


Providence Headquaters

Now we see ben, zed, ship, rex, six, holly, bobo, white knight and paradox in some lab. They arrive here so they can discuss something that will be very important to them and the danger of the world.

White knight :"So what do you want to discuss with us?"

Ben :"Well how I start..."

Ben is talking about A dark entity from another dimebsion with an army that want to invade the multiverse, if they didn'tvstop them they multiverse will be in this entity hand, they sent the dementors that was spread throughout the multiverse to invade each every universes so they are here to kill them.

The others were silent about what they heard, a dark entity, invasion, multiverse threat this is crazy they never face anything like this, this is also the first time they heard of it.

Bobo :"So what you mean is there is a dementor in our world, and you need to destroy it before they place a portal device before they can invade?"

Ben :"exactly"

Rex :"So where is this dark dementor you are talking about?" he asked them.

Paradox :"As a matter of fact young rex, he is going to invade..."

Before paradox finifh his sentence there is a red alert.

Paradox :"Now"

Six :"Let's go to the control room to check what is going on."

They go to the control room to see the peiple there are working on their holographic screen computer and there are two black and red color monster in the screen.

white knight :"What is the situation?"

Providence monitor :"Sir there is two creatures that was in the abandoned city and seems like they are trying to plant somekind of device."

They see the screem somekind of humanoid creature, they have claws and they have a crocodile jaws.

Ben :"Wait a minute isn't that the city we fight alpha?" he remember their fight with the alpha.

Rex :"Yeah I think it is."

Ben :"So what are we waiting for? let's go and smash this thing to pieces."

Rex :"All right let's go."

Six :"Wait hold on" he wasn't finish speaking and they are gone.

Bobo :"Well they seem like they are very energetic and eager want to fight these monsters."

Holly :"We can't blame them after all before they already working together." she shrugged her shoulders.

White knight meanwhile is silent looking at them go.

Ben and rex are running towards the hangar, they see zed and ship there, "Zed, ship where is paradox?"

zed :"Paradox left us here to wait for you two so we can go to smash those monster together."

Ben nod his head while rex is confused.

Rex :"Um ben, who are these two?"

Ben :"I will explain later in the trip for now let's go and pound those two monsters so they cannot invade your world."

Rex nod and ben see ship, "Ship You know what to do," said ben.

Ship :"Ship ship ship"

Ship turn into a spaceship, rex is surprised by this "Woah, what the hell, how can that thing do that?"

Ben :"Well do you remember upgrade?"

Rex remember when the two of them fuse and fight alpha "Oh so that's why, but why can't you change into like this?" he pointed out to the spaceship.

Ben :"Well I can't do that and by the way her name is ship, let's go rex, zed."

He get in the ship rex and zed also get in the ship to fight the two dementors. They are flying there with great speed.


DC omniverse, prime earth, watchtower

Superman :"So we are going to see both of them fight."

Dr.Fate :"I really want to know the abilities this rex salazar do."

Cyborg :"Wait did that thing name ship just turn into a spaceship?" he pointed out.

They see ship trun into a spaceship which surprise them, they disn't expect that littlw thing turn into a spaceship.

They agreed they also want to see rex salazar powers and wants to know more about him.

MHA Universe

1-A Dorm

Kirishima :"Hey guys what do you think those rex salazar quirk is?"

Ojiro :"Maybe magnetism?"

Denki :"Electricity?"

seto :"Maybe create something."

Tsuyu :"That ship is adorable."

momo :"Did ship turn into a spaceship, but thats's impossible that thing is so unsceincetific." she see in disbelief that a slime alien just turn into a spaceship.

Todoroki :"Seems like it was more than meets the eye we are seeinv right now," he is also surprised of what ship can do.

They gussed of what rex salazar quirk is and what he can do, midoriya is writing and drawing rex and is guessing what is his quirk.

Percy jackson

Camp half blood

Grover :"Hey guys what do you think his powers?"

Annabeth :"I don't know but there are many like super strength, flight, fire, speed, etc."

