
Chapter 203: Away From Irminsul?! Pt 4


"Porume complimented with a bow as Shozu turned to face him."

Porume / Shikamaru's POV (Hidden Meeting Place of KDA - Leaf Village)


"I don't care if we're soldiers; whatever we are, we finally have the chance to make a move tonight." Shozu spat back fiercely. "The distraction should be soon, right? If we move before then, we'll be stopped before we can kill her."

"Of course, Hiro had just sent me word over the radio. I merely came to inform you of that and wish you all luck. You won't have very long, maybe five minutes in total. Are you confident you'll be able to overpower her in time?" Porume asked worriedly.

"That's what I'm worried about." Chama nervously spoke. "I don't mind killing her, but word is she's no joke, and if she uses the beast…"

"Don't worry about that. We have numbers on our side. Besides, I learned a special technique for her and her son should the need arise." Shozu assured, raising his now glowing hand. "I bribed some members of Intelligence to get some files on jinchuriki. They are known to be absurdly powerful when using the beast chakra and tend to be even more durable than most Shinobi. Normally, even with numbers, she'd be a bit much for ten Chunin. However, I discovered the seal they used to bind it. I'm no Fuijutsu expert, but apparently, they used the Four Elements seal to seal the Kyuubi; I don't quite understand it, but I did learn this little technique, the Five Elements Seal, if it is placed on top of it, we can count on it weakening the bitch. Supposedly, it'll cut off her access to the beast entirely."

"Meaning the bitch will be every bit as human as us when we kill her." Imuchi chimed in.

"Exactly. Besides, I'm a Nara; we never just have one plan," Shozu said with humor. "Should we start to lose, we'll retreat. While we would have been fighting the entire time, several Genin under the KDA would have planted explosives around the whole block. Even if we can't kill her directly, we'll blow her sky-high. She dies tonight," Shozu promised darkly.

However, their conversation was interrupted as a grating sound cut through the building. The gathered Shinobi tensed and flinched as they witnessed an odd sight. Two normal-looking katana had somehow pierced the thick metal garage door. The group gasped as the katana began to slowly slice upwards. Both slowly but surely cutting a giant rectangle through the door. Upon meeting, the two katanas withdrew, and for a moment, there was silence.

"Shit!" Shozu cried out, in a hurry he grabbed Imuchi, and threw her to run with him; he shoved Chama towards Porume, who gasped as the large man lifted him with ease. "Bug out!" The Nara whispered as the three raced to the back of the KDA's hideout. The other members were stunned and confused; Porume was as well.

"Why in Kami's dear name are we fleeing-"

Porume stopped in shock as a thunderous crash sounded, breaking the cut garage door down and creating a new door. The culprit seemed to be a large smoking hand that dispersed into the building, forming a large crowd of smoke around the entrance.

"Smoke? Is that Dez?" Porume asked in shock. However, he was not answered immediately as Shozu forced a mask over Porume's face. He went still and he realized why. They were hiding his identity.

"No doubt," Shozu whispered back. "Word is the Police Force is looking into us after my failed attack on the damn Kyuubi, this is a raid."

"That it would be youse miserable bastards." A voice assured as Dez, Chief of the Police force marched through the smoke. "No need to proclaim your innocence; we've been watching this little powwow for a while. You're all officially under arrest by the authority of the police force. Don't attempt to weasel your way out, Hokage-sama already gave the okay for this little raid."

"It always helps to be patient. It makes it easy to build a case when they state their intent to commit crime so openly." Another lazier voice chimed in. A lazy-eyed young man and a young woman with twin buns in her hair followed Dez. Porume and Shozu flinched at once. Shikamaru Nara, the heir of the Nara Clan, was present, as was his teammate Tenten. Both had been shown to be fairly strong. And with Nara looking into things, the KDA was in grave danger.

Shozu audibly growled with hatred as he locked eyes with Shikamaru. "What the hell is a Nara doing with the Police Force?!" He cried out.

"Well, it just so happens this KDA is targeting a good friend of mine. See, I'm close with Naruto Uzumaki, close enough to know for certain he'd be pretty broken up if Kushina was killed. Hell, I would be, too. So once I heard wind of you drumming up support for this little group, I decided to join my own organization to oppose you. You're looking at the newest Lieutenant of the Police Force, Shikamaru Nara. Don't worry about that little distraction, by the way. Shizune and Sai will take care of that." 

