
Sharp Fangs

In reality, Steven had also attempted to teach his Audino to cook and had even hired a dedicated chef to help, but the results were limited, and the dishes were quite indescribable.

Upon hearing that Audino was not around, Steven didn't press the matter further. He figured there would be another opportunity to discuss it.

"You're really not considering it?" Steven asked Yuga again.

"No, I'm not considering it!" Yuga waved his hand dismissively. "Look at how well I'm doing now. With all the League business, would I even have time to enjoy life?"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Yuga, Steven said, "Alright, I'll go back and inform the Bureau that you're not interested. I'll take my leave now."

"You're not staying for a meal?" Yuga asked as Steven was about to leave.

"No, I'm really busy now. Maybe next time," Steven replied and left YoYo YoYo Day Care.

Yuga couldn't help but roll his eyes, thinking, "Busy? He's been lingering in Verdanturf Town for a while now. Don't think I don't know. Some time ago, a trainer found an unusual stone in the Petalburg Woods, and that trainer is still here."

After Steven left, Yuga gestured to the neatly stacked Pokéblocks on the floor and told Windy, "Go ask The Great Flygon to have these delivered to the Pidgey Express office for shipping. The destination is clearly marked on top of each."

Windy nodded and went outside to find The Great Flygon.

Yuga then headed to the Ecopark because earlier that morning, he had acquired another green-grade item from the Trainer's Store. He had used all five of his exchange opportunities.

This time, the item was Sharp Fangs. Since it was a common evolution (carrying) item, the system had given it a green rating, and its price was much lower than the others.

Yuga had no use for the five Sharp Fangs and decided to give them to the Gligars in the Desert Sub-Ecopark for their evolution.

Among the Gligars, aside from their leader, all the others remained in their basic form. In contrast, the Flygons that moved into the Ecopark with them had made significant progress.

Since settling in the Ecopark, thanks to their consistent training, several of the Trapinch had evolved into Vibrava, significantly boosting the group's strength.

While the two groups now lived together peacefully without conflicts, there was still an underlying sense of competition. The Gligars' leader, Gliscor, felt troubled by the growing gap in strength between their two groups.

Therefore, when Yuga arrived with five Sharp Fangs at the Gligars' territory in the Sub-Ecopark, they received a warm welcome, especially from Gliscor.

Initially, when the Gligars first entered the Ecopark, their numbers were less than a hundred. Later, after hatching the Gligar eggs that Yuga had brought back one by one, combined with new births, their population had now exceeded two hundred, and this didn't even account for those reserved for monthly reservations.

Unfortunately, even after such a long time, the Gligars had yet to produce a blue potential offspring. All their current members were green potential.

In contrast, when the Flygons group initially arrived, they had three blue potential Trapinchs, all of which had evolved into Vibrava. Moreover, they had six green potential Trapinchs eggs, which had successfully hatched.

With this comparison, it was clear that the Gligars had a long way to go to catch up with the Flygons.

Yuga didn't have many choices, so he picked the five strongest Gligars and handed them the Sharp Fangs. He instructed them to train diligently and evolve when the time was right.

When Yuga left the Gligar territory, Gliscor was overly obsequious, hoping Yuga would leave more Sharp Fangs for them. Yuga could only shake his head in response.

Yuga inspected the leader, Gliscor's level and noticed that it had significantly improved. It was evident that it had been working hard, managing the Gligar tribe efficiently. Yuga agreed to provide more Sharp Fangs in the future.

However, the thought of spending a considerable amount of money on Sharp Fangs made Yuga sigh. Unlike items in the system's Trainer's Store, Sharp Fangs in the real world were quite expensive.

The Trainer's Store priced most items similarly to the real world, but they had their own grading standards. Some items had different values compared to reality, although Yuga didn't fully comprehend these standards.

For example, all special variant Poké Balls, such as Ultra Balls, Great Balls, Friend Balls, Healing Balls, had the same price.

Yuga wondered if the Master Ball, rumored to exist, would also have the same price, but he had never obtained one to confirm.

With the increasing number of Gligars in the Ecopark, their demand for Sharp Fangs would undoubtedly rise in the future. Yuga wished he knew how to produce Sharp Fangs himself, but it wasn't something he had knowledge of.

Sharp Fangs were made from Pokémon teeth using a specific method, but the exact procedure was a well-kept secret. Yuga, like most people, didn't know how to produce them.

After leaving the Ecopark, Yuga returned to his room and retrieved his computer. He started searching for information on Sharp Fangs.

Most online articles focused on how to use Sharp Fangs, but none mentioned how to create them, which didn't surprise Yuga.

However, he found some information on identifying the quality of Sharp Fangs and the differences in effects between various types.

After reading through the material, Yuga discovered that, theoretically, the teeth of most Pokémon could be used to create Sharp Fangs. However, some Pokémon had teeth with insufficient toughness or hardness, which could get damaged during the crafting process. Common examples included Rattata and Furret.

On the other hand, some Pokémon naturally had small teeth, making them unsuitable for creating effective Sharp Fangs. Pokémon like Ninetales, Sandslash, and Marill fell into this category.

The most suitable teeth for crafting Sharp Fangs were the sharp front teeth of Pokémon in their final evolutionary forms.

The material further listed several Pokémon species that had teeth highly suitable for Sharp Fangs, such as Nidoking and Nidoqueen, Charizard, Arcanine, Feraligatr, Granbull, Sharpedo, Hippowdon, and Drapion, among others.

It also mentioned that the teeth of many canine Pokémon were highly suitable for crafting Sharp Fangs.

Incidentally, the teeth of Gliscor, the Gligar Evolution, were also excellent for creating Sharp Fangs.

Additionally, it noted that the teeth of many Dragon-type Pokémon could be used to create Sharp Fangs, but most were reserved for crafting Dragon Fangs, which was another topic not elaborated upon in the material.

The document also contained a unique perspective from its author.

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