Percy :"Maybe it has to do with water powers or you know earth powers?" he also guessed.

The two of them look at him "What I can guess to you know," percy pointed out to them and they look back at the screen.


We can see they are now arrive at the abandon city, they land at the street and walk out of ship.

Ben :"Ship you go airborn and provide us some support from above."

Ship :"Ship ship" she agree with ben.

After ship is flying, The three of them see the monster in the middle of the street preparing the portal in the middle of the street.

Monster 1 :"Hey you smell that?"

Monster 2 :"Yes, I can smell it too, seems like we've got company."

The two monsters look behind their back and see two people and a dog walk to them. They now are face to face without talk and each side knew they are going to fight without talking.


Description :Humangausaur is an alien called vasaxaurian they are an alien like dinosaur from the planet terradino, they can grow their size, their power increase as their size become bigger.

Rex :"An alien dinosaur nice one" rex hand turn blue with lines and his hand turn into giant metal gloves.


Description :He is a 19 year old huamn EVO, Being an EVO, Rex Salazar can build a variety of machines with his nanites at will. Dubbed as 'builds', Rex's machines can be utilized for transportation or offensive attacks. They are infused with his limbs and add to his enhanced physical condition.

Zed turn into some kind of dinosaur with four legs and three arms

Description : Tyrannopede has a large, segmented purple and gray body and a red head resembling that of a Carnotaurus or a Tyrannosaurus with a horn on her forehead. Tyrannopede has four legs and six small arms with two clawed fingers on them. This is the predator of vasaxaurian or humungausaur.


DC Omniverse, prime earth, watchtower

Green arrow :"Seems like the three of them are having a new powers and forms."

Hal jordan :"Wait did ben just turn into a dinosaur?" he pointed out.

They look at ben and surprised because they did just see him turn into a dinosaur.

Barbara :"Wait so all this time dinosaur is an alien?" she was stunned.

Raven :"His name is humungausaur." she is still surprised about dinosaur still alive let alone alien dinosaur.

Wally :"This is so cool, a dinosaur, a living freaking dinosaur." he has stars in his eyes.

Ms.Martian :"An alien dinosaur to be exact." she corrected him.

Aqualad :"And appareantly zed just turn into humungausaur predator," he pointed out.

Wonder woman :"This alien called Tryannopede is like the combination of Tryanosaurus and a centipede," she is intrigued by this predator.

Mr.Terrific :"Amazing seems like this rex have some kind of nanomachines in his body to build weapons based on his imagination." he is amazed by what rex powers is.

Red tornado :"And appareantly also this rex salazar age is similiar to ben."

Black canary :"Seems like the hero that was shown so far is young, their age is not different from the younger heroes."

Batman see the three of them to write each notes of them and see if they have some kind of weakness.

MHA Universe


Denki :"HOLY SHIT, A freaking living dinosaur." he is excited to see a history animal.

Tokoyami :"An alien dinosaur to be exact."

Sero :"Right, we were gonna see alien dinosaur to fight."

Kirishima :"That is so manly" he was pumped to see a dinosaur fightning.

Lida :"Appareantly zed turn into the predator of humungausaur."

Shoji :"It looks like the combination fo T-rex and a centipide."

Ojiro :"Smack hands? huh I don't know but the name sounds fitting for it." he see the name of the metal hands rex use.

momo :"Incredible so this rex salazar is just like me." she is surpirsed there is someone similiar to her quirk.

Hagakure :"What do you mean momo?"

momo :" What I mean is this rex salazar is like me but instead of creating materials he can create weapons from his body, he also has nanomachines or called nanites in his own world which is very impossible since our world never create or close to something like that." she is incredibly amazed by rex quirk, she really want to see what more he can built.

Midoriya is drawing and writing in his notebook, he is fascinated in rex nanomachines or called nanites, it means he can built anything in his imagination, the nanites is similiar to nanomachines which is practiaclly impossible in his world because they aren't even manage to create, he also see the name of the metal hands rex built, he also take notes of zed and ben new transformation and abilities which appareantly they are similiar to dinosaur.

