


I was standing in front of the window in my room, and I was staring out at the town's horizon, watching the sun begin to rise. Elvis opened the door and walked in. "How did it go?" I asked him with an ache in my heart. "She is gone," Elvis replied from behind me.

"Was I too harsh?" I said as I turned to Elvis, the pain in my heart was beginning to show on my face.

"You did what had to be done brother, it was for their safety. Now it is time to discuss how we are going to survive what's coming."

"Call in the elders and the commanders", Elvis walked out of the room and locked the door behind him.

I hope Rachel understands one day that this was the only way I could protect her and my child, I hope she never forget that I love and will always love her. Few years ago, together we fought off the vampires from this town, then we all worked together to make this town prosperous. The town had been peaceful for years, until our Elvis gave us a disturbing report a week ago. He said that about fifty thousand vampires raised camps a few hundred kilometers away from our village, and that they were going to attack this town soon. The reason we successfully win against vampires is the fact that they fought alone, as an individual, their egos never let them unite with each other. But for some reason, fifty thousand of them banded together to attack this town. Now comes our problem, if I add all the warriors including the ones I have in other territories close by, the total is five thousand. So the vampires outnumber us ten to one, now if you add that to the fact that they will be fighting together. We will be completely wiped out. Currently we have two options, either we escape from this town before they attack and leave the people of this town to their fate. Or we protect this town even if it meant our demise. I am yet to decide, but one thing that was clear to me, this was no place or my pregnant mate. I did not want to tell her because I knew she will never willingly leave my side. That was the only way, she must live on with my child, if it means she will hate me or that, I can bear it as long as they live on.

"I have gathered them," Elvis said immediately he walked into the room.


As I walked into the room Elvis gathered the Elders and my battle commanders, the rooms was illuminated by candles, when I looked at their faces I saw fear and uncertainty. They were scared of their lives, some were mothers, others fathers, the only reason they allowed me to send my wife and child away was because they thought my wife was unfaithful to me and is bearing the child of another person. If I told them the real reason, there will be chaos; in fact the only people that knew about the vampires were the people in this room.

"Azriel, have you decided on our next line of action?" The commander known as Jamal asked.

"I have, but first, I want to hear what all of you have to say first" I replied.

"The answer is clear and laid out right in front us, we must escape with our families, what's the point of fighting a battle we will surely lose." Avile, the oldest among us said.

"Is there any opposing viewpoints?" I asked.

The room went grave silent, everyone looked at each other for some minutes, and then Elvis spoke up, "Why do you all think fifty thousand vampires band together to attack this little town?. Revenge? I think not, I believe there I something in this town somewhere that the vampires cannot afford to lose, worse, they don't want it to fall into our hands. I suggest we find out what that is before we make a decision."

"Are you crazy?!" One of the commanders yelled, "You want us to die because of your little theory?!" Another added, "Are you sure you are not working as a spy for the vampires, if not what madness are you speaking of?" Everyone started screaming abuses and pointing accusatory fingers at Elvis, the room quickly descended into chaos.

"Enough!" My voice sent ripples of silence throughout the room, "This is what I have decided, we promised the people of this floor that we will protect their lives and properties, and we are not going to break our promise today. Ready all our fighters"

The commander Jamal couldn't stomach what I just said, thoughtlessly he said "Are you mad?! You foolish kid! There are only two thousand warriors in the town right now, the vampires outnumber us 25 to one do you plan to lead us to a slaughter?! I will never be part of this, I still have a family to feed."

The room went silent; everyone in the room knew what this was, treason.

"You will disobey me?" I asked to get clarity.


"Who else is of the same opinion with him?" I looked around the room, staring at the faces of the people that led the pack with me. One by one, the people in the room started to raise their hands, soon everyone in the room except Elvis had their hands up, all nine of nine of them stood to their feet. 'We always follow you, but this time we will not'

"Then none of you is leaving this room alive" Instantly I turned into my wolf form and tore the person closest to me to shreds. The remaining eight dashed out of the room because if they transformed in the room there will be no space for anyone to move.

I walked out of the room, Elvis was walking right beside me, he turned into his wolf form as well, his fur was stripped brown and ash and he bared his fangs. In front of us, the eight elders and commanders stood in their wolf forms glaring at the two of us. I howled before I charged towards the eight with Elvis, knowing deep down that even if I win this fight, I will be losing the eight strongest fighters in my pack and if I lose, I will die. So no matter which side ends up victorious, I will be losing.

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