paradise, adding some life to the place. Fortunately, the Pokémon Paradise is big, it had plenty of space to accommodate them.

Originally, Yuga had hesitated to put the low potential Pokémon in the Ecopark because it could potentially disrupt the gene pool of high potential Pokémon, which wasn't desirable.

However, he also felt it wasn't right to do so, hence his idea to create a separate environment suitable for most Pokémon to live in. This way, the low potential Pokémon wouldn't interact with the high potential ones, solving the issue.

In the Ecopark, while some Pokémon enjoyed visiting different areas, most preferred to stay in their own territories, possibly due to their innate territorial instincts.

All these plans were for the future; for now, Yuga couldn't provide a separate environment for the low potential Pokémon in the Ecopark.

After a while, Yuga finally spoke up, saying, "Actually, you didn't need to come and apologize to me. He offended someone else, not me. He ended up in the police station because he insulted and slandered a girl. What's the point of apologizing to me just because of my higher status?"

Yuga knew that if Genos had appeared here, it meant his uncle had already been released from the police station. Offering an apology without even showing up in person didn't demonstrate genuine remorse.

Genos' uncle had committed a crime, and whether it was significant or not, given Genos' connections, he could have easily gotten him out of jail.

In this regard, Yuga had misunderstood Genos. The reason he hadn't let his uncle come in person was because he knew his uncle's character well. His uncle might have ended up causing more trouble if he had come here.

However, Yuga's words hit a chord with Genos. He realized that he indeed had been neglecting the importance of acknowledging and apologizing to ordinary people, despite his good upbringing. His subconscious sense of superiority had led him astray.

Upon having his thoughts exposed by Yuga, Genos' expression turned rather unsightly.

"You... you're right. We should apologize to the girl."

Seeing Genos reflecting on his actions, Yuga couldn't help but appreciate his honesty.

Genos also realized that his mindset was flawed. As a leader in his organization, having such a mindset was wrong. He needed to broaden his perspective and not underestimate the importance of ordinary individuals.

Genos asked, "Could I meet that girl?"

With Genos' well-informed network, he had known that the girl his uncle had mistreated was now working under Yuga. This is why he sought Yuga's opinion.

Yuga: "This guy certainly thinks quickly."

After neatly organizing the herbs and materials, Yuga dusted off his hands and said, "Meeting her is fine, but forgiveness or not, I won't decide now. Also, what about your uncle? Shouldn't it be him who apologizes?"

Genos: "Given what he did, I was worried he might upset you if he came along. Did you need him to come in person? I can have him visit."

Yuga nodded in understanding. While a personal apology would be more sincere, Genos had a valid point, and Yuga didn't want to see that person anyway.

"Never mind, let's not have him come," Yuga said, avoiding the potential headache.

Soon, Strawberry was summoned from the Pokémon Paradise.

These days, Strawberry had been enjoying her work in the Pokémon Paradise. The six Bellossom that Yuga had given her were intelligent and easy to manage, making her job smooth and well-organized.

She found Pokémon easier to deal with than humans, who often had complex motives. Strawberry had grown fond of the six obedient Bellossom she worked with. If they weren't from the Ecopark and instead a stray Pokémon, she would have considered adopting them.

After Genos' apology, Strawberry remained silent for a moment before agreeing to reconcile with Genos' uncle. She hadn't expected someone as influential as Genos to personally apologize to her.

However, she understood the reasons behind it – her boss had given her dignity, and she didn't want to cause him any trouble. So, ultimately, she chose to reconcile.

While she knew her boss wasn't afraid of trouble, she still wanted to be considerate.

After Strawberry's forgiveness, Genos compensated her with a sum of money on behalf of his uncle.

Initially, Strawberry hesitated to accept, but Yuga decided on her behalf. She deserved this compensation; after all, she had suffered enough from the mistreatment.

With these two compensations, Yuga believed Strawberry wouldn't have to worry about money for quite some time.

What Yuga didn't know was that Strawberry had sent all the money to the Forest Home.

But that's a story for another time.

After Strawberry forgave Genos, he placed three Poké Balls in front of Yuga.

"What's this?" Yuga asked, puzzled.

"This is to make amends for the trouble I caused," Genos said through clenched teeth. He felt the loss of giving away three high potential Pokémon acutely.

The primary business of Genos' family was the White Light Intelligence Agency, and they excelled in raising Pokémon like Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat. Most family members had a Golbat, Crobat, or Zubat as a companion.

Pokémon like Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat had a natural talent for gathering information.

High potential Pokémon were always welcome, and even though it hurt to give away three of them at once, Genos considered it worth it to repair his relationship with Yuga.

"In that case, I won't refuse," Yuga said, understanding Genos' intention after seeing the three Poké Balls.

Opening the Poké Balls, Yuga recognized the three high potential Zubats inside. They were excellent specimens.

In Yuga's Ecopark, there were already three Crobat. Initially, he had tried to evolve Golbat into Crobat by increasing their affection towards him. However, it turned out that two of them evolved into Crobat because of their affection for each other, becoming a couple and stuffed Yuga with mouthful of dog food.

(One of the three Crobat was snatched from Butler and It also came from Genos. It was in its final form when it entered the Ecopark.)

Genos left YoYo Day Care with a smile on his face. He had brought three valuable Zubat but left with the possibility of a better relationship with Yuga, which he considered a win.

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