DXD universe, underworld, peace treaty

They see the description of these aliens and rex's powers

Falbium :"Is that a dinosaur?" he was agaped of what he see.

Sirzech :"Yeah appareantly we see a living dinosaur, an alien one to be exact." he is stunned of an actual living dinosaur although it is an alien.

Ajuka :"Nanomachines," he muttered in disbelief, he just see rex power and description, he wants to go to rex's world to know how his nanomachines work.

Azazel is the same as ajuka he wants to know how did the nanomachines in rex work and can use to make weapons from his body.

Issei :"WOW, look a living dinosaur." he is jaw dropped to see a living dinosaur.

Tsubaki :"zed just turn into humungausaur predator."

Seekvaria :"I cannot believe dinosaur is still alive." she is equally surprised as the others, although she like mechs, she also know about dinosaurs.


The monster go attack ben with great speed, but ben see this and throw a punch, the monster also throw a punch at ben, their fist collide and the monster thrown fat back, ben see this go after hima and also zed.

The other also fight rex but he is getting bigger, he threw a punch at rex but rex dodge the attack he punch the monster and dodge his attack, the monster is angry and threw a punch with great speed hitting rex and threw him back.

B.F.S (Big Fat Sword)

Rex gets up and turn his hand into a sword, the monster hands turn into a sword they fight again using swords. Meanwhile ben is punching the other monster with zed, ben was punching monster but got thrown back into the building and its was destroyed.

Zed roared at him and using it's tail hitting him, he turn into hyptonick freezing him and he turn into crabdozer charge into the monster and got throw the monster away. Zed think this is over but appareantly there is a laser coming at him he dodge sideways, he look at his back and an enormous explosion occured.

He look back at the monster and see him getting back up, the monster roared at her, but he was getting hit by laser guns and rockets, the monster look up to see ship, ship supporting them from above.

Rex meanwhile is doing a sword fight with the other monster and their slash is getting fast.


THe multiverse now see the four of them fight wheter it is humans, heroes, villains, gods, demigods, monsters, and many more beings watch these fights.

DXD universe, underworld

Saji :"Damn, look at them go," he is excited about the fight.

Sona :"Seems like the monster ben is fighting is very strong, while rex is having difficult of having swordsmanship fight with the other monster." she analyze the fight.

Seekvaria :"I agree, we can see zed and ship are fighting that monster although it hurt the monster is still not enough."

Serafall :"Big fat sword what kind of name is that?" she is very confused of the name rex's sword.

Venelana :"Appareantly he has a...unique name sense."

Falbium :"Those two situation is not good."

Odin :"I agree they are going to get killed if they didn't have a plan." he and the other sense those two monster are strong even they will have difficulty defeating them.

Percy jackson universe, olympus

Ares :"What a great fight," he is bired because there is no fight but now he is excited.

Apollo :"Those two monsters are no joke," he can feel the power of those two are stringer than the other dementor before.

Athena :"They need a quick strategy if they wanted to defeat them." she really think this battle will be a complete defeat for ben and rex if they do not have a strategy to defeat them.

Artemis :"Hmph, men and their way of thingking brute force without a strategy is winning."

Camp halfblood

Grover :"Shit appareantly ben and rex was completly overwhelmed." he looks the two have some difficulty.

Annabeth :"I agree they need a quick complete strategy to finish them off." she thinks the same way as her mother.


Humungausaur get out of the rubble and transform into a magma golem.


Description :Heatblast is an alien called pyronite from the planet pyrus, they live in a star, they have an immense strong fire powers and they can also fly, these alien can also go supernova, they also can go supernova. They are very hard and difficult to fight because their immense heat and fire.

Ben is firing many fire balls at the monster hurting him, ship is also attack the monster with his weapons, zed move forward and hold him. The monster got irritated so he punch zed far away knock him down, turn his right arm into cannon and fire laser at ship knocking him down.

Heatblast :"ZED, SHIP" he look at them got knocked out.

