
Chapter 33

Of the many things he had planned on, there were two things he did not want, with regards to sorting. First of all, he did not, under any circumstances want to be a Gryffindor. It was a simple matter of principle. The 'light' side or the 'good' side or whatever the name of Dumbledore's faction may be, they were primarily rooted in Gryffindor and its ideals by not getting into the lions pack, he would be distancing himself from whatever plans Dumbledore would no doubt have cooked up to portray him as the next coming of Godric Gryffindor. It was bad enough that the 'incident' ten years ago had already cemented his image as a savior of sorts. Which he was not. And no matter how much he wanted to appear part of the crowd, being openly part of a section or faction known to be unthinking idiots did not appeal to him. It was just plain wrong.

Slytherin was even more out of the question. For one thing, the snake theme was too reminiscent of Orochimaru for his liking. And the dark lord was a Slytherin, which definitely ruled it out. If he landed there, the chance that somebody might suddenly peg him as the next dark lord was too great. And from what he had seen till now, the wizarding world had just the right number of idiots for it to work. And no matter how much he identified with Naruto, there was no way he was going to purposely set up an entire society, one that he knew he would have to deal with regularly, to hate and fear him.

That left either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Truth be told, he didn't mind either one. On one side, Hufflepuff offered him the opportunity to keep an eye out for the foreign ninja who was already out there. On the other hand, Ravenclaw would let him freely engage in all sorts of research that he would otherwise be under scrutiny for doing. If he didn't have to genjutsu a library, why not?

He shrugged and began to change, making sure that his new robes had their storage seals in the right places. Using one for his new sword had been rather pointless at first when he realized that his quick-draw seal was on the inside of his shirt. That had been a particularly annoying revelation.


The train stopped and its passengers hurriedly emptied onto the dark and tiny platform. The scottish air seemed particularly cold and nobody seemed to be have the inclination to stick around more than absolutely necessary. There was a little confusion when the first years were herded away from the carriages, but Harry wasn't paying attention at the time. He merely followed the heavily accented cry of "Firs' years! Firs' years!" He managed to completely miss the sight of Hagrid tearing up when the half giant saw him. The nervous bunch of first years timidly followed the half giant(not that he knew that particular detail of course) down a steep and narrow path. The darkness and the menacing looking trees on either side almost made him snort at the absurdity of it all.

"Ye' all get yer firs' sight o' Hogwarts in a sec," Hagrid called over his shoulder, "jus' round this bend here"

There was a loud "Oooooh!"

The castle was quite impressive, standing tall, a vast structure perched atop a mountain on the other side of a great black lake, with many turrets and towers

Harry had to admit the castle was impressive, though he did comment that unless they had some really good magical defenses, it was not the best place to survive a siege. Then again, with magic, it should be possible to create an impenetrable fortress. But the castle did seem to have some hidden power. The sheer amount of magic he could sense around him was proof of that. The fact that he had not trained to sense magic, yet could sense something at all, even beyond his line of sight was proof of that. If nothing else, the old man had his base. A very majestic and spooky looking base at that. Filled with innocent civilians that would end up hostages in any battle. What a way to create a headache.

Hagrid shooed them all to a fleet of boats on the lake and once all were settled, he shouted "FORWARD!" and they were off.

Harry was ignored when he managed to be shuttled to a boat. Harry, had just as he got on, taken off his plain glasses and covered his scar. The other three on the boat did not recognize and pester him. Harry spent the time contemplating his actions and plans. He also occasionally glanced at the castle that was now towering over them.


In another boat, Takeda and Draco sat quietly with Crabbe and Goyle. There was a tense silence in the air, disturbing the pristine calmness of the boat as it glided slowly towards the castle. Draco was the first to speak, albeit in a low voice.

"You are Tetsuya?"

The ninja stretched and cracked his knuckles.

"Yes I am... Draco-kun. I assume your father told you about what is expected from you?"

The sneer in his voice could not have been more apparent. Even the somewhat touched in the head minion twins growled at the tone. Draco however raised his hand, motioning them to stop. There was no sense antagonizing power. Tetsuya looked rather amused at this theatrical display of subservience.

Draco on the other hand was on an entirely different plane of thought. He had heard things from his father. He knew this was a boy who had killed far more powerful magical entities than his father could dream to be. He knew that with one flick of a blade, his life, and probably the lives of everyone in the castle would be forfeit, because a child willed it. At this very moment, he had some inkling of what it was like for his father to be in the dark lords presence. His father had said that this child was a warrior, an incredible engine of devastation, one that it would not be in the Malfoys interest to alienate, insult or antagonize. This whole train of thought was confirmed in one fraction of a second in which Malfoy peeked at the other boy to see him watching the three purebloods out of the corner of his slit eyes with what could be best described as amused disinterest.



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