
Chapter 81

Suddenly this possibility started to take hold in his mind. This next move might be risky, but could be a better use of his rather inflexible resources. If it came down to it, he would rather sacrifice his entrenched position in Britain than to risk a complete system collapse here. Whatever the cause, a coup would be terrible, successful or not. Of course, he would tell Takeda that he was likely waiting for death, but that was life for an actual ninja, dying if it was part of your orders.

And then of course, if both reports were true, there existed a mysterious foe that could stay undetected and wipe out every lifeboat that made it off that sinking ship. It looked like he had to call back most of his foreign assets for a better idea of the home front. He would even have to cooperate with the other ninja clans. What a mess...


Horse looked at his creator with supremely concealed amusement. Learning to turn sheet plastic into vacuum formed armor was quite difficult. So it was that twenty different clones were doing various jobs that were quite new to them. Sculpting and making molds were not your average ninja skill. So actually making the plastic and combat useless armor would take a while.

On the other hand, he was learning how to use automotive paints to give his armor a better camouflage when he finally made his personalized sealing enhanced custom armor set. Well, he would once he learnt how to get the sheets into proper shape.


At least he had finally shifted from the stormtrooper helmet. The thing simply had no visibility to speak off. Neither did the others, but a scout trooper helmet certainly worked wonders for visibility. Perhaps a more personalized version, with a grill for using those pesky mouth origin wind jutsu, and a metal cage for better impact resistance, and even some helmet liner. Yes that would work best, and the rest of the armor could stay about the same, with better shoulder guards, or even pauldrons. Yes it would work nicely.

And Horse quietly sketched the ideas that his creator was spouting off, knowing that he would certainly be embarrassed to see himself drool like that. What a Christmas present that would be!


The rest of that vacation passed simply enough. Harry worked on several things at once, and took it upon himself to learn more about ballistics. Hermione wandered about, learning and acting, having fun that had been missing in her life. Several People around the world wondered what had happened in the skies of Britain. And Department Of Mysteries department head went for more headache relief potion at the latest report on his desk. The beginning of 1993 was just one big headache all round.


Lucius Malfoy sat in a bar, nursing a glass of firewhiskey, brooding and contemplating with a degree of concentration he had not displayed during his NEWTS. He was plainly dressed, and his hair had been tied back to a ponytail. There was no need to maintain any airs at all here. This was America, the land where a Malfoy could get drunk in public – without being on the front page for it.

Looking out at the street outside, Lucius could honestly say that he did not like this. The colonies were frankly boring. There were Shamans, and wizards to be sure, but the whole place was infested with muggles! Why couldn't he have chosen a better place to relocate to in times of need? Like Egypt or Australia? Maybe Amsterdam? But no matter. His time here was at an end. The elegant missive that had just arrived had oh so graciously invited him to return safely, because, "The problem has been removed."

What did that mean? Was the terrible monster that Takeda had spoken of with fear tempered by awe destroyed? Or was it that his use had finally been ended and needing to dispose of a Malfoy, they were calling him to them?

He didn't think so, but the Dark Lord had driven some very harsh lessons into his skull. And the most significant one was that those who are useless die. And to an organization like Hakumei, any wizard at all was useless. On the other hand, said organization could just as easily behead him right where he was sitting, in the lap of anonymity.

At least the rest of his family was enjoying it. Narcissa had relished the chance to get out of that stuffy manor and actually have fun. She disappeared for hours on end and came back giggling like a little girl. Pureblood male chauvinist or not, some things you just did not want to know. The muggle city nearby was a possible cause, but at the end of the day, he really didn't care what she did in her free time. Unless it landed him in trouble that is.

Draco on the other hand seemed to be smiling a lot for some reason. It seemed that Hogwarts just did not agree with the boy. Sure, he knew that the whole of Slytherin belonged to the Malfoy heir, but something about the school seemed to make Draco bristle. But he wasn't going to interfere there. Draco would have to learn how to deal with whatever irritated him. Adapt or eliminate, that was how he himself had left his mark on the world all those years ago, when Lucius Malfoy was a more naive eleven year old.

Lucius did hope that it wasn't all those tales about Dumbledore that did it. It would be really something if his son was this way because he didn't like the Dumbledore Lucius had described.



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