
Mission Accomplished

The Rapidash, which had been focused on running away, suddenly saw its mate approaching.

"My silly wife, can't you see I'm running away? Why are you coming towards me like that?" The Rapidash immediately shouted to its mate, "Hurry, run, dear wife, run!"

The approaching Rapidash, thinking its husband was delighted to see it and wanted it to come closer, immediately picked up its pace, running eagerly toward him.

The Rapidash couldn't believe its mate's behavior, considering it foolish. Normally, a bit of silliness was endearing, but why be so foolish at a critical moment? With their incredible speed, the two Rapidashes quickly reunited. The first Rapidash wanted to scold its silly mate, but the timing wasn't right.

As the second Rapidash reached its husband, intending to be affectionate, a powerful bolt of lightning struck right in front of them.

The second Rapidash was frightened, looking up to understand why its husband had urged it to run. Without a second thought, it turned and dashed away.

Observing his mate fleeing faster than himself, the Rapidash felt bewildered, thinking, "You goof, you didn't have to run so fast!" It immediately sprinted to catch up with its mate.

Watching the two Rapidashes sprinting at incredible speeds, Yuga thought, "Truly, they're sprinting champions among Pokémon. Their speed is no exaggeration."

However, Dragonair's speed was not to be underestimated either. With a burst of acceleration, it swiftly caught up with the two Rapidashes.

Flying above the primitive forest on Dragonair was quite dangerous, but fortunately, no other Pokémon had noticed them yet.

Rapidash indeed had exceptional speed among Pokémon, but it lacked endurance, a common weakness among Fire-type Pokémon. Panting heavily, the Rapidash realized it couldn't keep running and abruptly came to a halt. Gasping for breath, it faced Yuga and Dragonair.

"You're relentless, human! I'll fight you!" It declared.

Meanwhile, the other Rapidash, who had been running relentlessly, also stopped when it saw its mate pause.

Watching its silly mate running towards it, the first Rapidash felt touched, thinking, "She might be a bit foolish, but she loves me."

Yuga landed and dismounted Dragonair, now facing two determined Rapidashes.

Both Rapidashes were strong, with levels exceeding forty. Yuga didn't dare to be careless and released Absol.

As Yuga dismounted Dragonair, both Rapidashes emitted a brilliant glow from the single horn on their foreheads and charged toward him.

They used their Double Mega Horn Attacks!

Absol lunged forward with a powerful Sucker Punch, accompanied by dark energy, colliding fiercely with one of the Rapidashes.

Meanwhile, Dragonair raised its tail high, smashing it onto the head of the other Rapidash with an Aqua Tail.

The first Rapidash was repelled by Absol's attack, while the second Rapidash was sent flying due to the type disadvantage.

The sight of its mate being flung away angered the first Rapidash, and its flames intensified. Its eyes glowed red as it charged toward Dragonair.

This time, it used a powerful Fire-type move, Flare Blitz.

Watching the husband charging in a fit of rage to protect his mate, the second Rapidash, which was lying on the ground, gazed at him with admiration.

Yuga looked at the two Rapidashes, feeling like he had consumed tons of Dog food.

Burp! Quite stuffed!

As the Rapidash charged toward him, Dragonair didn't back down. It ascended high into the sky and descended with a powerful airstream, targeting the Rapidash directly.

This was a rare ability inherited from its mother - Extreme Speed.

The two Pokémon collided intensely and were both sent flying.

The power of Flare Blitz was greater than Extreme Speed, but the Rapidash's inherent strength was inferior to Dragonair's, making their confrontation evenly matched.

Rapidash 2, seeing that its husband couldn't harm Dragonair, quickly got up from the ground, wanting to support its husband. However, Absol swiftly used Psycho Cuts under its hooves to thwart its actions.

In terms of level and battle experience, Rapidash 2 couldn't compare to its husband, so it found itself overwhelmed by Absol and had to reluctantly give up on assisting and focus on dealing with Absol instead.

On the other side, Dragonair, who had withdrawn to the side, ascended to the sky and used the Rain Dance move. Before long, the sky started drizzling.

Fire-type Pokémon like the two Rapidashes disliked rainy weather, and the fiery flames on their bodies weakened due to the rain.

As a result of the rain weakening them, the Rapidashes gradually fell behind. Finally, under Dragonair's continuous Thunder moves, one of the Rapidashes collapsed first.

In rainy weather, Dragonair's advantage became evident.

However, Dragonair refrained from using the move it had used against Swellow, as it consumed too much energy and was difficult to control.

Rapidash 2, witnessing its husband fall, became frantic, disrupting its battle rhythm. Ultimately, it succumbed to Absol's Future Sight, which had been previously set up.

Yuga successfully captured both Rapidashes! It was clear to Yuga that these two Rapidashes were a pair.

Rapidash 2 was already here, indicating that their home was in this area. Since Rapidashes were known to be social Pokémon, Yuga suspected that there might be other Rapidashes or Ponyta nearby.

Rapidashes, unlike other Fire-type Pokémon, disliked or were unaccustomed to living near volcanoes. It wasn't that they disliked the hot environment; it was the volcanic terrain they didn't favor.

Rapidashes were naturally fond of running, so they preferred living in environments like plains, grasslands, and meadows.

This likely explained why these two Rapidashes chose to live in the dense forests of the East Coast rather than near the volcano.

Yuga speculated that there must be a vast grassland nearby.

After storing Dragonair, Yuga carefully searched the area and soon found a flat grassland within the forest. It was inhabited by several Ponyta.

As expected, the two Rapidashes were most likely the leaders of this group of Ponyta.

Just as Yuga thought, the reason the Rapidashes appeared near the volcano was because they had a habit of absgeming flame energy there regularly.

Although they didn't favor the volcanic terrain, as Fire-type Pokémon, they greatly enjoyed the scorching magma, which was why they were seen by Yuga and the others.

With the Rapidashes gone, the remaining Ponyta in this area didn't pose much of a threat. Yuga easily defeated them and found six more Ponyta with green potential.

Two Rapidashes, plus six Ponyta, made a total of eight. While it didn't reach the target number of ten, don't forget that Yuga's Ecopark already had three Ponyta.

Now, the mission was preliminarily accomplished.

Yuga decided to take the remaining Ponyta with him as well. Without the Rapidashes, life would be challenging for them here. It was better to relocate them to the League's protected area.

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