Soon he look at the monster wants to fire at him, he quickly turn into XLR8 and run at him with full speed and turn into humungausaur and punch him hard it goes through three buildings destroying them. Ben see the monster gets up go after him.

Rex is still fight using swords and he is flying using some sort of jetpack.


He also turn his right hand into a cannon and fire at the monster from above.


The montser see this git hit from abive while rex is still firing the monster, The monster fire laser powers from his mouth while rex dodge the laser powers and keep firing using his slam cannon.


They multiverse see The intense fight of the two of them against two monsters, they are wreaking the entire city all the area are either destroyed or blow it up.

Marve multiverse, comics multiverse, unknown

Avengers tower

Wonder man :"Geez, look at them their fight just destroying the city and blow up the buildings around them."

The avengers, Xmen, fantastic four, inhumans, and defenders see the fight in Avengers tower.

Professor X :"Both of them are strong not to mention those two monsters are equal to them."

Johnny storm :"Heatblast huh, seems like this guys are worth to fight."

Thing :"Hang on there hotshot, don't you see what the description said, it is said they can go supernova, that means they are strong and can destroy the entire planet." He reminded johnny.

Johnny :"Wait really...I didn't see that," he is sweating right now.

Janet :"Damn look at them go, they are now like people who does not give up until one of them is down."

Hulk :"Hulk likes the two of them, I want to fight them." he smash his fist hand into his palm.

Nanatsu no taizai, boar's Hat

Ban :"Damn, they are appareantly going to destroy everything in their path if they keep going in this fight." he is excited see this fight.

King :"Those two monsters are strong but ben and rex is also strong too, we just need to see how this ends."

Gowther :"They really need a good attack to finish this fight or they would be exhausted and got defeated." he is reminding them that ben and rex is hard fighting both of them.

One piece, after wano arc

Luffy :"They are so strong I want to recruit them to be my crew." he smiled looking at the two of them fight.

Nami :"Luffy may I remind you they are not in our world and if they are do not recruit them." she is tired of her crew getting troubles and if they add more like them she will get more headache.

Sanji :"Seems like ben and rex are struggling to fight those monsters, I can't blame them those monsters are strong."


Rex dive down and turn his hands into smack hands ounching the monster to the ground he backed up and see something coming from above he see a diamind crystal man was thrown beside him and getting up.

Diamonhead :"OW" he rubbed his head.

Rex :"Hey ben you good?"

Diamonhead :"yeah I am okay"

They heard a roar and they see the monster fighting ben is in front of them and the other monster is getting up. Each side are just staring each other with intense and suddenly there was a bright light in those two monsters, ben and rex cover their eyes.

A minute later they see what is in fron ot them in disbelief, they see a monster that was big and have sharp claws on hand and legs, there are fire in his head and body, and his face is skull-like and also he gained an armor.

Ben :"Did they just combine into that?" he looked at rex and pointing at the monster.

Rex :"Yeah, I think they did."

??? :"Now you can call us, DEVASTATOR." He spew out a lava breath from his mouth, ben and rex dodge to the back.

Devastator armor shoulders turn into missles and fire at them.

Ben and rex see this "RUN" they said at the same time, rex form boogie pack and ben turn into some red manta ray.


Description : jetray and alien name Aerophobian from the planet Aeropela, they can fly very fast and they can also fly in space, they can shoot lasers from their eyes and tail, they can also go light speed if they are traveling.


MHA Universe

1-A Dorm

Seto :"Shit, did that monster just combine and getting stronger?" he stared in disbelief.

Jiro :"Yes I think they just did," she is jawdropped at that.

Hagakure :"Oh no ben and rex are going to be killed if they are not getting away from thise missles."

Bakugo :"Appareantly they are weak they cannot defeat that devastator."

Seto :"Well tell that to yourself, I bet you will also lose fighting those two monsters and that devastator."

Bakugo :"SHUT IT, You tape face."

Midoriya is taking notes of those monsterd

devastator and an alien called jetray ben transformed into.

