
The Reanimated Corpse

When Yuga saw the person in the blue attire using Teleport to escape, he turned back to the alley. To his surprise, there was only Vivillon left, and the Ariados that had attacked him was nowhere to be seen.


Seeing Yuga approach, Vivillon seemed very dejected and apologetic, as it had accidentally let Ariados escape.

Yuga comforted Vivillon with a smile, saying, "It's okay, no need to blame yourself. That person clearly came prepared, and it's fine if they ran away this time. Next time we encounter them, we'll make sure they regret it."

Little did Yuga or the person in blue know that as they battled, a girl with a Dusknoir had been silently floating in a corner of the sky, watching them.

When the person in blue used Teleport to flee, the girl immediately followed suit.

Meanwhile, in a forest on the outskirts of Verdanturf Town.

The person in blue, who had used Teleport multiple times, and their Alakazam, were catching their breath as they stopped in the forest.

Repeated use of this advanced skill was taking a toll on Alakazam.

"How did it go?" Another person appeared at this moment, apparently waiting in the forest to assist the person in blue. They were wearing Team Aqua uniform.

The person in blue removed their mask, sighed, and said, "It was a failure. He's way too strong; I was no match for him."

The person in blue who removed their mask was none other than the former captain of the Beidou that Yuga had encountered on Illuma Island. This former captain had been assigned by Team Aqua to infiltrate the League. However, upon encountering Yuga on Illuma Island, he chose to take action without hesitation.

This decision was primarily due to the significant trouble Yuga had caused for Team Aqua.

Team Aqua had been quietly developing its forces and intended to take advantage of the League's resources once they gained control of the Lilycove City TV station. Yuga's appearance disrupted their plans and brought unwanted attention from the League.

Being targeted by the League during the early stages of their development was a severe blow to Team Aqua. Many of their hidden forces had been uprooted.

Hence, Yuga and Team Aqua had a deep-seated enmity.

Upon hearing the former captain's words, the other person sighed and said, "Let's wait for another opportunity. This operation has likely put him on high alert."

Just as these words left their mouths, they heard eerie laughter echoing in the forest.

"Hehehe... Another chance? No, no, no, you won't have another chance!"

"Who's there? Show yourself! Stop lurking in the shadows!" the former captain shouted loudly.

Both individuals were startled by the sudden voice from nowhere and felt extremely nervous. They searched the forest carefully but couldn't spot anyone.

"Am I lurking in the shadows? Isn't it you who's been lurking?" The voice responded.

As the words were spoken, a girl in a light purple dress gradually materialized in front of them, floating in mid-air like a ghost.

Accompanying the girl was a similarly eerie Dusknoir.

Seeing the girl appear out of nowhere, both individuals were so frightened that they could hardly speak.

"Who... who are you?" stammered the former captain.

"You don't need to know who I am. What you need to understand is that you've meddled with someone you shouldn't have!"

After saying this, the girl's previously smiling face suddenly twisted into a grimace, contorting her once beautiful features.

"His life belongs to me, and no one else can take it. Do you understand?" The girl extended her hand and slowly approached the former captain's forehead, then firmly gripped it.

The former captain's Alakazam immediately attempted to use Teleport to escape with the trainer, but was swiftly Disabled by a Gengar that emerged from the girl's body.

Both the former captain and the other individual desperately wanted to flee, but they found themselves completely paralyzed. The eyes of the Dusknoir beside the girl emitted a dazzling purple light.

It was a Disable!

The former captain recognized it immediately; his own Ariados could perform this move. He realized that they were unable to move at all.

When the girl's hand touched the former captain's forehead, he immediately felt his strength draining away, and his skin began to visibly wither at an alarming rate.

The excruciating pain from losing his strength caused the former captain to scream, but this lasted only a few minutes before abruptly ceasing.

In just those few minutes, the former captain transformed into a horrifying desiccated corpse.

The girl withdrew her hand, slowly closed her eyes, and displayed an oddly contented expression as she murmured, "This should allow me to endure for a while longer."

Seeing their comrade reduced to such a terrifying state, the other person was so frightened that they wet their pants.

Opening her eyes again, the girl stated, "One more!"

"Please... please don't come near..." the terrified person begged.

Observing his wet pants, the girl snorted disdainfully. "Never mind, it's all the same."

Subsequently, this person also turned into a lifeless husk, just like the former captain.

After dealing with both of them, the girl retrieved all the trainer's Pokémon and released them, allowing them to follow their trainers into oblivion, just like the Alakazam before them.

Surveying the lifeless bodies scattered around, the girl muttered, "This should keep me going for quite some time. Wait for me! I'm coming to find you!"

She then took out empty Poké Balls she had found on the two individuals and recalled her Dusknoir and Gengar into them.

Tidying everything up, the girl's figure gradually disappeared into the forest, leaving behind a gruesome scene of death.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Yuga was walking back home while holding his Shroomish.

Ever since witnessing Yuga and Absol effortlessly defeat Drifblim, Shroomish had been gazing at Yuga with an adoring and fervent look in its eyes.

This passionate gaze from Shroomish made Yuga slightly uncomfortable.

"Do you want to become as strong as Absol?" Yuga asked.

"Shroomish, Shroomish, Shroomish!" Shroomish responded enthusiastically, nodding vigorously.

Seeing Shroomish's excitement, Yuga couldn't help but feel a bit concerned. Achieving the level of power that Absol possessed might be challenging for Shroomish given its low potential.

Well, let's take it one step at a time. After all, I'm a man with a system; there's nothing that can truly daunt me!

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