"Fitting," Shozu said with forced calm. "However, it's insulting that you think the three of you will be enough to stop us. We'll kill you and ensure they never find your bodies. You should've brought back up! GET THEM!"

With his cry, the seven remaining Chunin hesitated before slowly marching forward. They surely did not wish to do this, but Shozu knew their fear of being outed would ensure they listened.

"Of course this goes pear shaped! I was hoping to smash these creeps' heads!" Tenten roared angrily as several weapons spun around her with an audible buzz. She raced forward, meeting the group of three Inuzuka for a spirited round of close combat.

"Can't leave a lady to do all da hard work!" Dez cried out as he smashed into the Hyuga attempting to blindside Tenten, and spat a ball of smoke at an Inuzuka. Shozu watched as the young lady engaged with the Inuzuka, seemingly matching all three; the Hyuga and one of the remaining Inuzuka attempted to double-team Dez. He was holding his own, spitting out smoke in belts. Shikamaru seemed to sigh as he dodged beetles and the wild slashes of the remaining Inuzuka. Even the Civilians present picked up anything close by to attempt to attack the interlopers. Though noticeably were rightfully hesitant.

"Yes, the KDA stands strong!" Porume called with glee.

"Yeah, well, I don't intend to risk it," Shozu said with finality. Porume watched in shock as he nodded to the other two, and the three stepped out the back door as the others were fighting.

"We can't leave the others!" Porume cried out in anguish. He had worked hard to assemble this force, who could allow it to be snuffed out.

"Yes, we can." Shozu countered. "We can't afford for me or you to be caught, it'll be the end for the KDA. Furthermore, nothing there will actually lead to the other council members or anyone important. It'll work out in time if we make a clean getaway!" He cried as the four raced out; however, they stopped as they saw a woman waiting for them at the front. Tsunade Senju, one of the three Sannins, stood guard.

"No fucking way!" Imuchi cried out in fear.

"We're screwed!" Chama agreed, dropping Porume stunned.

"Don't be so quick to count me out," Shozu declared as he stood with the two in front of Porume. I have a plan for her, too; we just need to buy some time."

Porume watched in with a sinking feeling in his gut. Despite Shozu's words, he knew of Tsunade and her power. They stood no chance…

"Are you sure, Shozu?" Imuchi asked hesitantly but noticeably calmer now that Shozu spoke. "I mean if he has a plan…

"Shozu wouldn't lie to us!" Chama agreed with ease. "The Ino-Shika-Cho can take anyone!"

"To think the Nara found you all so quickly…" Tsunade spoke congenitally as she approached the three Shinobi and disguised council members. "I didn't intend to get involved originally, but when Dez mentioned a whole little company dedicated to this, I knew I had to. You see, you all are targeting Naruto, and he's someone I'm watching closely, I can't allow you little freaks to interfere. Besides, I happen to like Kushina; we need more women with attitudes in this world."

"Chama, go all out! Imuchi back him up! Give me one opening, and I'll take her down with one move!" Shozu assured as his two friends raced forward. Porume watched in awe as Chama became larger than the building they had hidden in and launched a decisive jab at Tsunade. The woman casually flicked the attack away despite its side while dodging a kunai thrust from Imuchi, nearly beheading her before she just barely managed to dodge.

Porume's spectating was broken, however, when he was snatched and carried off by Shozu as Chama and Imuchi fought a losing battle. Due to Shozu, the two landed on top of a roof and raced from rooftop to rooftop to escape. "You're friends! They stand no chance against Tsunade!" Porume pointed out. "We need to go back, perhaps if we use a sneak attack.

"They don't. Hell, with her attitude, they'll be lucky to survive at all. And even if I did somehow hit her with something I know for a fact she'll just recover nearly instantly. Trust me, it's the only way for us to get away. We'll have to assume someone will be captured and squeal, meaning we, and the KDA as a whole, are officially on the run." Shozu informed the Porume.

Porume felt dread becoming his being as he realized not only his career as councilman and Head of a department was over but his life as a citizen of the Leaf. "My life is over…"

"No no it's… well… maybe it is… or should be."

A little earlier this time finally. Tired and have more writing to do, hope your day is going well and you enjoyed. Thanks for reading, Peace~!

AfroLordcreators' thoughts
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