Present mic :"Shit, did they just combine each other?" he is surprised.

Midnight :"Yes, I think they just did," she is stunned but confirm the statement.

Nezu :"Appareantly ben and rex is going to be dead right now if they don't run." he feels that both of them are going to die from devastator and he was also surprised of the combination of those two monsters.

Shuumatsu no valkyrie, before the fight of ragnarok.

Loki :"Seems like those two humans are now losing this fight." he is smiling looking at those two flee.

The gods and humans are watching the fight in the screen, first they thought they were attack but they dismissed that thought and watch it.

Hermes :"Who can blame them those monsters are strong and they combine each other to become more stronger," he explained to them.

Brunhilde is still thinking of how get those two in the fight against the gods, she already see what those two can do and they will be helpful in raganarok.


Devastator is firing missiles everywhere, he is destroying the intire city even the mounstains and forest are also got destroyed. Ben and rex are flying to avoid those missiles from hitting them. They see the missiles together and they were heading for each other both of them know what are they gonna do, they gonna do so they go each other and once they got closer they fly otger directions and the missiles hit each other.

They land on the intact building and see devastator roar to the sky and see the clouds are gone with his roar alone. They see the city and outside the city burn and desytroyed.

Rex :"Shit what are we gonna do? we are not strong enough to defeat him." he is getting desperate.

Ben is in human form is also thingking of how defeat this being and he got and idea.

Ben :"Hey rex remember our fight with alpha?" he reminded rex.

Rex :"Yeah, why?"

Ben is smiling at him "Then you need an upgrade."

Rex is surprised of what ben said and he smile

remember their fight against alpha.

Ben change into something similiar to ship


Description : Upgrade has a black exterior with green stripes that resemble circuitry all over him. The green circle on his head is his eye, which glows whenever he talks. His body is made up of billions of small cell-like creatures called nanites. This alien was created by the creator of the omnitrix, Azmuth. This alien called Galvanic mecamorph from the planet galvan b the moon of the planet azmuth live.


Marvel multiverse, comics multiverse, unknown

Avengers tower

Tony :"Incredible, so this alien called upgrade can make technology better and more powerful?" he is surprised of the function of this alien.

Reed :"Yes and appareantly it was created by the creator of the omnitrix azmuth."

They see the name of the creator of the omnitrix and taking notes.

DC Multiverse, prime earth watchtower

Hal jordan :"So this race was created by this alien called azmuth huh?"

Hawkman :"Also he is the creator of the omnitrix."

John Stewart :"How the hell did azmuth create an alien?" he see in disbelief that someone can create such an alien race.

Flash :"I don't know but this guy name azmuth must be a genius to create an alien species like upgrade."

The one who is intrigued are Mr.Terrific, batman, and the heroes who is smart, they really want to see what kind of upgrade that can make the machines better and stronger.

Shuumatsu no Valkyrie, before the fight of raganrok.

Aphrodite :"So the one who named azmuth created this alien and the omnitrix."

Ares :"Why the hell did this azmuth create such a device and give it to human?" he is confused by why azmuth give it to a human like ben, why not a great species like gods.

Zeus :"That azmuth must have a reason to give this tool to this human."

Hermes :"Or that human just steal it from him."

He also suggest something.

Human chambers

All the fighters of humanity are gather in a room full of snacks, a couch and chairs.

Nikola tesla :"Amazing seems like this azmuth must be a genius." he is amazed of what the creator of the omnitrix make, azmuth just make a watch that can turn alien across the universe and now make a new species that can upgrade technology to become more superior, he really want to see this person.


Ben goes to rex and melt inside of him, Rex body turn into upgrade suit and his mask is similiar to ben and there is Holographic tech inside of it.

Ben :"All right rex you ready?"

Rex :"Do you need to ask?"


Rex boogie pack just change into upgrade color and fly very fast than his own boogie pack.


The multiverse Now see what is rex and ben can do when they combine their forces together into one. They really want to know how powerful can they be after merging with each other.

Chapitre suivant