

After resting for a night at the Pokémon Center in Vermilion City, Yuga and his group gradually regained their energy and vitality. They were now prepared to leave Vermilion City and return to Saffron City.

However, before Yuga and his group departed, Eusine came to find Yuga, expressing a desire to have a conversation. Yuga promptly refused, as none of them wanted to see this person at the moment.

Upon returning to Saffron City from Vermilion City, Yuga and Gon stayed at Sabrina's house for a few days. They intended to enjoy their time in this bustling metropolis before parting ways. After all, once they left the Kanto region, Yuga, Gon, and Sabrina would each be on their separate journeys.

Yuga and Gon's visit brought great joy to Sabrina's parents. It was the first time in a long while that someone had been willing to spend time with their daughter. Yuga and Gon received excellent hospitality.

However, during their stay in Saffron City, Yuga noticed something peculiar: Gengar's and Mismagius's potentials had both improved.

Gengar's potential had shifted from green to blue, while Mismagius's, though not upgraded to Indigo, had reached the peak of Blue category.

Upon inquiry, Yuga learned that when they left Mount Tensei, Marshadow had returned and given both Gengar and Mismagius a black crystal each. Marshadow had instructed them to consume these crystals before departing again.

Having experienced their time at Mount Tensei, both Mismagius and Gengar had mixed feelings towards Marshadow. Initially, they had been reluctant to accept what Marshadow offered, but in the end, Marshadow had forcefully placed the crystals in their mouths.

Without the power of the Ghost World Origin Stone, they were no match for Marshadow, and it had swallowed all the energies that had previously resided in Yuga's shadow.

It was clear as day that Marshadow had devoured all those energies, and Mismagius and Gengar felt deeply aggrieved. However, they had no chance to retaliate, as they were far from being Marshadow's equals.

Listening to Mismagius's and Gengar's account, Yuga understood the situation. He was also somewhat resentful of Marshadow because of the events on the peak of Mount Tensei. Marshadow's actions had caused them significant hardship.

While Yuga recognized that it was Marshadow's duty to correct the contamination of the Rainbow Feather, he couldn't help but harbor negative emotions due to the immense harm Marshadow had inflicted upon them. Furthermore, Marshadow had leached off Yuga's shadow for such a long time without any mercy.

However, what Yuga didn't expect was that Marshadow had returned secretly to provide compensation. Although he didn't know the specific name or function of the black crystals, they had clearly enhanced the potentials of Mismagius and Gengar. These were not ordinary items.

Regardless of his mixed feelings towards Marshadow, Yuga was genuinely pleased with the potential improvements in Mismagius and Gengar.

Yuga wasn't foolish; he couldn't possibly reject the benefits Marshadow had provided just because he didn't like it. For Yuga, more good things were always welcome.

Moreover, Marshadow likely didn't care about Yuga's opinion of it. Its willingness to compensate wasn't out of guilt but rather the belief that it was only right to repay Yuga for hosting, feeding, and paying rent during its stay.

Apart from noticing the change in Gengar's and Mismagius's potentials, Yuga also discovered another strange occurrence. Since returning from the Raizen Mountain Ranges, he hadn't seen Gon use his psychic powers at all.

After some inquiry, he learned that Gon's psychic powers had completely depleted, rendering him unable to use them anymore.

Gon didn't seem to mind this development; he consoled Yuga by saying that in this world, most people were ordinary and didn't possess psychic powers. However, it didn't stop them from living life to the fullest and striving for their goals. Having the ability or not wasn't the most crucial thing for him.

Gon, who had once believed that he wouldn't live much longer, considered being able to lead a normal life a great blessing.

Yuga had always thought of himself as having a good mindset, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that Gon's philosophical outlook was equally high. Gon truly deserved to be the man who would eventually lead Bell Tower.

After spending approximately five days in Saffron City, Yuga decided it was time to return to Johto with Gon.

However, Sabrina also expressed her desire to accompany Gon on his journey back, but her father dissuaded her. After all, she was a legitimate Gym Trainer, and constantly leaving for extended periods wouldn't sit well.

During this period of bonding with Gon, Sabrina's personality had changed considerably. The aura of strangeness and aloofness had faded, making her seem almost indistinguishable from an ordinary person when she stood still and didn't speak.

When Yuga and Gon left Saffron City, they could sense the reluctance in Sabrina's eyes, even though she didn't voice it.

This time, Yuga didn't use the walking method to return to Johto with Gon. Instead, they took a direct route by boarding a maglev train in Saffron City.

Saffron City, being the largest city in the Kanto region, possessed the most advanced infrastructure and was one of the few places where transportation directly connected Kanto and Johto.

With Gon by his side, Yuga sat on the maglev train and watched as they gradually left Saffron City behind, journeying away from the Kanto region. His heart was filled with a sense of nostalgia.

He had never expected that this visit to Johto and the Kanto region would lead to so many experiences. If not for some stroke of luck, he might have met his end here.

The maglev train sped along at a remarkable pace. Yuga felt like he could blink, and in the next moment, they would arrive at Goldenrod City.

Upon reaching their destination, Yuga first visited Grandpa Milton. Despite the fact that the Ecruteak Gym couldn't assist him directly, Grandpa Milton genuinely cared for him.

Due to the late hour when Yuga arrived at MooMoo Ranch, he was persuaded to stay overnight by Grandpa Milton. Yuga spent the night at the ranch and only departed with Gon the next day, heading towards the Ecruteak City.

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